View Full Version : More gold drops instead of item-drops.

09-04-2011, 07:31 AM
Instead of liquidating a bag of 450 items after a few hours, why not just increase the drop rate of gold in Nuri's?

Not as extensive as the pre-updated CTK when AO3 was nerfed, but enough to replace the amount of loot we get.

Scaling gold gain maybe, the more people in the map, the gold drop increases accordingly, while the lesser people there are in the map, the lesser the gold becomes. It'd prevent locking and solo-ing a map just to concentrate the gold on one toon.

I just think that this would be easier to do versus an auto-liquidate type of system.

09-04-2011, 08:40 AM
Set Auto-Liquidate to all Nuri Drops
Bah, what are the chances of a pink Anyways?
Pink dropped, liquidated and joins remake.

09-04-2011, 09:35 AM
I think you've been away from AO3 too long Elly. Sorry.

Lots of item drops that are liquidate-able is the same as a lot of gold really. After playing Sewer with no random drops and just drops from bosses, I welcome this with open arms. Go ahead and call me weird.

09-04-2011, 09:41 AM
I like all the item drops aswell

09-04-2011, 09:46 AM
He is saying increase the gold drops from mobs but lessen the number of liquidatable drops....but even it out so you earn the same amount of money. Just to cut down on the need to liquidate 200+ items frequently.

09-04-2011, 09:49 AM
I got that part. I would still prefer it as is, though.

It isn't a bad suggestion, per se, just a "why do it if the current implementation works and it wouldn't be that different?" kind of thing.

09-04-2011, 09:50 AM
Because having to repeatedly liquidate 200-400 items every couple of hours is a pain, that's why ;). If the money comes out the same, I would prefer not to have to mass liquidate. I'm not saying get rid of drops, nor is Elly, just increase the gold drop a little and lessen the orange/green drops a little.

09-04-2011, 10:05 AM
Hey bron, don't get me wrong, I'm fully for the amount of income we get. I've made a couple hundred thousand from liquidation alone from the past long hours of grinding, but I counted, that came with an hour and a half of pure spamming liquidate-yes. Lol.

I could have used that time to take a break, get something to eat, anything just to avoid looking at that flashing screen of 'Are you sure you want to liquidate?' prompt.

09-04-2011, 11:12 AM
I agree that a lot of time is spent liquidating but I think if we lowered the drop rate you would also run into the issue of inadvertently making all these greens & yellows harder to come by which as a result would cause demand for them to go up IMO. I say gimme the best of both worlds :)

1) Give me a Lock item option
2) Give me a delete all function

With this we are able to go through and select the items we want to keep in our inventory (ie: pinks, scaled items, ect) and then choose to delete the rest :)


09-04-2011, 11:35 AM
Yeah tank, some type of inventory management would be ideal, IMO.

But from what I can remember, they can change something like this pretty quickly over a patch, so of they decided to do something like this, my guess is it'd take a few tweaking of numbers and a patch out. The inventory thing would take a client update I think.

09-04-2011, 02:13 PM
IMO if your going to give me the option of buying several hundred inventory slots then the inventory managment system should be a given :-)

09-04-2011, 03:56 PM
I like tank's idea.

Anyway as long as the money doesn't mathematically go down, I suppose I can be fore this. Sorry if I sounded hostile.

Now if only they'd remove the evil ringing sound from the towne (The same as all of Swamp) which really hurts my head, I could go play. I went to the towne today for the first time and almost had to take a Tylenol because it was getting so bad after just a couple of minutes. I wonder if it's only on Android.

09-04-2011, 04:04 PM
I like tank's idea.

Anyway as long as the money doesn't mathematically go down, I suppose I can be fore this. Sorry if I sounded hostile.

Now if only they'd remove the evil ringing sound from the towne (The same as all of Swamp) which really hurts my head, I could go play. I went to the towne today for the first time and almost had to take a Tylenol because it was getting so bad after just a couple of minutes. I wonder if it's only on Android.

Play without sound, and listen to your own music? Or play with no sound at all, and go "pewpew" like some once a time did in SL?:)

09-05-2011, 01:30 AM
elly is right.. its possible to make hundrets of ks gold by liquidating items. and liquidating is a stupid work IMO... :/
iam happy with anything wich makes it in a fast way..

btw. global gold amount is rising now.. prices of items will going up.. i prefered the gold sink of Sewers...