View Full Version : Who will dominate PVP now? --With Update--

08-26-2011, 08:47 PM
Do you think it will be any different? Will there be a dominance switch from archer to maybe dex/str bears? What you think?

Also what about PVE? I love my 20 MP regen, dex mage

08-26-2011, 09:37 PM
Warbirds, intbirds, dexmages, paladins, dexbears and intbears got advantage of this update.

Dexbears and warbirds are now very strong in pvp. :]

08-26-2011, 09:42 PM
war birds were strong before

08-27-2011, 06:34 AM
I fail to see how this make warbirds better. Dex bears yes. But I've gotten to play against the new str armor bow bears and they're not unkillable. I always found bears were a bit underpowered in PVP and this kinda allows a more even spectrum.

08-27-2011, 07:52 AM
So pure dex Pvp bird won't be good anymore???

08-27-2011, 09:20 AM
So pure dex Pvp bird won't be good anymore???

I would have to say no. Pure int is also not effective as before.

08-27-2011, 11:54 AM
the balance has been thrown off quite a lot, yes...

08-27-2011, 12:19 PM
Hmm. After awhile of PvP tonight, I could safely say I dont think there's one overpowered class anymore. Maybe I haven't seen a newly built character though, still remember seeing sparkles a lot. I can tell you one thing though, PvP got weirder. Lol.

08-27-2011, 12:33 PM
PVP hasn't changed that much. A few new builds but for the most part it remains the same with bears getting an overall face lift. (BOUT TIME!) My pure bird still got plenty of kills and my bear has a few extra options. now. Still requires skill and patience.

@Elly - as always, the runs were fun!

08-27-2011, 12:55 PM
This has caused some 55 pinks to go to a lower closer to normal price now.
Now I am better at pvp with mm wand fury armor fury helm bodyguard shield though and in skills i put max everything that does damage and maxed buffs
wish I could buy fury shield but my mm bracer won't sell
mana regen is still pretty good 25 m/s 23 h/s if I had fury shield 31 m/s 29 h/s

P.S. this post is a mess

08-27-2011, 01:33 PM
My bear has gone from 1/4 k/d ratio to 1/3!
Been havin fun with str/dex and dex/int.
Pretty much havin a bit more fun in pvp.

08-27-2011, 03:04 PM
This update let's you use builds that you would never even think about but now they can actually be pulled off. I've been doing a str/dex bear and it is very fun. Yes, it's good in pvp, but it is killable. I still think dextresses can pull out the win in this update... Or is that just Kelly? xD

08-27-2011, 03:45 PM
So.... what about pure dex birds with the lvl cap comin out i might consider changing, while i got free respecs, to match the new lvl cap. itll save me 2 plat.