View Full Version : Quest count bug

09-03-2011, 04:44 PM
I think there may be a bug in the quest tally. I am missing 7 quests from completing all of them in the game. These were the 7 quests which you previously needed to be level 56 to complete (via the prince in Balefort Sewers). Now I am level 56 and go to the prince and he says to go to him in the new campaign if you are level 61. However, in the map and quest counts by campaign, it says I am missing 7 quests from the Balefort Sewers rather than the new Circus campaign (I have 7/7 there). Is it necessary to be level 61 to complete the final 7 quests of the game? If so, maybe change the quest number for the Circus to 14 rather than 7.