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View Full Version : 300k+ Contest Give Away!

08-31-2011, 07:25 PM
Okay, so I'm giving away 300k+. I will add more to the pot as any extra money I get that does not lower me from the gold cap will be dumped in here. Thanks to DawnInfinity for the contribution of 200k; I used some (most) of my contest prize to get my bear fury fighter gear, the rest I'm donating here.

Here is how it will work. This is a humor contest.

Whoever makes the most humorous line, joke, or anything will win the gold. I will also ask Samhayne to support my contest with some platinum. So get your stories, lines, jokes, or whatever going. We all need good laughs!

Note: Screenshots of PL related material can be included. In fact, EVERY joke has to be PL related, those that aren't will be ignored and disqualified.

Donations and Advertisement for this contest is welcome! :)

Deadline for the entries will be next friday. All Google'd results will be disqualified.

08-31-2011, 07:29 PM
Must be PL related? There goes my story of my childhood....

08-31-2011, 07:30 PM
Must be PL related? There goes my story of my childhood....

PLize it! Make it in the form of a character! xD

08-31-2011, 07:41 PM
Ok so what did gurgox say to gold fever? Gurg:what time is it? Fever: TIME FOR U TO GET A WATCH

08-31-2011, 07:50 PM
I cant remember who made the "galactic overboard" joke, thats a good one though.

Im gonna get right on makin a joke for this one........alright now what rhymes with orange??

08-31-2011, 07:52 PM
What did the alien say when the overlord fell out of a boat? Galactic Overboard!

Will be making another one.

08-31-2011, 07:53 PM
This really happened in a ctf game:
mage: I did!
bird: NOO BEAR REV!!!
mage: ???
bird: hurry up you slow bear and REVVV me!!!!
bear: *spams attacks*
It was an informal ctf game, so we just watched the whole thing

08-31-2011, 07:56 PM
Reserved for my joke xD

08-31-2011, 08:00 PM
So two clowns are sitting in the PL circus:

Bob-So have you heard we got delayed?

Bill-What?! You mean we can't scare all the little kids now? We have to wait till tommorow?!


Bill-Well, forget that I'm gunna go work at Burger King instead!

Bob-Umm...Burger King doesnt hire clowns.

Bill- Well then i'll uhm work at StarBucks!

Bob-They dont hire clowns either!

Bill-Then who DOES hire clowns?

Bob-Umm...hmmm try applying at apple?

Haha thought this might be funny...No offence to apple! They are awesome! I can change it if its too offending.

08-31-2011, 08:00 PM
Note, real situations will get more points and a better chance to win. It must be proven with a screenshot however.

08-31-2011, 08:04 PM
So two clowns are sitting in the PL circus:

Bob-So have you heard we got delayed?

Bill-What?! You mean we can't scare all the little kids now? We have to wait till tommorow?!


Bill-Well, forget that I'm gunna go work at Burger King instead!

Bob-Umm...Burger King doesnt hire clowns.

Bill- Well then i'll uhm work at McDonalds!

Bob-They dont hire clowns either!

Bill-Then who DOES hire clowns?

Bob-Umm...hmmm try applying at apple?

Haha thought this might be funny...No offence to apple! They are awesome! I can change it if its too offending.

Ronald McDonald?! Hello?!
And reserved for me, if I can think of a good joke

08-31-2011, 08:18 PM
aww, I don't have a screenie :/
I shall continue my search!!! ^.~

08-31-2011, 08:24 PM
This really happened in a ctf game:
mage: I did!
bird: NOO BEAR REV!!!
mage: ???
bird: hurry up you slow bear and REVVV me!!!!
bear: *spams attacks*
It was an informal ctf game, so we just watched the whole thing

just 1 question?... was it an intel bear??


08-31-2011, 08:29 PM
just 1 question?... was it an intel bear??

ROFL dex bear lol

08-31-2011, 08:33 PM
Young boy comes into the house to take a beautiful girl out on their first date.
As they both start to walk out the door, the last words spoken from her dad:

"Just know, anything you do to her tonight i'll do the same to you."

08-31-2011, 08:33 PM
um......lets see.......oh i got one!

goblin: ugh hey swamp hag lets trade places! its so wild here! ( goblins in wyldwood)

swamp hag: um sure i rather go to a wild place than smell swamp gas!

switching places

goblin:whew smells like somebody farted! whoa whoa! i didnt know crocs were here! ahh there eating my intestines!!!!

swamp hag: oooooo theres mojo???? dang he is fat ahhhh he is coming!!!

they both go to heaven happily ever never!

08-31-2011, 08:33 PM
I have a donation for you. I just need to catch you in game.


When is the deadline for the entries?
Are you going to require each contestant to make up their own or can they go online and find jokes?

08-31-2011, 08:34 PM
I have a donation for you. I just need to catch you in game.

I'll be on 10:00 PM Tonight, California time. Thanks Chris :)

08-31-2011, 08:37 PM
Here is my PL joke its only one word though....


08-31-2011, 08:41 PM
Here is my PL joke its only one word though....


Lol I think we have a winner :watermelon:

And also -Reserved- for king

08-31-2011, 08:46 PM
Are multiple entries allowed?

08-31-2011, 09:08 PM
Are multiple entries allowed?

Sure, I don't see why not. Attempted copying of other entries or "Googled" entries will not be allowed. I will check up on each of the entries to see if they are googled, so keep that in mind.

08-31-2011, 09:09 PM
Here is my PL joke its only one word though....


When Chuck Norris sees Laquint, Chuck Norris runs.

08-31-2011, 09:16 PM
When Chuck Norris sees Laquint, Chuck Norris runs.

Clever. lol

Edit Im glad you know who Laqunit is so Im joke is funny lol.

08-31-2011, 09:29 PM
As u know my character lillypink I said to penwolf on pl
Me: ][_,][ ][_,][_,]y][>][ ][\][ ]K I will kill you! LOL JK ;)
Penwolf:][_,][ ][_,][_,]y][>][ ][\][ ]K My lilly's too pink!
Penwolf: Lots O'Chins :))))))))
Me: ][>]E][\][\\//\\//[()] ][_,]F Lots O'Chins :))))))

08-31-2011, 09:34 PM
http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j474/jh97140/0c0baed6.jpg here's mine

08-31-2011, 09:47 PM

OH MY!! I Think I went to the wrong Balefort! 0.o

If this is to inappropriate I will take it down but I found it funny when I went to buy out of the cs :P

08-31-2011, 09:54 PM
Remember when you were a noob and thought people sellin pinks were... Need I say more?

08-31-2011, 10:03 PM
haha sweet!

well heres an entry in light of recent events...

Friend: Hiya Bird hows it going? Fitting in ok?

Lvl 51 Bird: Hi Friend, ok I guess...

Friend: Whats wrong?

Lvl 51 Bird: Well everyone seems to think i respec'd to a Plumber or something lately and they get all mad at me

Friend: Why?

Lvl 51 Bird: I dunno, but everytime I pvp someone they always yell at me DRAINER NOOB!

08-31-2011, 10:09 PM
K heres mine first my name is trabeles. k Two archers are talking and their like hey dude did u see that cute mage and the other is like ya why and hes like because i wanna go out with her and the other goes well first u a lvl 4 and shes a lvl 56 the ither is like soooo i still wanna go out with her so he asked her the next day will u go out with me and shes like nooo ur a lvl 5 so tgis lvl 2 bear walks up to her and is like wanna go out and shes like yessss.the archers like why him hes lower then me and shes like he is way way buffer than u and hes like oh watever and a pumpkin drops out of his shirt and shes like u are a wimp lol

08-31-2011, 10:10 PM
I just happen to have a joke ready... As a result of farming sewers, it's an auto quote to throw at all the guys who say "PINK" right before the kill, this is my sad (yet funny and true) response, for all you Americans...

This place gives away more oranges than a Florida gift shop!

Anyone who has driven through Florida is either chuckling out loud or dead...

08-31-2011, 10:15 PM
When is this gonna be over

08-31-2011, 10:21 PM
When is this gonna be over
next friday i think he said

08-31-2011, 10:31 PM
One notification: Grammar really helps me understand your joke which in turn improves your chances to win. It is in your best interest to include grammar in your joke.

08-31-2011, 10:40 PM
Why do none of the other monsters go to galactic overlords house. They'd b more than happy if he'd stop saying DON'T TOUCH THAT. When they try to eat
Ya. Pretty corny but I figured I'd put something down

08-31-2011, 10:43 PM
Superman can fly, Batman has the batmobile, how does Laquint get around??? He can trolla-port!!

08-31-2011, 10:47 PM
One notification: Grammar really helps me understand your joke which in turn improves your chances to win. It is in your best interest to include grammar in your joke.

Lol, I can't count how many times I've heard you mention grammar in forums :). It annoys the heck out of me also so I'm not making fun of you :p I like smiley faces by the way, they make everything sound happy :cool:

P.S. Me no u gon put smiley faces in ur nxt post 2 make me mad aint dat rite?

08-31-2011, 11:13 PM
In a pvp match a Dex Mage wins and her opponent ask whats the difference between them ( her foe is a int bird)

Bird sitting down says "I cant figure out how you won and not me"

Mage says "Because number 1 stands up and number 2 always sits down"

Lol... Hope you guys get the joke(:

Happened for real kinda reworded (obliviously you can sit in pl) also didnt take a screen shot... Also theres alot of "thats what she said" during this match the chat log would have been great to have xD

08-31-2011, 11:19 PM
In a pvp match a Dex Mage wins and her opponent ask whats the difference between them ( her foe is a int bird)

Bird sitting down says "I cant figure out how you won and not me"

Mage says "Because number 1 stands up and number 2 always sits down"

Lol... Hope you guys get the joke(:

Happened for real kinda reworded also didnt take a screen shot... Also theres alot of "thats what she said" during this match the chat log would have been great to have xD

Allright, I'll definitely accept it. Good Luck!

Note: If you do not have the screenshot to prove the joke if you are working an actual moment; if the joke seems plausible enough, I will accept it. :)

08-31-2011, 11:35 PM
Ummm... What if we say a joke irrelevant to PL but we said the joke in PL game chat. Does that count?

09-01-2011, 12:21 AM
here is my simple joke,

on magic cave on sand save, before you reach the 2 golems there are 2 sandtrap. and this is a true story .
im farming with level 21, (we are 5)

then one guy signals, charge kill the golems (sounds like a good battle cry)
then we all follow and charge towards golem
however upon passing through the sandtrap all 5 of us together
boom we all die and all of us saying WTF what happen,
then the golems are laughing and i bet they were saying
(fools you all die with out even hitting us with a single shot)

09-01-2011, 12:31 AM
and another true story , i was level 21 dex farming bear,
i joined with a level 56 guy farming on the first map on sand cave ( the first golem that you will need to go to blue orbs to prevent 1 hit)
ME: can i join
LEVEL 56: yes you can but dont die, i dont need to carry a weak toon
ME: ok i wont die

When we reach the golem he was good making the golem's life in half
(i use a twinked level 21 farmer)

then orbs appear i go to blue, i dont know why he is staying on ground, then boom , orbs pops out and he dies,
LEVEL 56: WTF i lag, wait for me or ill boot.
( i though he really lag, so i get out and wait for him for consideration)
then we charge again to kill the golem
and he died again, (now i believe he is not lagging cause he was attacking)
then he said again
LEVEL 56, what the hell lagg, (too many excuses maybe he is shy that me as level 21 didnot die and and he as 56 dies.)
he said to wait again, im getting pissed but still i wait (but this time i make sure not to leave the golem behind so that it wont regen,
he got back to golem for the 3rd time, and same result he died again, i was laughing, and this time i didnot wait for him, i kill the golem alone.
and wow i got a jewel thief crytalline armor, he was wondering and asking me,
LEVEL 56: hey how did you manage to kill it your level 21, then i was laughing and said , LMAO, i kill it with faith by fate. ahahahahahaha
i then told him
ME: next time dont get yourself killed ok? ahahahah

09-01-2011, 12:33 AM
Your bear is so fat, when he stomps he gets stuck.
Your bear is so fat, he takes up all the space in a farm run.
Your Mage is so dumb, she tried to revive a statue of a knight.
Why did the bird cross the road? Because he didn’t want to end up as KFC.
Your bear is so fat, when he goes to the beach the whales start singing “we are family”

This is a conversation between the Trash Heap and Cockroach.

Trash: Hey Roachy
Roach: Hey Trash, hows things going?
Trash, Not good, I’ve been killed today more times then I can count.
Roach: Oh well, thats no good I just sit there and don’t complain.

Trash starts blabbing on for about 30 minutes.

Roach: I’ll tell you what, I know a really cool trick, watch.

Roach: Cockroach Attaack! (He says it when he goes into rage if you play with sound).

Trash Heap dies.
Please let me know if you think this was funny, as I made it up by my self

Reserved for more jokes xD

09-01-2011, 12:53 AM
Y didnt the bear accept the revive in the frozen nightmare level ??.... Because it was winter....
Get it. Cuz he was hibernating.
Ill be here all week folks.

09-01-2011, 01:20 AM
So almost everyday from people that don't know me I get a lot of "Why is your name CodyBearr when you're a Mage" so after countless times of saying "it's a pet name girls call me" I decided to tell alittle joke while in my Death Set with awesome black bunny ears.... Here it goes lol

Guy; Hey Cody you're not a bear you're a Mage!

Me; yeah I know but I like to tank like a bear so it makes alittle since :P BUT, I'm DEX like a bird and still dress up my Char in pretty outfits with vanities like a Mage.... Guess my char is just a tad confused XP


Guy; wait, so you are a Mage though right?! Lol

Me; Yeeesss ^___^


Haha hope you liked it and found it funny :-)

09-01-2011, 01:29 AM
A bear, a bird, and a mage have spent days stranded in the desert of the alien oasis. The bear finds a magical lamp that contains a genie who offers to grant them each one wish. The bear says, "Get me out of here and send me to Balefort Castle," so the genie grants his wish. The mage says,"I need to get to Forest Haven, "so the genie sends the mage to Forest Haven. Finally the genie turns to the bird who says, "I'm lonely and I miss my friends, I wish they were here."

actually, this one just happened.

magicalbear was at balefort giving out some gear.
magicalbear: who was the president before george w bush
someone: obama!
someone: roosevelt
someone: obama
ME: I must be older than i thought if im the only one here who remembers Clinton
someone: oh yeah, all i could think of was monica lewinski

i didnt get a screen shot but im guessing magical bear could solidify the story's accuracy.

09-01-2011, 02:14 AM
why does it take so long for the level cap update?

because the devs wanna get it first!

09-01-2011, 06:15 AM
So two clowns are sitting in the PL circus:

Bob-So have you heard we got delayed?

Bill-What?! You mean we can't scare all the little kids now? We have to wait till tommorow?!


Bill-Well, forget that I'm gunna go work at Burger King instead!

Bob-Umm...Burger King doesnt hire clowns.

Bill- Well then i'll uhm work at StarBucks!

Bob-They dont hire clowns either!

Bill-Then who DOES hire clowns?

Bob-Umm...hmmm try applying at apple?

Haha thought this might be funny...No offence to apple! They are awesome! I can change it if its too offending.

haha nice.... :P

Ronald McDonald?! Hello?!
And reserved for me, if I can think of a good joke

Yes but that would be a bit too cliche.. :)

09-01-2011, 06:50 AM
Superman can fly, Batman has the batmobile, how does Laquint get around??? He can trolla-port!!

+10 pew points

09-01-2011, 07:20 AM
Okay, I am a little confused on the contest but it seems like u have to tell something funny that happened. Here is mine.
So I was hopping around from game to game in The Balrefort Sewers, Bandit Boy Hideout. Now at the time I was like a lvl 54 and I could tell this game was doing XP runs. They all had Exliers and one person even told me. Then about a minute into it, the host boots me. His response.......

I was like, Isn't the best XP run when u have a lot of high lvl people?

P.S. Koliber, thank you for teaching PL the history of the United States. :)

09-01-2011, 07:31 AM

Not really a joke. Just being silly :)

09-01-2011, 08:34 AM
^^You'd make a killing!! :D

09-01-2011, 08:51 AM
Must think of a good one...

09-01-2011, 09:32 AM
Lol I got one...
Gurgox is sooooo fat, he has more chins than China Town!!

09-01-2011, 08:29 PM
Keep them up guys. The prize has now been upped to 1.3M, courtesy of a generous donation by Ayrilana. Go Go GO!

09-01-2011, 08:46 PM
PERSON 1: You know the strongman boss? PERSON 2: Yeah he thinks everyone's a punching bag.
PERSON 3: He isn't very polite to us. PERSON 4: Yeah he's mean he punches people.

Is there a limit?
If not.:

I know why Nuri isn't waking up. She is evil inside to scared to wake up when so many people around her. That's why she fights in her dreams.


How did I cross the road without walking?
I used beckon on you.

09-01-2011, 08:48 PM

Not really a joke. Just being silly :)

adding to that (this also my joke)
Are you the bbq chicken? you the Birdy in fire....

09-01-2011, 09:03 PM
adding to that (this also my joke)
Are you the bbq chicken? you the Birdy in fire....

Yup I'm so broke I'm selling my wings. Only got 2 so get em quick or you will miss out!

09-01-2011, 09:42 PM
I made this joke after the problem with curious did not open wensday. Devs: I can't wait for the the new stage!!. Clowns: sry guys you can't come in. Devs: what!!. Clowns: yea sry its closed. Devs: no fair I wanted to get on the rides!! Clowns: sry Devs: (i ridding them rides OK lets charge) clowns: ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Devs: all done curious is open for all fans: yaaaaaaaaaa

09-01-2011, 09:47 PM
I cant remember who made the "galactic overboard" joke, thats a good one though.

Im gonna get right on makin a joke for this one........alright now what rhymes with orange??
I'm the person who made that joke, sir.
Yes, look for PL Jokes Thread or something, I got a ton up there!

09-01-2011, 10:45 PM
Heres mines

Cockroach is so poor i saw him kicking around a tin can.
I asked wut you doing? He said im moving. Get it kusz he loves garbage!

Gurgox is so fat when he past by my TV i missed 3 episodes.

Gold fever is so poor he cant even PAY attention.

Meatheads teeth so crooked they were throing up peace signs.

Meathead is so dumb he got hit by a parked car!.lmao

Why were the clowns delayed? Because the traded there car for gas money!.

Hahaha. I hope yall enjoyed!

09-01-2011, 11:11 PM
Yup I'm so broke I'm selling my wings. Only got 2 so get em quick or you will miss out!
u only got two wings?
i got lots...avengers wing, heros wing, frosty wing, shivering wing, menes wing, scabby wing, crusader's wing, ursans's wing...


09-01-2011, 11:12 PM
here is my simple joke,

on magic cave on sand save, before you reach the 2 golems there are 2 sandtrap. and this is a true story .
im farming with level 21, (we are 5)

then one guy signals, charge kill the golems (sounds like a good battle cry)
then we all follow and charge towards golem
however upon passing through the sandtrap all 5 of us together
boom we all die and all of us saying WTF what happen,
then the golems are laughing and i bet they were saying
(fools you all die with out even hitting us with a single shot)

Lol I think I was in that game :P

09-02-2011, 04:50 AM
archer: hey bear, mage look i got new hearing aide
bear: wow cool
mage: nice
archer: yeah i got a very good hearing right now
bear: how much did you pay for it? looks good
archer: YESTERDAY.
mage: WTF sounds good

09-02-2011, 11:16 AM
in a class,
teacher: class here are the result of the exam, enchantress got 99%
enchantress: well, so class can you do it, i the most intelligent student around here, beat that
teacher: the rest of the class got 100%

09-02-2011, 12:32 PM
i really love simple jokes here is another

cockroach: im the most handsome boss on pocket legends, because when I crawl by beautiful girls always screech and when i perch to them they jump to death.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________
another joke---

teacher: bear,go to the map and find America.
bear: here is it!
teacher: correct! now enchantress who discover America
enchantress: it's BEAR teacher.

09-02-2011, 12:35 PM

09-03-2011, 12:37 AM
I dont think this is the kind of forum for this kind of posts

hmmm sorry to offend you but its just a joke that i wanna share with. i believe it will not be counted as an entry,
if all agrees that its not right ill delete it.

09-03-2011, 02:13 AM
Even if its a joke I still dont think it is at all appropriate for the forums.

09-03-2011, 03:28 AM
uhmmm, , ok will delete it sorry guys

09-03-2011, 10:44 AM

OH MY!! I Think I went to the wrong Balefort! 0.o

If this is to inappropriate I will take it down but I found it funny when I went to buy out of the cs :P
can someone explain this to me? :/

09-03-2011, 10:59 AM
I decided to do one more with respect to the new expansion.

This is how Alessandro the Lion Tamer got his start.

Alessandro is talking to his mother and says, "I'm going join the circus and become a lion tamer."

His mother replies, "That's crazy, you don't know nothing about no lion taming."

Alessandro: "Yes I do!"

Mother: "Well, OK, answer me this. When one of those lions comes at you all roaring and biting, what you gonna do?"

Alessandro: "Well, then I take that big chair they all carry, and I stick it in his face until he backs down."

Mother: "Well, what if the lion takes that big paw, and hooks the chair with them big claws, and throws that chair out of the cage? What do you do then?"

Alessandro: "Well, then I takes that whip they all carry, and I whip him and whip him until he backs down."

Mother: "Well, what if that lion bites that whip with his big teeth, and bites it in two? What you gonna do then?"

Alessandro: "Well, then I take that gun they all carry, and I shoot him."

Mother: "Well, what if that gun doesn't work? What will you do then?"

Alessandro: "Well, then I pick up some of the poop that's on the bottom of the cage, and I throw it in his eyes, and I run out of
the cage."

Mother: "Well, what if there ain't no poop in the bottom of the cage? What you gonna do then?"

Alessandro: "Well, that's dumb. Cause if that lion comes at me, and he throws the chair out of the cage, and he bites the whip in two, and my gun don't work, there's going to be some poop on the bottom of that cage, you can bet on that."

To me is a bit funnier if you use the obvious substitute word for poop but i wanted to keep it appropriate. enjoy

09-03-2011, 12:17 PM
Commentator: So it seems the bird and the bear have a little grudge here, so lets settle this, the right way, IN A RAP BATLLE! Bird you up first, let see what you got!

Bird: Bout to show you all why birds are the best....... Yo Yo Yo Yo Lets go Your rhymes are weak, my rhymes fill like a glove, bear you got a face, only a mother would love!

Fans: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh

Commentator: Ohhhhh it seems bird just had bear here for breakfest..... Bear your next go!

Bear: Haha you thought that was good look at this.....
Yo yo check it out lets go My rhymes are prime, your rhymes aren't worth a dime, your raps are dumb and un-smooth too, and by the way I like my avians bar-be-qued!

Fans: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh

Commentator: Wow, yo this bear is beast, now let's let the fans decide, if u think the bird should win, let me hear u say YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!

Fans: YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Commentator: Woah bear seems your yor done but let's see. If u think bear should win, say OH YEAH!!!!

Fans: OH YEAH!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!

Commentator: never mind! Bear I guess that.... CLAMPPPP!!! Yo who dare think they can just bust the door and......
Rap overlord, it is and honor to have you in my prescense.

Overlord: It should be, now hit that beat it's my turn! Bout to show y'all why im the BOSS.......
Yo let's do this yo yo....
I am the boss, better than Rick Ross, my rap skills so beast they make you they make u wanna floss. Im the lord u can never stop me. Bear when u stomp, it bearly shakes my feet. Bird u scream like a little girl, and u should know that this is my world, I am the lord! No one can stop me. So sit down, shut up, and clean my feet!

OMG! It's done, it's done. The winner is the overlord! Ty everyone for coming but it's done. Peace.

Idk if this qualifies as a joke but Idc as long as people like it! :-[)

09-04-2011, 06:21 PM
has winner been anounced or is deadline next friday?

09-05-2011, 11:30 AM
decided to try one last entry for the contest. this ones short and sweet.

What do the Balefort Sewers and my ex-girlfiend have in common?
With both of them it is almost impossible to score any pink.

09-05-2011, 02:05 PM
Got this from apollo's sig and a fortune from a cookie.
Custom user: Hahaha I can beat you 7 times
Drainer user: I beat you the eighth with my drainers set traded my custom set for it.
Custom user runs to do the same
Drainer user: Hahaha you believed me? I never had a custom set!

Another one from a idea from a fortune cookie:

Custom User: Drainers noob!
Drainer User: K.M.S.
Custom User: What?
Drainer User: K.M.S. The golden rule it says that on the fortune from the new restaurant you looted because I beat you. I want your Custom set next. Say go.
Custom User: What's K.M.S.?
Drainer User: Keep Mouth Shut The golden rule.
Custom User: Go!
Draineruser killed Customuser
Draineruser Received Custom set.
Custom User: What happened to my set???!
Custom User: Noooooooo I lost my set and now i have 2 deaths!
Custom user: NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Custom user then uses tantrum emote

09-05-2011, 02:09 PM
Clown-knock knock
Boy-who's there?
Boy-clown who?
Clown-quit clowning around! Bwahahaha

Okay that was lame but at least I tried.

09-05-2011, 02:21 PM
Panto The Mime: Everybody Dance Now!
Mages, Archers, and 1 Bear: Dance! Dance!
(But they actually kill panto in 5 seconds and everyone gets the rarest pink....Pantos music box (weapon) slows people down and blasts them so far away)

09-07-2011, 08:14 AM
Love Eminem... Hate the fact that little white kids waste my time by making posts like this... FAIL! (call me a troll all you want, but that was painful)

Commentator: So it seems the bird and the bear have a little grudge here, so lets settle this, the right way, IN A RAP BATLLE! Bird you up first, let see what you got!

Bird: Bout to show you all why birds are the best....... Yo Yo Yo Yo Lets go Your rhymes are weak, my rhymes fill like a glove, bear you got a face, only a mother would love!

Fans: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh

Commentator: Ohhhhh it seems bird just had bear here for breakfest..... Bear your next go!

Bear: Haha you thought that was good look at this.....
Yo yo check it out lets go My rhymes are prime, your rhymes aren't worth a dime, your raps are dumb and un-smooth too, and by the way I like my avians bar-be-qued!

Fans: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh

Commentator: Wow, yo this bear is beast, now let's let the fans decide, if u think the bird should win, let me hear u say YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!

Fans: YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Commentator: Woah bear seems your yor done but let's see. If u think bear should win, say OH YEAH!!!!

Fans: OH YEAH!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!

Commentator: never mind! Bear I guess that.... CLAMPPPP!!! Yo who dare think they can just bust the door and......
Rap overlord, it is and honor to have you in my prescense.

Overlord: It should be, now hit that beat it's my turn! Bout to show y'all why im the BOSS.......
Yo let's do this yo yo....
I am the boss, better than Rick Ross, my rap skills so beast they make you they make u wanna floss. Im the lord u can never stop me. Bear when u stomp, it bearly shakes my feet. Bird u scream like a little girl, and u should know that this is my world, I am the lord! No one can stop me. So sit down, shut up, and clean my feet!

OMG! It's done, it's done. The winner is the overlord! Ty everyone for coming but it's done. Peace.

Idk if this qualifies as a joke but Idc as long as people like it! :-[)

09-10-2011, 08:02 AM
who won?

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk

09-10-2011, 08:20 AM
Yeah who won?

09-10-2011, 08:25 AM
Lol! should have captured a screenshot and posted here. Rofl...

This really happened in a ctf game:
mage: I did!
bird: NOO BEAR REV!!!
mage: ???
bird: hurry up you slow bear and REVVV me!!!!
bear: *spams attacks*
It was an informal ctf game, so we just watched the whole thing

09-10-2011, 11:05 PM
Has the winner been announced yet?

09-12-2011, 07:12 PM
It has been a couple days since Biuzi asked, but I didnt see an answer so I will ask too. Has the winner been announced, and if so who won?

09-12-2011, 07:23 PM
It has been a couple days since Biuzi asked, but I didnt see an answer so I will ask too. Has the winner been announced, and if so who won?

I didn't expect the prices of Nuri Hallow's gear to be so expensive. So, I need to save my gold for that. Sorry for the inconveniences. I will reopen this contest when I am more economically stable in the virtual world. :)

09-12-2011, 07:49 PM
Keep them up guys. The prize has now been upped to 1.3M, courtesy of a generous donation by Ayrilana. Go Go GO!

Well I'm pretty sure that calling you out will probably screw my chances of winning, if I had any to begin with, but from what you posted above it seems that the majority of the money was donated from Ayrilana for the contest, and now you are postponing the contest because you used the money. Now I know it's just a game and it's really not a big deal, but you have to admit thats kind of lame to do. Don't take this the wrong way, I have no hard feelings about it. It's just principle that you shouldn't hold a contest and then use the money you were going to award to the winner for yourself; especially when so much of the money was donated from someone else for the contest. Again, I have no hard feelings, but it was a pretty lame move.

Still, I dont think it would hurt to announce who won so that at least those who didn't know they have nothing to wait for.

09-12-2011, 08:37 PM
Well um... Okay.

09-12-2011, 11:08 PM
i need 1.3m!!!!

09-12-2011, 11:58 PM
Well I'm pretty sure that calling you out will probably screw my chances of winning, if I had any to begin with, but from what you posted above it seems that the majority of the money was donated from Ayrilana for the contest, and now you are postponing the contest because you used the money. Now I know it's just a game and it's really not a big deal, but you have to admit thats kind of lame to do. Don't take this the wrong way, I have no hard feelings about it. It's just principle that you shouldn't hold a contest and then use the money you were going to award to the winner for yourself; especially when so much of the money was donated from someone else for the contest. Again, I have no hard feelings, but it was a pretty lame move.

Still, I dont think it would hurt to announce who won so that at least those who didn't know they have nothing to wait for.

KOLIBER, anytime you want to accuse somebody of extorting money, please make sure you have the grounds to back it up. Ayrilana and I have been buds for a long time. I have no intention of taking this money, nor do I need to, seeing as I have over 15M cash. I am stopping the contest because buying the new sets and hosting this contest would put me under the gold cap. Thank you for being understanding and not jumping the gun. I appreciate it, I really do.

Also, please take note, the majority of the time, I don't receive such large donations. I fund most of the money for my contests myself.

Thank you for your time.

09-13-2011, 12:51 AM
KOLIBER, anytime you want to accuse somebody of extorting money, please make sure you have the grounds to back it up. Ayrilana and I have been buds for a long time. I have no intention of taking this money, nor do I need to, seeing as I have over 15M cash. I am stopping the contest because buying the new sets and hosting this contest would put me under the gold cap. Thank you for being understanding and not jumping the gun. I appreciate it, I really do.

Also, please take note, the majority of the time, I don't receive such large donations. I fund most of the money for my contests myself.

Thank you for your time.

I stated a couple of times that it was not a big deal in the attempt to prevent you from getting offended. It’s pretty clear that it didn’t work, and that you do not take criticism well. Since trying to keep it civil did not work, here is my rebuttal.

First off I assumed you and aryilana were friends and not just some random donator. Whether it was a friend or not makes no difference in my point. Also I believe the word that you meant to say that I was accusing you of is embezzlement, which is different than extortion. Embezzlement is roughly defined as using money or property for personal interests when it was entrusted to you for another purpose. So I’m not accusing you of anything. You were given funds to be given as an award and invested it for your own gain. You seem smart enough to figure out if that applies to you or not.

Also, your claim, which I am not arguing with, to have such a large in game net worth hardly supports your argument that you do not possess the resources to properly allocate the promised funds to the contest winner. In fact it says quite the opposite. I’m fairly competent in math and last time I checked 1.3 is a mere 8.7% of your total bank account, leaving you with the remaining 91.3% or 13.7 million to get you by, which seems adequate to me. In response to your final null argument that you usually fund contests using all of your own money, I should point out that is a completely moot point as the topic is this contest and not a previous one.

Finally, as I tried to say as simply as I could before, you pulled a lame move. I’m a guy who sticks to my word so when someone doesn’t deliver on their word, I find it disappointing. That’s it. There is no argument to it. It was a lame move. If you feel the need to further argue whatever point it is you are trying to explain above, I offer the alternative that it simply be left up to a vote of the other contestants to see whom they agree with.


09-13-2011, 01:31 AM
I stated a couple of times that it was not a big deal in the attempt to prevent you from getting offended. It’s pretty clear that it didn’t work, and that you do not take criticism well. Since trying to keep it civil did not work, here is my rebuttal.

First off I assumed you and aryilana were friends and not just some random donator. Whether it was a friend or not makes no difference in my point. Also I believe the word that you meant to say that I was accusing you of is embezzlement, which is different than extortion. Embezzlement is roughly defined as using money or property for personal interests when it was entrusted to you for another purpose. So I’m not accusing you of anything. You were given funds to be given as an award and invested it for your own gain. You seem smart enough to figure out if that applies to you or not.

Also, your claim, which I am not arguing with, to have such a large in game net worth hardly supports your argument that you do not possess the resources to properly allocate the promised funds to the contest winner. In fact it says quite the opposite. I’m fairly competent in math and last time I checked 1.3 is a mere 8.7% of your total bank account, leaving you with the remaining 91.3% or 13.7 million to get you by, which seems adequate to me. In response to your final null argument that you usually fund contests using all of your own money, I should point out that is a completely moot point as the topic is this contest and not a previous one.

Finally, as I tried to say as simply as I could before, you pulled a lame move. I’m a guy who sticks to my word so when someone doesn’t deliver on their word, I find it disappointing. That’s it. There is no argument to it. It was a lame move. If you feel the need to further argue whatever point it is you are trying to explain above, I offer the alternative that it simply be left up to a vote of the other contestants to see whom they agree with.


First thing is first, attempting to call somebody out and then hiding behind a fallacy that you don't mean to upset or provoke is still provoking. You know as well as I how anybody would react to such an accusation. This was never about keeping my "word". I did not even make a guarantee that there would be a winner because honestly, the jokes were pretty distasteful and not worthy of a 1.3 million prize.

Extortion and Embezzlement have very similar meanings, almost synonymous. I'm deeply sorry if I wasn't spot on with the lawyer terminology, as I'm not studying to be a lawyer. Before you throw out the term "Lawyered", keep in mind. If you want to go "lawyer", you need legal documents and contracts to back up your arguement. A forum post does not bind anyone to their word, or the developers would be facing Many legal issues, as well as many people on the forums.

There is a buffer on my money I like to hold. It is 9,999,999. This money is not to be spent and solely for emergencies/safety measures. I did not foresee the pricing of this campaign to be sky high, so my reserves were depleted. Keeping this in mind. Other than STS, I do have full rights over my gold, at the discretion of STS. Granted this, I have made many contests and have probably given away more than 6 million in total. These are all contests I have made myself and mainly funded myself. So, it's not like this is my first contest, nor will it be my last. I just don't feel economically stable to go through with it and I do have the power to control how to spend my own wealth. So frankly, arguing is not going to make me falter in my stance.

I can see that your style consists of jabs and probes for weaknesses in the poster's writing. Keep in mind, I'm typing this from an iPhone, so I apologize for the inconsistencies in grammar, diction, and punctuation.

I'm not cocky, nor am I arrogant, so don't expect a term such as "Lawyered" out of me.

09-13-2011, 01:46 AM
Keep them up guys. The prize has now been upped to 1.3M, courtesy of a generous donation by Ayrilana. Go Go GO!

Well I'm pretty sure that calling you out will probably screw my chances of winning, if I had any to begin with, but from what you posted above it seems that the majority of the money was donated from Ayrilana for the contest, and now you are postponing the contest because you used the money. Now I know it's just a game and it's really not a big deal, but you have to admit thats kind of lame to do. Don't take this the wrong way, I have no hard feelings about it. It's just principle that you shouldn't hold a contest and then use the money you were going to award to the winner for yourself; especially when so much of the money was donated from someone else for the contest. Again, I have no hard feelings, but it was a pretty lame move.

Still, I dont think it would hurt to announce who won so that at least those who didn't know they have nothing to wait for.
Um he did say postpone not cancel... Oh and for future notes add the line "with all due respect" to your flame posts.

09-13-2011, 01:49 AM
for future notes add the line "with all due respect" to your flame posts.
lmao. If only we could still sig quotes.

09-13-2011, 02:01 AM
Also, to prevent the next arrogant and egotistic response you might have. In the words of Justg. *Click*.

Word of Advice: Pepto Bismol helps with the indigestion and heartburn. Try not to regurgitate it on us. Easy on the consumption of flaming hot cheetos the next time around.