View Full Version : Lazy devs :D

09-02-2011, 03:35 AM
So after first runs of Nuri's campaign I noticed something strange.

Most of the maps are kinda remade from previous campaigns such as swamps or ao.

Not saying I wouldn't appreciate the work what devs have done since every single map is diffirent than other and the amount of new pinks is astonishing. And ofc the new lvl cap raise.

But I couldn't help lolling like a mad man when I saw MynasV2 gone Gurgox :D :D

Awesome work devs :D

09-02-2011, 03:37 AM
Basically the orange and green gear is a reprint of AO3 gear eith different Subtitles.
The pinks/purples have exclusive names. We suspect this is only a "teaser area" and the REAL campaign "Mount Fang" is more appropriate and suitable.
Do also notice that the influx of pinks will eventually deflate everything, so take advantage of the current status of inflated items