View Full Version : Official chaosss guild rules officerlisting

07-09-2016, 08:10 PM
152999New updated rules for chaosss by eurtnyaloy:black_eyed:

07-09-2016, 08:18 PM
Requirements for recruitment:Level 50 ....Infamous title...must present it to the person recruiting... 25k pve kills..always inspect dont just believe someone has these things.... and zero to very minimal pvp stats.. unless approved by Eurtnyaloy... im working at making a link to a recruiters page

these must be strictly followed no exceptions remember...guild master has access to the guild log i can see who follows requirements and who doesnt, if you consistently choose to not follow requirements your making a choice to not be a recruiter anymore. i only warn once then i demote..Thank you Eurtnyaloy

05-15-2017, 07:22 PM
Going well.post comments or questions here ..I'll keep.checking it out

06-07-2017, 05:39 AM
https://youtu.be/7SRQ7V1ARc4 video link for lock farm location

06-07-2017, 06:35 AM
My basic egg farm locations ....Loki/Ribbit/Malison/Wrathjaw/Snaggletooth/ with Abefeabecel as my loyal cohort here the link to check it out wish u the best of luck https://youtu.be/pthfSCggSdQ

06-07-2017, 07:10 AM
This is my current Player Verses Environment build or better known as PvE build..this build is strictly for PvE ...I'll show u my current gear and my skill builds.. Remember always put your 360 points into strength ...right off the bat then apply this build.. Take note of my gears I use .. https://youtu.be/7h2oelGBHpE

06-07-2017, 04:56 PM
https://youtu.be/_R4kP7Cwnnc This is my level up and recruiting tutorial check it out:)

06-07-2017, 05:51 PM
Forgotten ruins basic walkthrough and fastest quest completion with commands for solo map lock https://youtu.be/l4-c8Mz5BvA

06-07-2017, 05:56 PM
Had a fun run with joo in maus 3-4 https://youtu.be/M7JGtnhf1XM

06-07-2017, 07:42 PM
Maus 1-2 with my officers Beo and Adi and two other people Anihii and Capeo https://youtu.be/Ft8j3VuOLLE enjoy