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View Full Version : Bug on Pet's AA button in PvP when playing on my phone

Luciano Lobo
07-11-2016, 12:34 AM
Hello. I have notice a persistent bug in the functionality of the Pet's AA button when playing in PvP. This occurs when I'm in the middle of a fight or clash. Sometimes when I press the button it gets stuck and don't activates my pet's AA. This is really annoying because affects your playability. I'm not sure if this is because of lag or something else. On Chrome this don't happens. Is someone else experiencing this?

07-14-2016, 02:10 PM
I experience the same issue but on chrome. While in pvp it just won't work sometimes and I have to spam it continuously till it works. I don't think its a lag issue because rest of the skills work fine.

07-14-2016, 03:36 PM
Lol I'm having the same problem on android, it's not really a big deal on normal maps, but it's really annoying when nekro's aa doesn't work on elites.

07-14-2016, 06:05 PM
Pets were getting stunned, that's why. This now should be fixed.