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View Full Version : Temporary price drop on stims

08-28-2011, 11:54 PM
With prices as they are, it's nearly impossible to complete a run without dying. I don't know about other players, but I prefer to have as few deaths as possible, and it's really difficult to do without stims. Engineer's aren't able to keep up with us tanks, because we take too much damage too fast and their healing abilities take time to recharge. A decrease from 1.5k credits for 100 stims to 1k credits would result in many more purchases, which inevitably would lead to tanks being able to do their jobs, and take most of the damage for the team. I'm not suggesting this be permanent, certaintly not, just keep the prices shorter until new campaigns come out with higher credit drops that will help us pay the normal price for stims.

08-28-2011, 11:58 PM
Sts wants us to buy stims with plat so they make it so expensive with gold

08-29-2011, 12:13 AM
Join a guild. 100 stims cost 750 credits when purchased inside a guild hall

08-29-2011, 12:21 AM
People need to realize that the economy of SL is alot younger then PL and the amount of cash throughout enitre game right now is probably less then 1 "well off" player in PL. Give it some time for the juices to start flowing and I believe you will find it much easier to afford stims and various other items :-) besides I remeber when I was a level 1-10 noob in PL, playing for the first time,1500 seemed like alot of gold to come by and it wasnt untill I hit 20-30 when I really started to build my savings. Youll make it just play a litt le less aggressive and play with a group :-)

08-29-2011, 12:47 AM
That's not even the issue.... I had a chat with a few new engineers to see what skills they max out first or what they use most or least.... And the never thought of maxing empathy and the skill they least use is empathy also... With that being said 20+ engineers that know what try are doing can heal you fast enough.... People rarely die in parties I am in.

08-29-2011, 01:13 AM
Join INVICTUS!!! It has a Tier 3 guild hall. Stim is half price with discount on enhancers.

Add me at aperfecte and I'll invite you to the guild.