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View Full Version : Patience is still the key!

08-26-2011, 12:21 PM
Here goes another one of my "pointless" threads. I can tell everyone is confused yet again and the devs arent trying to make your lives worse by removing dual specing its just a period were there trying to simplify things and they need 1 or more client updates to do that. Hang in there everyone!

More of the devs plans from the technical issues section if you want to check it out:
click me for more info (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?34869-Dual-Spec-ing-and-List-of-Issues-We-re-Working-On)

•We will be making Respec's free for at least the next weekend so that players can experiment with their builds.
•Items level 45 and up will have their statistic requirements reduced so that equipment you used to be able to stat boost and equip will be equip-able without stat boosting.
•In a future client update we will be making the User Interface display your base stats so that you will know which items you can equip and which you cannot.
•Base stats will continue to be used to determine if you can equip an item or not.
•Dual spec'ing is alive and well! We encourage you to use the above free respecs to refine your build for maximum PWNAGE!
•The changes to items and free respecs will go out with the next game update.

08-26-2011, 12:52 PM
Dude, thanks for the warm, interesting information. It calms some people down a bit. Not pointless at all.

08-26-2011, 04:30 PM
See guys, what do ya know they fixed it!