View Full Version : Suggestion for the forums website!

06-20-2010, 01:06 AM
Hey, I was thinking about this so here it is! What if by each forum and comment there are 5 blank stars and members can vote on the post quality (like youtube), then below the number of posts the member has will state their post quality. Some people may just go through giving everyone 1 star but can you guys think of any way to prevent that from happening? I think if we can find a way to stop "haters" then this, in my opinion, would be a pretty sold idea. Thanks!

06-20-2010, 01:43 AM
this was suggested before, but yeah! I hope they do it :D also custom avatars won't hurt (:

and as far as ppl giving you low stars/rating... that happens everywhere. Its the internet where anybody can be a tough guy, because they can't confront you (or rather you confront them). As long as you can only vote 1s I feel like it should be enough of a preventive measure

06-20-2010, 01:53 AM
I know! How about on your profile it lists your average rating. Like what's the average amount of stars that you give people so that someone that only gives people 1 or 2 stars without reading their post can have something like an average of 1.32 stars. IDK, best I could come up with. lol.

06-20-2010, 03:13 AM
If you're going to stop people from giving out 1 star, then you should also prevent spamming 5's.

King Richie
06-20-2010, 04:21 AM
You can already rate the threads ....... ?

06-20-2010, 05:17 AM
I'm pretty sure no one pays attention to post/thread ratings. I know I don't -- internet subjectivity is a cruel overlord.