View Full Version : My idea of a pet.

06-21-2010, 05:58 AM
So pets are hopefully coming soon? Here's my idea. For this we have a skill called "capturing" and to get a pet you must capture it. Level 1 has a 1% chance and the max level of 50 has a 50% chance the nets will cost 500 gold each and fail attempts raise your level. The skill has a 5 minute cool down though so if you fail you have to wait to try again. That's idea part 1.

Pets are random everywhere so you could go to ancient swamps and a tiger will be there but you come back and he's gone. That's idea 2

Pets level, but also have a maturity. Their will be 3 stages of maturity, level 1 maturity you have a tiger cub with no modified or bonus damage. Maturity level 2 you have a young tiger with 10% increase on damage and speed etc. Level 3 maturity you have a full grown tiger with 25% damage and speed increase etc.

Maturity between 1 and 2 is 5 hours of combat "being in a dungeon with the pet summoned" maturity between 2 and 3 is 20 hours of combat. That's idea 3.

Maturity levels would show your dedication to a pet. I'm not saying only tigers as a pet that's an example.

06-21-2010, 05:59 AM
And if you didn't quite understand maturity, a pet can level and mature. Just maturity pwns. :)

06-21-2010, 09:27 AM
Alright idea 1. I like the idea of it, but it sounds a little like pokemon.

Idea 2. I was talking about something similar to this in another pet thread. I talked about everyone getting a pet that looks the exact same as everyone elses, but as it levels and "matures" (as you call it), it changes the look and powers of it. That way, you can customize your pet from start to finish, and not many peoples pets would look the same unless they followed your exact pattern of customization. Ex. First 5 points into str (considering they have same attributes) and you get a pair of horns. 5 points into dex and you get long talons. 5 points into int and you get elf ears or something like that. Ok, so those were pretty bad customization ideas. But you get the point. The only thing that I'm confused about myself, is what animal would everyone start out with. I mean, would it start out as a blob? OH! (just got a brilliant idea) a quest at lvl 14 (14 would be to rid of all the trial players pets). The quest would be a long and difficult journey and at the end, you would find your pet.

ed anger
06-21-2010, 09:50 AM
I want Seth as a pet

06-21-2010, 02:49 PM
It's not pokemon I got the Idea from jade dynasty they call their maturity grades though. And it's still different.

06-21-2010, 02:58 PM
hmmm... seems fair :D

06-23-2010, 11:04 AM
I am expecting pets to come up soon too. Having to capture a monster would make it rare among people, though am not sure if that is the way the Devs are going with the Pet system. It would require some altering in the game mechanic in a more complex sense then just going to a pet store and getting a pet. Before you know it, people will be selling pets like hot cakes.

06-23-2010, 02:22 PM
Alright idea 1. I like the idea of it, but it sounds a little like pokemon.

Idea 2. I was talking about something similar to this in another pet thread. I talked about everyone getting a pet that looks the exact same as everyone elses, but as it levels and "matures" (as you call it), it changes the look and powers of it. That way, you can customize your pet from start to finish, and not many peoples pets would look the same unless they followed your exact pattern of customization. Ex. First 5 points into str (considering they have same attributes) and you get a pair of horns. 5 points into dex and you get long talons. 5 points into int and you get elf ears or something like that. Ok, so those were pretty bad customization ideas. But you get the point. The only thing that I'm confused about myself, is what animal would everyone start out with. I mean, would it start out as a blob? OH! (just got a brilliant idea) a quest at lvl 14 (14 would be to rid of all the trial players pets). The quest would be a long and difficult journey and at the end, you would find your pet.

sick idea for the customization bro

06-23-2010, 02:48 PM
I want Seth as a pet

I want dead eyes as a pet, lol. I could just sit back and he'd 1-hit everything.

Also, idk if I like the idea of capture pets is better or randomly getting them, or even buying them. :/