View Full Version : The Ridiculousness of Hate

09-03-2011, 05:10 PM
So as many of you know, I'm almost never seen without my Hate set (minus the sword in dungeons) and my Pumpkin. And as many of you also know I always use the Hate set in dungeons and I prefer not to use sewer gear. Anyway, the point of this thread is to say how ridiculously good the 50 sets are and why can't the other sets be more like them.

For example, right now I'm in Lions den and yes, I am wearing my hate set with the gurg hammer and not the sword. The enemies in NH aren't exactly easy and give even 60s a hard time even while wearing 60 gear. My armor is only 100 so yes I do drink pots quite often, but usually kill them faster than can hurt me (the best defense is a good offense [debatable]). Whats ridiculous about my gear config. is that I'm doing 600+ damage crits on these mobs and even bosses while my regular attacks are still doing between 250-300+.

This is kind of a rant thread but hey, good gear is good gear :)

09-03-2011, 05:17 PM
I get 550 dps with my 60 dagger :)

09-03-2011, 05:21 PM
But I'm using lvl 50 gear in a 60 dungeon.

Imagine if they made the lvl 60 equivalents of lvl 50 gear??? :O

09-03-2011, 05:25 PM
I'd say the glyph big tops are quite much so.

09-03-2011, 05:26 PM
Hate + pumpkin = pumpking! 'Nuff said. :)

09-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Besides it wouldn't be you without the gear you have worn forever. It is a part of who you are and will always be ;-)

09-03-2011, 05:48 PM
Seriously, this man's pumpkin and hate is legendary. I'd buy his set and tell everyone that it was worn by necroreaper himself.

09-03-2011, 05:50 PM
Im kind of embarassed but can someone explain what hate gear is? :D

09-03-2011, 06:00 PM
Your absolutly right! Shadow sets ROCK!!! Its because the sets from shadow caves Death, Hate, Shadow are unique in the sense they are the only true Elite gear IG as of now IMO :) this gives them a distinct advantage over other lvl 50 sets and even comparable to most lvl55 sets as for as stats and survivability goes. Notice I said as of now?? That's because I believe this new Elite campaign coming out is going to have GREAT gear similiar to that of Shadow sets vs AO3 sets.... Let's keep our fingers crossed that I'm right ...hahaha

09-03-2011, 06:02 PM
Your absolutely correct. The Shadow Caves pinks in general are the best that ever came out in the game (for their level). I think in many ways they are preferrable to the BS gear. They are well balanced and give each class the bonuses where they need it.

PS: I didn't see the post directly above mine, LOL

09-03-2011, 06:22 PM
Seriously, this man's pumpkin and hate is legendary. I'd buy his set and tell everyone that it was worn by necroreaper himself.

Valued at more than the CS will allow you to sell for. 99999999999999999999gp