View Full Version : [Simple Comparision] Arcane Legends Economical State

07-08-2016, 09:31 AM
This is How the Market Must be

Quantity : Legendary>Mythic>=Set>Arcane

So the Price will be:
Price: Arcane > Mythic >Legendary

If the Price is like that then the Demand will be
Demand :Legendary>Mythic>Arcane

That's how a Normal Market Should work, Let's see the Current state of the Market:

Quantity : Arcane >=Mythic>Legendary>Set

And the Price is Messed up as :(Reversed up due to Quantity)
Price : Legendary =Mythic <=Arcane <Set

And the Demand is like this:(Revered up due to Price)
Demand : Set < Legendary <=Mythic <=Arcane

For those who don't understand it:
> : Greater than
< : Less than
>= : Greater than or Equal to
<= : Less than or equal to

And I Could Bet that there is a Rise of Arcane items in quantity , The Drop rate is Higher now than it was in Olden Locked grand crate of the watched , And I could feel it , I Used more than 1000Plats never got an Arcane but when Ren'gol Crates were released I got an Fossil and Arcane Shard within 250plats

And the Lesser Quantity of Legendary items is that the Dungeons are Hard for those who run it with Legendary items , It's like Elites are made only for those who use Set/Arcane, Instead Those Legendary geared players farm little things (Like Locked Crates) and Save up money to Buy Arcane items.

And Vanity items, Their Prices are dancing , Due to More Recoloured items and Overflow of it . Merching with Vanity items in the 100k-500k is a Pain. Vanity items could be Plat exclusive as it was before .

This is what Came up in my mind when I tried to Shrink the AL Economy.

07-09-2016, 12:08 PM
I need feedbacks / Opinions , Not just Thanks in main post .

07-09-2016, 11:48 PM
Who cares about the market?
Its not even that important
You playing a game not to analyze
Sorry if my reply harsh or non-sense
But these threads about the market is piss me off
Also the past arcane was rare cause there were many just
In the past there was no keys
Also the game gets players everyday
So more people come = more locked opening
= more loot drop

07-10-2016, 12:43 AM
Arcane item price become low cause there's a new arcane and they population was too many >.<

07-10-2016, 12:44 AM
Arcane item price become low cause there's a new arcane and they population was too many >.<

That's the Quantity , it's too much for arcane items.

07-10-2016, 12:49 AM
Who cares about the market?
Its not even that important
You playing a game not to analyze
Sorry if my reply harsh or non-sense
But these threads about the market is piss me off
Also the past arcane was rare cause there were many just
In the past there was no keys
Also the game gets players everyday
So more people come = more locked opening
= more loot drop

You guys don't care about the game, so you guys never care about the market and if you don't like threads about this then ignore it , you never read what I said and give a Non-sense reply. If you hate those type of threads then Why did you open my thread then? Just to leave a Non-sense reply? If you don't like then IGNORE and Never look at it.

07-10-2016, 12:51 AM
You guys don't care about the game, so you guys never care about the market and if you don't like threads about this then ignore it , you never read what I said and give a Non-sense reply. If you hate those type of threads then Why did you open my thread then? Just to leave a Non-sense reply? If you don't like then IGNORE and Never look at it.

Someone in a bad mode lol
Care about game? Ok...

07-10-2016, 01:35 AM
Someone in a bad mode lol
Care about game? Ok...

Run away from my thread .

07-10-2016, 01:44 AM
> this is greater than and < this is less than

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Eagle Eye229
07-10-2016, 02:04 AM
Yeah got it a bit messed up there.

People are lazy nowadays and cry when things are to hard.if arcane where as hard to get as they used to be,not many new people would be coming.sts is a business and needs new clients I'm sure.

It's OK for lots of new people to get arcanes easier,sts just needs to release a decent amount of set items or try for a breakdown system.get rid of some of the excess.

07-10-2016, 02:05 AM
Please start by getting your greater than and less than signs correct, as currently wrong, making your whole post confusing and misleading. Than please rethink what you are saying and repost. Thank you and good luck :)

07-10-2016, 03:31 AM
I can't follow your categorization since there is a wide range within rarities, e.g. Arcane can be a crafting item till high end pet, Mythic old and new belts not comparable either in demand nor price, even set item varies from 20k to 20m. So we need to specify what we are talking about, it's like putting all in colored sacks and trying to find an order.

07-10-2016, 10:32 AM
The collapse of prices started with the introduction of elixir kits.
Everyone became a crate farmer and the demand can't consume the supply.
We can't have everything available to everyone on one hand and have highly profitable items on the other hand.
I'm not saying either way is better, but we went from only plat users injecting crates and items into the economy, to everyone injecting them into the economy.
The result has been as predictable as gravity.

07-11-2016, 01:13 AM
Hello, please fellow spacetime studios make cup dropable on elites!
it's actually insane that a small non dropable fourniture needed on all Alorians adventures and cost 3plat worth actually 25-30k on CS when an energy kit worth 16k and cost 5plat..!

is it a mistake?