View Full Version : pvp issue

08-26-2011, 10:21 PM
I know pvp will be coming out soon, and im just concerned engineers wont be to good for pvp. They lack a lot in attack spells. Thoughts?

08-27-2011, 06:24 AM
They have suppression which stuns the opponent allowing you to regen, pot, fire other skills.
Pain stuns (allowing you to run away if needed), then explodes.
Alternate them both to keep the opponent in an infinite stunned mode.

Keep laying out Leech, Wither, Transference, Protection buff, and Empathy when needed. I don't see what class is better than an Engineer honestly :p

09-25-2011, 12:12 PM
My Engineer has pvp.
What does this mean?
And why do other players have dungeon?

Any help will be appreciated :)

09-25-2011, 12:51 PM
Pvp= player vs. Player.
If you meant the pvp in your game stats, it just means the number of kills and deaths from the pvp maps.
You can either join pvp maps from the main menu, or host your own. There are 2 types- capture the flag and normal pvp
Dungeon is just another word for different game maps where its PVE (player versus environment.)

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09-25-2011, 07:05 PM
I agree with noneo here. Engineers have the potential to be THE pvp class. It's all in the skill specs. Also, it would be safe to assume there will be some "balance" changes to all classes when pvp does come out. If not immediately, then shortly after.

09-25-2011, 08:28 PM
I know pvp will be coming out soon, and im just concerned engineers wont be to good for pvp. They lack a lot in attack spells. Thoughts?

Will ... I get the feeling that when PvP first debuts, it won't be balanced and the devs will balance it based off of feedback.

On paper, I'm not sure what to do against Ops:

1. Lurch - stuns you and knocks you back (and it's a 12m skill)

2. Flames - stuns even more

3. Amplify pain - like break armor in PL

4. Neural shock - debuffs damage

5. Any combination of main attacks, mind wrack, sympathetic, etc.

The shield probably won't stand more than 2-3 attacks at level 6, unless damage is vastly nerfed. Protection won't be very effective either. I suppose that transferrence or leech early might work, but if they debuff it won't be effective. One huge variable is whether or not empathy removes status conditions. If it doesn't, lets just say that engineers could very well be target practice for commandos and ops.

Pain does have a 12m range, but ops have dodge, as do commandos, so statistically, things are against the op and they are likely to each get one shot off ...

Hmm, on paper at least, things are against the engineer. Of course, both of us are heavily assuming that the mechanics will be similar to PL. Between us, I wish that the PL enchantress would get her space gear on and come to SL. We need that drain life, fire blast, and lightning.

09-25-2011, 09:53 PM
i find it funny how every one is worrying about how things are class vs class star legends is a team based game everyones gonna want a engineer in their party for heals every ones gonna want commandos in their party for multiple knockdowns everyones gonna want ops in their party for imba damage its gonna be paper rock scissors in pvp no class is gonna be left out even with how things are even now

09-25-2011, 10:49 PM
DPS is DPS an operative is pretty straightforward, they cannot throw any tricks at you. If you watch your opponent after there first string you will know exactly what they are going to do and it will be relatively easy to read and react. But I'm a fighting game guy so I am always looking at my opponent before I look at myself.

In a group environment I see a lot of engineers rerolling(or just not using their engi in pvp) because they will be targeted first, as is the norm with most PvP environments.

09-26-2011, 12:15 AM
i find it funny how every one is worrying about how things are class vs class star legends is a team based game everyones gonna want a engineer in their party for heals every ones gonna want commandos in their party for multiple knockdowns everyones gonna want ops in their party for imba damage its gonna be paper rock scissors in pvp no class is gonna be left out even with how things are even now

You are forgetting that there are 1v1s too. It's not all FFA or CTF.

Draco Mikato
09-26-2011, 10:18 PM
If suppression works the same way on pvp opponents as it does pve, it might give us a great advantage to recuperate.

09-27-2011, 04:42 AM
If suppression works the same way on pvp opponents as it does pve, it might give us a great advantage to recuperate.

To begin with, with ops, they can lurch at 12m. You in theory could cast suppression. But statistically things are against you. Ops have blur which buffs dodge, so the probability that they can get you stunned without being stunned themselves is high.

09-27-2011, 09:33 AM
It will not be that easy for any one class to erase another class unless their gear is subpar to the other. If your any good and your gear is top notch you already stand a chance. Varying skill builds will increase an engineers odds vs both Operatives and Commandos.

09-27-2011, 02:53 PM
If suppression works the same way on pvp opponents as it does pve, it might give us a great advantage to recuperate.

So against an engi using suppression, dodge is going to play a HUGE roll!!

09-27-2011, 05:28 PM
It is important to remember that commandoes and operatives can both buff their crit and defenses to a greater extent.

Operative: Blur + Precision (It's notable that these buffs are both short in duration. However if PvP is as fast paced as it is in PL, that won't be a serious weakness)
Commando: Increase mass (maxed) + Growing Rage

What do engineers have in terms of buffs?
- Protection does not offer nearly the defensive capabilities of increase mass nor the brief dodge of blur
- Shield can be overwhelmed and even with shield and protection, it's not the buff increase that increased mass has to offer

The biggest problem by far is the lack of offensive buffs. There's no blessings of might here. That means the damage output will be significantly less, even for dedicated attack engineers.

09-27-2011, 09:56 PM
It is important to remember that commandoes and operatives can both buff their crit and defenses to a greater extent.

Operative: Blur + Precision (It's notable that these buffs are both short in duration. However if PvP is as fast paced as it is in PL, that won't be a serious weakness)
Commando: Increase mass (maxed) + Growing Rage

What do engineers have in terms of buffs?
- Protection does not offer nearly the defensive capabilities of increase mass nor the brief dodge of blur
- Shield can be overwhelmed and even with shield and protection, it's not the buff increase that increased mass has to offer

The biggest problem by far is the lack of offensive buffs. There's no blessings of might here. That means the damage output will be significantly less, even for dedicated attack engineers.

In PvP you have to have a different mind set.

The shield, IMO, in PvP is strictly to stop a burst of damage. Is it the greatest skill to have compared to others overall benefit no. But timed right can give you time for that tick of empathy to put you right back up.

Between 3 dots, 2 that will heal you, dodge seems of little worry to me. Watch for the animation try to time it correctly and beat it out with Suppresion.

It'll be all speculation until it comes out.

09-27-2011, 10:58 PM
In PvP you have to have a different mind set.

The shield, IMO, in PvP is strictly to stop a burst of damage. Is it the greatest skill to have compared to others overall benefit no. But timed right can give you time for that tick of empathy to put you right back up.

Between 3 dots, 2 that will heal you, dodge seems of little worry to me. Watch for the animation try to time it correctly and beat it out with Suppresion.

It'll be all speculation until it comes out.

Having played extensively with PvP on my mage, Attackelf, I agree that the mindset is different, but the gap here is simply too big. Both sides have +60% crit buffs! Admittedly, crit does not do as much damage as in PL compared to normal attacks, but that is still a huge advantage.

It takes several seconds to get a few DOT pulses. That is a long time in PvP.

09-28-2011, 01:29 AM
For me there are no issues yet.

Sam said in a post we wont see pvp maps soon anyway.

In theory or on paper, seems like pvp will turn one way or an other. When will we play we will actually see where it goes.
Sometimes it just turns into something else we would expect.

09-28-2011, 08:43 PM
I misunderstood a skill I will have to reevaluate some things.

I honestly feel it is the other classes that will have more worries about us than them.

10-03-2011, 02:05 PM
It would appear that the power curves are different.


So until we actually see it, it is probably pointless to make further discussions.

10-03-2011, 04:45 PM
Well, we can still make guesses and shots in the dark =)

For example, I would be willing to bet the engineer dots will tick a bit faster and maybe a shorter duration, heals could be instant for pvp.

On the other hand, we may see changes to other classes buff skills in pve. The operatives dodge buff is a good example with it's short duration and long cooldown is perfectly balanced for pvp but a shorter duration could make it a better pve option.

Just thoughts, nothing here that hasn't been noted elsewhere in some form or another. =)