View Full Version : Devs Why Is Ancient Swamp The Suckiest Map?

06-20-2010, 04:16 PM
There are no good loots - (Purple/Pink)

It is hell to level up

Bosses are overpowered

Conclusion - Nobody wants to play that map

06-20-2010, 04:17 PM
It's a swamp. Swamps are nasty and smell like eggs.

Therefore, the 'sucky map' tag is only logical. Maybe that's why they made the new skeller set... I've found levelling there is much quicker. =P

06-20-2010, 04:26 PM
Bosses are a challenge but no good loot? Voodoo doll and Mojo wand and Fire pin and Voodoo staff are still used by level 40s (not so much staff). They have good drops, armor is OK, Zombie Saintly shield is still IMO the best shield in the game. Who wants to go through Lost Expedition again? Now that was the worth map ever! Bosses where way to easy, pinks dropped easily (not as easy as Skeller though), and hardly any XP for kills. Skeller is kinda a map to go to for quick leveling up, easy, quick, decent drops, and easy kills. I don't consider it much of an official map. I think swamps is the best map, better/rare drops (although they did get a little nerfed, too hard to get sometimes), challenging bosses (like I said in my other forum, their damage should be lowered and their armor/defense should be raised, and way better then alien oasis (IMO) and the best map in the game.

06-20-2010, 06:32 PM
Bosses are a challenge but no good loot? Voodoo doll and Mojo wand and Fire pin and Voodoo staff are still used by level 40s (not so much staff). They have good drops, armor is OK, Zombie Saintly shield is still IMO the best shield in the game. Who wants to go through Lost Expedition again? Now that was the worth map ever! Bosses where way to easy, pinks dropped easily (not as easy as Skeller though), and hardly any XP for kills. Skeller is kinda a map to go to for quick leveling up, easy, quick, decent drops, and easy kills. I don't consider it much of an official map. I think swamps is the best map, better/rare drops (although they did get a little nerfed, too hard to get sometimes), challenging bosses (like I said in my other forum, their damage should be lowered and their armor/defense should be raised, and way better then alien oasis (IMO) and the best map in the game.

When was the last time you got a pink from the swamps? And how many tries did it take you? I am not big on farming, because I find it boring especially when drops are so rare. I have don't own Skeller but yes indeed I have heard good reviews about it. I do agree with your boss suggestion. Also I don't own AO, but I heard some mixed reviews about it.

Did I mention that I hate the green gas Crocs, they suck mana of your warriors. So AS is the worst map to level up STR Warriors and STR Warriors are the best in this map because they can take the heavy hits.

06-20-2010, 07:01 PM
Different people want different things. The swamps happen to be some of my favorite maps, as I like relatively challenging group content.

06-20-2010, 07:10 PM
Different people want different things. The swamps happen to be some of my favorite maps, as I like relatively challenging group content.

Don't get me wrong, I like the challenge, but shouldn't the challenge fit the reward?

06-20-2010, 07:15 PM
Different people want different things. The swamps happen to be some of my favorite maps, as I like relatively challenging group content.

I am with Futumsh, I hate maps that are so easy to beat, what's the fun in that? I feel I have more fun beating something that took my strategy, rather than taking an easy ride.

When was the last time you got a pink from the swamps? And how many tries did it take you? I am not big on farming, because I find it boring especially when drops are so rare. I have don't own Skeller but yes indeed I have heard good reviews about it. I do agree with your boss suggestion. Also I don't own AO, but I heard some mixed reviews about it.

Did I mention that I hate the green gas Crocs, they suck mana of your warriors. So AS is the worst map to level up STR Warriors and STR Warriors are the best in this map because they can take the heavy hits.

Drops aren't too hard to get. You have to remember they are PINK. It is supposed to be like winning something. You can't expect to get a pink by playing one level, you have to work for it. They won't be rare if we all have em. I have gotten 2 pinks in a row from 2 bosses and I have also killed about 5 bosses without a pink, it is random. Worriors aren't supposed to use skills as much as mages. Warriors are built to tank, which means they are supposed to take down the opponents one at a time, not use their rawr growl thing and try to wipe them out with that like mages. Maybe use less skills as a worrior and you won't need as much mana? Or go to INT and have a larger mana pool? Those are my suggestions if you are big on using skills.

06-20-2010, 07:18 PM
I agree with mysticaldream it should be hard to get a pink otherwise they wouldn't be rare.

06-20-2010, 11:27 PM
I actually agree, despite initially agreeing with the topic creator as a chance to fail a joke. The EXP fails, but it's a fun set of maps -- I especially like the visual theme, and the more open areas.

Also, about rares. Seriously, an MMO becomes broken when everyone has the best stuff. I like high drop rates and incredibly rare items. Gives something to work for in the long term... otherwise, the game's over in an instant, and we have people complaining about "no endgame content".

...well, you asked for the higher drop rates. Don't come crying to me.

06-21-2010, 06:17 PM
The loots in Swamp are awesome, but the drop rate SUCK BIG TIME. I can run the whole instances without a pink, or somethings even a purple.

Whereas I did Return fo Skeller Krunch, I got Sniper Bone Crossbow x 3, which has the same stats as bayou bow.

I just want the drop rate to be consistent.

06-21-2010, 06:50 PM
the swamps are the freakin best, they are the most fun and the most challinging imo. the low drop rates gives you something to work towards and the hard bosses just add to the fun :) I LOVE YOU FNORD.... I MEAN SWAMPS

06-21-2010, 06:51 PM
Problem is the skeller drop rate not the swamp drop rate. Skeller is out of hand, too easy. Swamps should be harder. While there are many equivalent pinks, many of the best (anything mamboza, zombie, copperhead, or swamp rat) have no skeller equivalent. You have to brave the swamps to get the good stuff.

06-21-2010, 06:53 PM
although the sinpers crossbow bone = snipers bayou bow is not a good thing imo