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06-20-2010, 02:46 PM
I like the idea of dragons, gripphins, sphinxs, these would all be customizable and how u set them up will pertain to their stats. for example: U could customize the number of heads they have and 1 heads= more defense but less attack. More heads=more attack but less defense.u could decide wat type of tail they would hve... the works

Need Critcis dont be afraid to be harsh

06-20-2010, 02:58 PM
Umm..to be honest I don't think the dragons,griffins, or sphinxes will be implemented. Smaller animals like foxes,wolverines, baby tigers and I'm sure much more.

06-20-2010, 03:38 PM
LOL, this is a game. I know we are animals and elves but this is gonna turn into into a Disney movie if we have dragons and faeries as pets, with bird, bear, and elf owners. Also a 3 flaming bird would kinda be trying to hard. We need more originality.

P.S. Foxes FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-20-2010, 03:44 PM
A little green munchkin! Haha not really. (seriously, don't add a munchkin... They're creepy)

I've had a few ideas for pets.

1) A mini you! How about a tiny version of your class? Then we wouldn't have the "oh your an animal with an animal pet" problem.

2) what about if everyone starts out with 1 pet that is exactly the same as everyone elses, but along the way of levelig, you customize the look and powers of it just like you do yourself.

06-20-2010, 03:51 PM
A little green munchkin! Haha not really. (seriously, don't add a munchkin... They're creepy)

I've had a few ideas for pets.

1) A mini you! How about a tiny version of your class? Then we wouldn't have the "oh your an animal with an animal pet" problem.

2) what about if everyone starts out with 1 pet that is exactly the same as everyone elses, but along the way of levelig, you customize the look and powers of it just like you do yourself.

I like both. Alot.

I think the devs should take a look at the Guild Wars minis or Aion pets. They are so creative.

06-20-2010, 03:58 PM
NO. I WANNA PET LEPRECHAUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be legit!


06-20-2010, 04:12 PM
There is a dragon in every game, why shouldn't there be one in here? I don't think so anyone has copyrighted the dragon, lol. Have you checked out Guild Wars? Do you think this game is still original http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ursan_Blessing

06-20-2010, 04:24 PM
It's not really about being original. For me, it's about weird things that don't make sense, like a bear with a pet dragon. >.<

I'd be more than happy to fight against or play as a dragon, though.

06-20-2010, 04:38 PM
I want a firefly. It could light my way through dark dungeons. It could shoot fire from it's abdomen. BURN!!!!!!!!!

Ooh or a mantid fly would be awesome too. It could eat the heads off all my foes.....

I think insects and aracnids would make great pets for birds. Hornets, beetles, mantis, spiders, scorpions, etc. Then if Avadonna's pet misbehaves, she can eat it.

06-20-2010, 04:40 PM
Just don't let that firefly 'hug' you. Dancing lessons are out of the question.

06-20-2010, 06:25 PM
It's not really about being original. For me, it's about weird things that don't make sense, like a bear with a pet dragon. >.<

I'd be more than happy to fight against or play as a dragon, though.

Again you try to strike up the "weird" aka "logic" aka "don't make sense" cord in a game that is based on fantasy. It would be nice if you can play as a dragon, but I don't think so that is planned anytime soon. If the dragon is too overpowered, his use can be limited to summoning and doing damage within in brief amount of time. Either way I don't see what is wrong in having dragons as pets for the existing classes. As there are three classes at the moment, my guess is there will be three kinds of pets to choose from, each will be representing a certain trait of that class, eg healing type, they could be used among all the classes though, so it depends on what you want. Dragon's represent power, and I am sure they will fit that role well as a pet. Well to each his own. So I hope the devs have an option which satisfy everyone or at least the majority.

06-20-2010, 07:03 PM
What about a dragonfly! ;)

06-20-2010, 07:07 PM
Splat! Squash!

06-20-2010, 07:14 PM
A dragon fly wouldn't be able to attack that well though.

06-20-2010, 07:52 PM
Yeah, dragonflies aren't as formidable as the other critters I mentioned. I wasn't serious about the dragonfly anyway. I think the dragon/no dragons debate is humerous though.