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View Full Version : one thing you need to know about hisha

Jay Gatsby
07-21-2016, 03:42 AM
Please read before you buy mishi/ hisha

I bought this pet a couple of days ago and tested it, to my surprise, the effect isn't what i had actually hoped for. I do have more rerolls from it but i don't get a lot more locks or better items than before i was using hisha, in fact, on some runs i get less. So as i read on and think about it, i finally understood the nature of hisha's /mishi's ability: 10% increase in reroll chance just means you get to reroll more but rerolling at say 100% luck and rerolling at 50% luck will give you the same effect in terms of items. So the only difference between 100% luck and 50% luck is only the number of times you reroll, but the items you get will be the same as long as you reroll. Hope this clarifies

07-21-2016, 04:38 AM
Please read before you buy mishi/ hisha

I bought this pet a couple of days ago and tested it, to my surprise, the effect isn't what i had actually hoped for. I do have more rerolls from it but i don't get a lot more locks or better items than before i was using hisha, in fact, on some runs i get less. So as i read on and think about it, i finally understood the nature of hisha's /mishi's ability: 10% increase in reroll chance just means you get to reroll more but rerolling at say 100% luck and rerolling at 50% luck will give you the same effect in terms of items. So the only difference between 100% luck and 50% luck is only the number of times you reroll, but the items you get will be the same as long as you reroll. Hope this clarifies
I havent really farmed km3 with hisha but from what i have heard from people they are pretty happy with hisha and making a lot more locks than they used to^^

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07-21-2016, 06:18 AM
The key to useing mishi and hisha is to run with other mishi and hisha owners u get better odds if u run alone u wont reroll as much im very happy with my mishi just need other luck pet owners :)

07-21-2016, 06:24 AM
Well, rerolls are rerolls. Nowhere in the pet description does it say that Hisha or Mishi gives you better drops on rerolls. But if you increase your reroll chance, meaning that you'll reroll more often, the chance of you looting locked crates will also increase. I think people are generally aware of this.

07-21-2016, 12:16 PM
again it just makes you reroll more, it doesnt guarantie you get better rng after reroll

its not free locked aa

07-21-2016, 01:06 PM
yup, this has always been the case. The thing with hisha is that at least when your run km3 without luck lix, you can still reroll more than if you just wore lep. I said it from the beginning, if you don't buy hisha, you can afford 1000 luck lix.

07-21-2016, 01:09 PM
It will reroll, But it wont give you the items you want to be dropped. Well they're useful and cute.

07-21-2016, 03:23 PM
Hisha owner seeks other luck pet owners for farming!
Ign: itchiee :)

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07-22-2016, 09:55 AM
I used both aa mishi and hisha. Im very happy with hisha than mishi when running km3. Im always running with 2 party members, more luck i guess.

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