View Full Version : Elixir bug when using orbs with elixirs

08-27-2011, 07:21 AM
As the 40 platinum 4x elixir was being offered for 30 plat as a deal of the day, I decided to try it with my level 56 character, Attackelf.

For the majority of the run, I used the elixir to solo the Catacombs. However, I noticed a bug. During some of my runs, Oil Slick took considerably longer (about 1 minute to kill), whereas in other runs, it took just 20 seconds. Furthermore, I noticed that in 3 of my runs, Trashheap took 3 minutes to kill. This is the same amount of time as would be expected when soloing without an elixir (based off of my previous experiences from soloing Trash Heap). When the elixir functioned properly Trash Heap could be killed in some cases within one minute.

It took me about 20 minutes and 1 death to find out, but after several runs, I discovered why. When you have an elixir and you use an orb, when the orb runs out, instead of returning you to the elixir state, it returns you to your "non-elixir state".

Concerned for my elixir, I opted not to do further testing with the orbs.

To reproduce this bug:

1. Get the 40 plat 4x elixir

2. Go to the Catacombs in the Balefort Sewers

3. Complete the level up to right before Oil Slick. There are 2 orbs in the path leading to the mini-boss' cave.

There are 3 possibilities:
25% chance of 2 red (damage orbs)
50% chance of a red (damage) and purple (armor) orb appearing
25% chance of 2 purple (armor orbs) appearing

If you grab the red orb, you will get double damage, which overrides the effects of the elixir, which are 3x. After the orb expires, you default back to 1x.
Similarly, using the purple orb will cause you to get 2x armor, overriding the elixir. After the orb wears off, you default back to 1x.
Getting both orbs will have both your damage and armor default to 2x, overriding the elixir, and then go back to 1x once the orbs wear off.

All other elixirs in the combo, such as luck appear to be unaffected.

I am not sure whether this bug can be reproduced in other levels I did one Gold Fever on top of my Catacombs runs, which is where I died. I believe that it was because of the orb bug.

Exiting the level will negate all effects of the orbs and return back to the default elixir state.

For now, I urge that all players with elixirs avoid using orbs, particularly orbs that affect attributes that they have elixirs on.

Other Information:
Phone: Samsung Epic 4G (Galaxy S variant)
Operating System: Cyanogenmod 7 (based off of AOSP 2.3.5)

08-28-2011, 06:02 AM
I think I've experienced the same thing

08-28-2011, 06:18 AM
There is already a thread about this...

08-30-2011, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the thorough writeup WhoIsThis! We'll get this fixed.