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View Full Version : I think Animancy is not good for new players.

07-21-2016, 07:39 AM
Because of Animancy, Arcane pets demand overwhelmed by far their supply, since the supply was limited, because of the bad drop chance from cryostar crates, now new players have to pay millions to get an arcane pet, IMO, we need to find a solution, something to stop the millionaires from spam buying those arcane pets, maybe limiting Animancy to once per month, or using an Arcane egg for Animancy to require a lot more tokens.

EDIT : I'm not doing this for my own gain, I already own Nekro.

07-21-2016, 07:46 AM
"new players have to play millions to get an Arcane pet" what do u want? Toor for 900k? So that all get an Arcane pet? Arcane pets are meant to be Arcane, more in demand, less in supply. Of course they should cost in millions.

07-21-2016, 08:32 AM
oh boy.. you clearly haven't played when for example samael used to be 30m. haha, those were the good times, when having an arcane pet was actually a big achievement. now? having an arcane pet is just 'normal'

07-21-2016, 08:36 AM
oh boy.. you clearly haven't played when for example samael used to be 30m. haha, those were the good times, when having an arcane pet was actually a big achievement. now? having an arcane pet is just 'normal'

agree... arcane pets are affordable now

07-21-2016, 08:38 AM
Jeez 30m was cheap!!

Suentous PO
07-21-2016, 08:42 AM
If demand for pets was greater than the supply, then the price of crates would not have dropped this last couple weeks.
Mass cry locks going for 60 something thousand.
As a crate seller I don't see much demand lately.

07-21-2016, 08:49 AM
Sleep only 30days at Km3 you r full horroble but its boring i have tested it works perfect

07-21-2016, 09:53 AM
Yep I totally get your point, lol, don't worry I understand it's not an offense, in fact I'm a newbie, by the time I joined forums, pets weren't as expensive as you mentioned, Tbh I support arcane pets being expensive, but saying it after I got my nekro cheap sounds like I'm an hypocrite, well I think I wrote my idea incorrectly, pets being expensive isn't the issue I am discussing, pets being extremely rare, and unavailable is the problem.
Sorry if I offended anyone who bought their nekros for 50m xD.

07-21-2016, 10:00 AM
Because of Animancy, Arcane pets demand overwhelmed by far their supply, since the supply was limited, because of the bad drop chance from cryostar crates, now new players have to pay millions to get an arcane pet, IMO, we need to find a solution, something to stop the millionaires from spam buying those arcane pets, maybe limiting Animancy to once per month, or using an Arcane egg for Animancy to require a lot more tokens.

EDIT : I'm not doing this for my own gain, I already own Nekro.

Supply more than Demand is worse than Demand more than Supply. Pet animancy is good the way it is. Wish Story Tokens were available as tradeable kits though. To make Supply = Demand, we could perhaps have occasional x2 arcane drop offers.

07-21-2016, 10:08 AM
i don't get it...

base on your forum history you were already playing since 2015

you do know that the pets right now is not as expensive as before...

singe before cost like 15million while nekro was around 50million ( i am a season 6 player)

seeing this prices so low loses the spark and the challenge of the game.

well don't give me the (insert bannable word here)
"you already have an arcane pet you don't understand how we feel"

-it took me 8 months to get my own arcane pet

"i don't have much time to play, i have a real life"

-me too, i actually have a job i work as a medical records specialist which only gives me 2-3 hours of playing but if i wish to have more time then i lessen my sleep

" i don't know how to farm :("

-you have internet right, you are also lurking in forums you can read guides or watch videos in youtube

"nobody is helping me"

- you didn't play the game to ask for help how will you enjoy??

remember this:
"WINNERS never QUITS and QUITTERS never win"

there is no lottery here that you will go online one morning a wake up a millionaire

every single time i see people looking for an easy way out it just shows of how weak you are...

before you complain about something like pricing, drop rate, your current state... try to ask yourself first?

"did I do my best to get what i want??"

because winners don't complain they shut up quietly in a corner finding a solution to their problems

_ i hope you get my point -.-

changed my perpective on myself -_-

07-21-2016, 10:11 AM
Because of Animancy, Arcane pets demand overwhelmed by far their supply, since the supply was limited, because of the bad drop chance from cryostar crates, now new players have to pay millions to get an arcane pet,

i am sorry but i bought my:

HJ 8m
Singe 15m
Singe 12m
Maridos 3.5m
Nekro 8m
Mishi 5.7m
Nekro 4.350m
Toor 3m

and there are who paid 100m+ sns 50+ nekro

you new players are actually very lucky!

07-21-2016, 10:52 AM
Omg, too funny. The eggs became cheaper due to players complaining about have-its vs have-nots. Lololol. And now, the complaints are the other way? Too funny.

07-21-2016, 11:12 AM
Just wait for blood crates to lose their coolness. People will go back to opening Massives then. New supply = lower prices once again.

07-21-2016, 11:48 AM
Let's see, I bought
Nekro 35m
Samuel 30m
Glacian 10m
Brothers Whim 6m
Sns 45m
And guess what, I was obviously mad and what sts did when they made some type of way for arcanes to drop pricing was pretty inconvenient at the time, but you wouldn't want more arcane in Cs bc to many ppl have them. I clearly earned my money and pets but I lost a lot of gold. So think about what your asking for before getting something else in return .
- Recipe

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07-21-2016, 08:12 PM
Here's my feedback on the matter:

The argument that arcane rarity pets should be very rare among players and insanely hard to get is utterly ridiculous, especially since this game has gotten so very dependent on them.

You simply cannot enjoy everything in the game with budget-friendly pets. The game has become extremely dependent on pets, particularly certain ones like nekro and shady and surge and munch mouth. Basically, newer PvE content is made to cater to the higher-stat players. I had a lv56 mage with toor, lv51 mythic staff, arc ring, arcanist heart arcane pendant, and some 100k each legendary armor and helm. I could barely get through the first map of the new expansion, and i didnt even try the 2nd map. How on earth can you expect new players with limited resources to enjoy the main content?

I enjoyed the Shuyal cap with a budget of 200k. I was actually the first of my friends to kill inan-hesh, and i did it at lv33. The good loot and challenge resided solely in the elite maps, while the normal maps were kept casual. In my opinion, thats the way the game should be.

Every player in AL deserves to be able to enjoy any map in arcane legends in a reasonable manner. And again, to tell me that arcane pets should be limited and kept rare is completely absurd, selfish, and wrong especially in this pet-dependent state of the game. We are all equal, and every player should have a reasonable opportunity to get whatever they need to enjoy the game.

So i agree with the OP, anything that makes arcane pets harder to get should definitely be relooked at and countered. Im not saying the pets should be uber cheap, but they should not be unreasonably expensive. Come on.

And yes, i have played when arcane pets were exceeding 20m. But comparing a time when the game was riddled with plat exploits to the present is a complete joke.

07-21-2016, 08:25 PM
The problem is that new players have nothing to farm in order to get the gold they need to purchase the Arcane pets. Please don't tell me go farm KM3 endlessly. When I was farming for my top-end gear in previous seasons, pink drops in the Elite maps were worth a fortune. Now they're worthless cuz all the good stuff only comes from locked crates.

The real problem of this game is that everything now revolves around locked crates and a plat-driven economy. It no longer is a farmer's market. Solve this and really the affordability of Arcane and Mythic items shouldn't be that big an issue anymore.

07-21-2016, 08:33 PM
The problem is that new players have nothing to farm in order to get the gold they need to purchase the Arcane pets. Please don't tell me go farm KM3 endlessly. When I was farming for my top-end gear in previous seasons, pink drops in the Elite maps were worth a fortune. Now they're worthless cuz all the good stuff only comes from locked crates.

The real problem of this game is that everything now revolves around locked crates and a plat-driven economy. It no longer is a farmer's market. Solve this and really the affordability of Arcane and Mythic items shouldn't be that big an issue anymore.

Yep the income from an elixir is the same as the price, It doesn't even cover Ankh and potions prices..

07-21-2016, 08:44 PM
The problem is that new players have nothing to farm in order to get the gold they need to purchase the Arcane pets. Please don't tell me go farm KM3 endlessly. When I was farming for my top-end gear in previous seasons, pink drops in the Elite maps were worth a fortune. Now they're worthless cuz all the good stuff only comes from locked crates.

The real problem of this game is that everything now revolves around locked crates and a plat-driven economy. It no longer is a farmer's market. Solve this and really the affordability of Arcane and Mythic items shouldn't be that big an issue anymore.

Yeah as a newer player its hard to earn much of anything. Pick up a little here and there from quests, jewels, and a crate every now and then but progress is slow. Hard maps require good gear and pets in order to make the run worth it.

08-02-2016, 06:20 AM
Pfft i remember selling an arcane ring for 130m and the guy was like thankyou for the cheap deal bro!
I lol at these pet prices needs to be big money again

(Clearly back when ring was only owned by like 10 people)

Arcane is the new legendary and legendary is the new common, and common is useless to everyone in the entire game

Nekro was 60m+ for ages. Its like 6m now, if i knew that mabe id have waited.

Things are good now for new people bro or at least have come a long way

08-02-2016, 09:22 AM
The problem is that new players have nothing to farm in order to get the gold they need to purchase the Arcane pets. Please don't tell me go farm KM3 endlessly. When I was farming for my top-end gear in previous seasons, pink drops in the Elite maps were worth a fortune. Now they're worthless cuz all the good stuff only comes from locked crates.

The real problem of this game is that everything now revolves around locked crates and a plat-driven economy. It no longer is a farmer's market. Solve this and really the affordability of Arcane and Mythic items shouldn't be that big an issue anymore.
StS gave everyone a free mythic set at the outset of this expansion... that made the pink loot of locks nearly useless...

Instead of focusing on "homerun" profit, farmers can use the rest of this season to build their jewel collection... farm up bars for rendtail ring and planar pend (both still best in class for pve)... farm orc fangs/tags for APs of glintstone set... build up your char vs trying to sell everything.

Once u have completed the game content older players have, you will be well equipped and able to face the challenge of endgame content... likely with an arcane pet

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08-02-2016, 09:40 AM
Currently i can make only 10k from one elixir , and thats if lucky.

That makes 20k per hour.

So for 100k it will need 5 hours.

For 1m it takes 50 hours

For 5m ( price of nekro ) it will be 250 hours of pure km3 farm.

Lets count the total time you will spend in km3 without breaks to get a nearly maxed toon :
Nekro ( 250 hours )
Brooch pendant ( 200 hours )
Arcane weapon , lvl56 ( 330 hours )
Arcane ring ( 50 hours )
Belt ( 40 hours )
Rest of armor , less than one hour.

So to get a nearly maxed toon it will be a total of 870 hours of run time in km3 , and thats without the jewels.

I think the problem here is not only in the pets , find me somebody that just started , and will find it fun and entertaining to farm all that time....