View Full Version : Mobs in SL.

08-29-2011, 06:29 AM
I've come across different kinds of mobs in SL.

Some that appear out of the ground (bugs, small alien dog things).
Some that just seem to be 'extras', no XP, no kill count, doesn't reduce Bad Guys in the map, no loot.
Named mobs, like mini-bosses but don't seem to be anything more than named and a bit tougher.

I'm a bit confused. Should I even bother solo-ing these Named mobs? I've never gotten anything from them (loot). I think they give XP, but it shouldn't be any different than a normal mob XP, I think.

These 'extras' are really just extras right? Nothing to be gained?

I'm also confused to the mobs that pop out, do they raise the map mob count hence killing them gives the same number of mobs left?

I've just been playing more solo, especially if I just have a few minutes to spare (Guardian runs take too long), and I've come across these things. If I can get any help, it'll really help me solo more efficiently.


08-29-2011, 07:09 AM
Yh its hard to count.
*Lanterns doesnt give exp.
*There are dogs that dont give kills but still exp
*There are dogs that increase the mobs left and they give exp and kills
*And there are dogs that give kills and exp
Plants dont give exp or kill
*I just kill the mini bosses

SL is very confusing

08-29-2011, 07:12 AM
Yes, you are on the right track but so far as im aware the only enemy's which are not worth killing esp when at the end of Outer Limits (OL) in solo runs are the floating 'daleks' as i call them you will not receive any XP Kills or Loot from these with the exception of the end of OL right after you cage all of these floating daleks you will get an enemy count down and Loot, this also goes for the moles at the end of the level believe you get XP but no kill count or enemy count.. which I have come to the conclusion just before arriving at the end of OL its best to rmk.

However if the floatiing deleks are killed through out the lvl specifically then they start of a chain reaction and blow away a chunk of the actual enemy's health, so may be worth killing or targeting these when killing of a mob with them.

08-29-2011, 07:25 AM
Yh its hard to count.
*Lanterns doesnt give exp.
*There are dogs that dont give kills but still exp
*There are dogs that increase the mobs left and they give exp and kills
*And there are dogs that give kills and exp
Plants dont give exp or kill
*I just kill the mini bosses

SL is very confusing

LOL! Confusing indeed.

Yes, you are on the right track but so far as im aware the only enemy's which are not worth killing esp when at the end of Outer Limits (OL) in solo runs are the floating 'daleks' as i call them you will not receive any XP Kills or Loot from these with the exception of the end of OL right after you cage all of these floating daleks you will get an enemy count down and Loot, this also goes for the moles at the end of the level believe you get XP but no kill count or enemy count.. which I have come to the conclusion just before arriving at the end of OL its best to rmk.

However if the floatiing deleks are killed through out the lvl specifically then they start of a chain reaction and blow away a chunk of the actual enemy's health, so may be worth killing or targeting these when killing of a mob with them.

Very helpful, thanks!

How about these named mini-bosses. I know they give XP (I just checked), but have you ever gotten loot from them? My main point in solo farming OL is PvE kills and the elusive vanity helmets, so if these mini-bosses just give XP, I'd rather leave them and just continue killing the dogs/soldiers. But if they have been known to drop items, I may consider killing them too.

By end of OL, do you mean one run through all the areas or until the mob count left is 1?

08-29-2011, 07:47 AM
Mini-Bosses - Funny enough these mini bosses have been known to drop the vanity Loot was told by a person that had the Squid Buddy it was dropped by the Junkie Mini-Boss so to answer that question yes they do drop Loot.. also even though i said to skip end cage part of OL that has also been known to drop a Vanity actually it was the first ever Vanity to be dropped Mechanical Man.. but I find this tedious so I personally skip.

End of OL - Yup I meant to write before crossing the bridge haha but yes I mean when enemy count is left at one providing you didn skip any :D

08-29-2011, 07:49 AM
Mini-Bosses - Funny enough these mini bosses have been known to drop the vanity Loot was told by a person that had the Squid Buddy it was dropped by the Junkie Mini-Boss so to answer that question yes they do drop Loot.. also even though i said to skip end cage part of OL that has also been known to drop a Vanity actually it was the first ever Vanity to be dropped Mechanical Man.. but I find this tedious so I personally skip.

End of OL - Yup I meant to write before crossing the bridge haha but yes I mean when enemy count is left at one providing you didn skip any :D

I see. Seems that they drop anywhere in Numa (I heard anywhere in the game even).

I agree, doing the cage thing is too tedious, better to remake. I'll also be killing the mini-bosses now.

Thank you very much! :)

08-29-2011, 08:03 AM
I see. Seems that they drop anywhere in Numa (I heard anywhere in the game even).

I agree, doing the cage thing is too tedious, better to remake. I'll also be killing the mini-bosses now.

Thank you very much! :)

No problem Ely buddy glad I could help well only in OL the other maps I don't run that much at all in solo so don't take as much notice :D

And yeah I have been told that they drop in any map available, within any enemy, loot, chest etc.. but the must be on a percentage of 0.000000001% ha :P

08-29-2011, 08:41 AM
No problem Ely buddy glad I could help well only in OL the other maps I don't run that much at all in solo so don't take as much notice :D

And yeah I have been told that they drop in any map available, within any enemy, loot, chest etc.. but the must be on a percentage of 0.000000001% ha :P

OL is the only map I plan to solo anyway, easy mobs and none of those creepy cockroaches :p

I like the drop rates. If pinks are as hard to come by as these vanities, I'm very excited for when they come out.

08-29-2011, 08:43 AM
I'm pretty sure that killing the mini bosses in Outer Limits will spawn a mob of dogs.

08-29-2011, 09:00 AM
If pinks are as hard to come by as these vanities...

I really, REALLY hope they are. Pinks should be RARE, not ordinary.

08-29-2011, 09:02 AM
I'm pretty sure that killing the mini bosses in Outer Limits will spawn a mob of dogs.

Indeed they do! I find one particular spot annoying though (I think two mini-bosses next to each other) and there's one mini-boss that doesn't spawn any dogs too.

Anyway, I'll be killing them more from now on :)

I really, REALLY hope they are. Pinks should be RARE, not ordinary.

I think the devs have learned that too.

No pinks released yet is actually a very good move by the devs. It teaches, forces even, the population to be accustomed to using non-pink, non-purple gear instead of basing pink gear as the only 'usable' set. Very impressed if this was intentional :D

08-29-2011, 09:16 AM
Since I saw with my own sad eyes that vanity helms can b drop from any nub mobs I dun bother to go till bosses in OL lol. :p
I just stick to the main road till the 1st chest and redo map. Easier, no stim wasted and faster for me. Dont need exp anyway.

08-29-2011, 09:53 AM
I know this isn't the Op topic but: I just played my first OL on my lvl 22 commando! Got to the boss and he 25 I was playing with said not to kill something and I said ok! Before I knew it, he left and I died! CN u explain what I'm SUPPOSED to do there??

08-29-2011, 09:53 AM
Indeed they do! I find one particular spot annoying though (I think two mini-bosses next to each other) and there's one mini-boss that doesn't spawn any dogs too.

Anyway, I'll be killing them more from now on :)

Haha yeah I had the same problem but I now kill the one further back seems to be the heavy hitter and dies the quickest then which ever one you kill brings out the mobs.. but the other has more life but doesn't create as much dmg and don't knock you back/down.

I think the devs have learned that too.

No pinks released yet is actually a very good move by the devs. It teaches, forces even, the population to be accustomed to using non-pink, non-purple gear instead of basing pink gear as the only 'usable' set. Very impressed if this was intentional :D

Im positive it was intenstional as they were able to start with a new slate as such in SL from all the mistakes in PL..

Epic should be v.hard to get drops and yhh Legendary should be close to impossible like Vanity.. mayb a litle easier just a tad.. :p but I think that Devs wil lower the drop rate of Pinks compared to Vanity but would make the game more interesting to keep it the same :D

08-29-2011, 12:16 PM
Since I saw with my own sad eyes that vanity helms can b drop from any nub mobs...

Sorry for being off topic, but where exactly did you see the vanity drop? There has been no recorded (i.e. picture) instance of a vanity dropping and I want to know everything I can about it. I have heard everything from only dropping on the boss in the last level, from chests, and from any mob in Numa, to anything anywhere in the game.

Please say you ACTUALLY saw one drop with your own eyes :)

...make the game more interesting to keep it the same :D

I think it would be a much more fun and challenging environment if the rates for pinks were the same as vanities, and the rates for Purps were just a bit less.

08-29-2011, 04:26 PM
Since I saw with my own sad eyes that vanity helms can b drop from any nub mobs...

Sorry for being off topic, but where exactly did you see the vanity drop? There has been no recorded (i.e. picture) instance of a vanity dropping and I want to know everything I can about it. I have heard everything from only dropping on the boss in the last level, from chests, and from any mob in Numa, to anything anywhere in the game.

Please say you ACTUALLY saw one drop with your own eyes :)

Last time was a week ago, I decide to join a random numa ruins game. Suddenly, everybody was greeting a guy... I was like what he lvl up??... but then they said woaw u r rich now... i scrolled back a bit the chat and then noticed blue txt: x ray visor drop in the middle of lamps/dogs pack extermination.

Aaaaaaaaaah... :(

08-29-2011, 04:34 PM
Jeesh, that is crazy. And thank you for sharing :)

08-29-2011, 06:25 PM
Omg! I didnt realize i level up in Numa Prime!! I can loot those cool vanities! Yay! Anyways, those lanterns dont give xp at all. GroundDogs (hehe my name for em) sometimes give xp/kill. Lanterns dont give any xp or loot or anything....but minibosses (named mobs) have a very small drop rate for items. I got a white/grey earlier today!

08-29-2011, 11:38 PM
Wait what?!?!?!

Are the daleks floating cone-ish robots with an eye on a stick & two arms that shoot lasers!!??!

09-03-2011, 12:01 PM
Wait what?!?!?!

Are the daleks floating cone-ish robots with an eye on a stick & two arms that shoot lasers!!??!

You from the UK? Ha I wish they did look like that but nope its just my name for em.. :P