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09-05-2011, 09:09 AM
I was playing star legends and it was getting kinda boring since I already have both of my characters at lvl 26. So I was on uncharted ruins and I said to my self what if the devs made this game more fun and less boring. What if they added achievements! Here's an example of one, pass the map uncharted ruins without dying once. Then they could give some type of gamer score, similar to xbox but not exactly the same. We could also compare others achievements and help each others get achievements. This would make the game more exciting and more competetive. This would prove that you are an elite gamer if you get all the achievements. So plz does everyone agree with me or this is just stupid. Please leave comments below :)

09-05-2011, 09:26 AM
I like this idea and once you get enoigh "gamerscore" you can unlock stuff for gear/weps

09-05-2011, 10:27 AM
I like this idea and once you get enoigh "gamerscore" you can unlock stuff for gear/weps

Great idea! That would make it even for challenging :) and more fun...

09-05-2011, 10:34 AM
This idea is full of win. It revitalized WoW when they did it there. I think they should do it on PL too.

09-05-2011, 11:10 AM
Nice one buddy, this would be awesome.. this has always been around but just takes one to mention it.. but unsure how devs would implement this to the game.. but if possible you got a thumbs up from the bod.

09-05-2011, 11:13 AM
Yea they should do it on pocket legends

09-05-2011, 11:55 AM
I like this idea and once you get enoigh "gamerscore" you can unlock stuff for gear/weps
I wouldnt do special weps but i think special vanities would definitely be doable

09-05-2011, 12:19 PM
Yea only vanity rewards for silly achievements. This will also bring around achievement whoures... The people who bail on groups if you dont help the with achievement "x".

In the end this would be as pointless as the leaderboard...

Maybe this should first be tried on pl. For sl Id rather them pump new levels and content then put an achievement system in. atleast for now.

09-05-2011, 12:24 PM
Yea only vanity rewards for silly achievements. This will also bring around achievement whoures... The people who bail on groups if you dont help the with achievement "x".

In the end this would be as pointless as the leaderboard...

Maybe this should first be tried on pl. For sl Id rather them pump new levels and content then put an achievement system in. atleast for now.

See where your coming from but I don't agree with trialing in PL first, achievements belong in SL kinda environment.. and doubt this would be put into place anytime soon if at all.. this would just go in the list of things to do for the devs.. mind that list is pretty big for PL and SL already :p

09-05-2011, 12:46 PM
Thanks for your guys support. It was just a great idea that poped up intomy head lol, i mean it was probably in other ppls minds also. So i hope the devs consider this thought. This would make the games ratings maybe go up :). I would think that this would come in in the next content update or at least when the full game is complete. And yes i do agree with, that the achievements is more for sl environment but it would be cool to do in pl also.

09-05-2011, 02:20 PM
This is a good idea but this could cause some problems. Depending on what the achievements require us to do, this feature could 'up' the game or ruin it.

An achievement we wouldn't want is one that requires us to kill a specific boss without dying. People would most likely run off if the situation got bad for them. That isn't team play.

Now something that would be fine is an achievement that requires you to kill a specific boss with a full group and all players in the vicinity, alive. You can die but if you run back in time or someone revives you, everyone will still be eligible to receive the achievement. If just one player is dead or is too far away from the defeated boss, then your group doesn't obtain the achievement. This would require players to use teamwork.

Simple achievements are great, too. For example, revive a total of 50 players. Another one would be to deal a total amount of 9000 damage to enemys. I would name it, "Over 9000!" :D

See how these work out? Achievements are fine as long as they are obtainable from using teamwork, playing, and enjoying the game.

09-05-2011, 03:03 PM
This is a good idea but this could cause some problems. Depending on what the achievements require us to do, this feature could 'up' the game or ruin it.

An achievement we wouldn't want is one that requires us to kill a specific boss without dying. People would most likely run off if the situation got bad for them. That isn't team play.

Now something that would be fine is an achievement that requires you to kill a specific boss with a full group and all players in the vicinity, alive. You can die but if you run back in time or someone revives you, everyone will still be eligible to receive the achievement. If just one player is dead or is too far away from the defeated boss, then your group doesn't obtain the achievement. This would require players to use teamwork.

Simple achievements are great, too. For example, revive a total of 50 players. Another one would be to deal a total amount of 9000 damage to enemys. I would name it, "Over 9000!" :D

See how these work out? Achievements are fine as long as they are obtainable from using teamwork, playing, and enjoying the game.

I like what your thinking, but when you say "if it goes bad for them they might just go run off" i dont really know what you mean. I was saying like if you die during the level of the boss, u failed to get that achievement. But i wouldnt just leave cause i failed to get that achievement, i would stay to the end to try to get a different achievement.

P.S. i love the "over 9000" thats so legit lol :)

09-05-2011, 04:04 PM
I actually suggested this about a year ago for PL. It was never implemented :P

09-05-2011, 05:48 PM
It's over 9000!!!!!

09-05-2011, 05:57 PM
This is a good idea but this could cause some problems. Depending on what the achievements require us to do, this feature could 'up' the game or ruin it.

An achievement we wouldn't want is one that requires us to kill a specific boss without dying. People would most likely run off if the situation got bad for them. That isn't team play.

Now something that would be fine is an achievement that requires you to kill a specific boss with a full group and all players in the vicinity, alive. You can die but if you run back in time or someone revives you, everyone will still be eligible to receive the achievement. If just one player is dead or is too far away from the defeated boss, then your group doesn't obtain the achievement. This would require players to use teamwork.

Simple achievements are great, too. For example, revive a total of 50 players. Another one would be to deal a total amount of 9000 damage to enemys. I would name it, "Over 9000!" :D

See how these work out? Achievements are fine as long as they are obtainable from using teamwork, playing, and enjoying the game.

I get what your saying but i guess if there was rev ones,they would have to changed for character type so that would be kinda hard and unfair

09-05-2011, 06:11 PM
What about trophies you can show off?
(if nobody has mentioned this yet)

09-05-2011, 06:12 PM
I like what your thinking, but when you say "if it goes bad for them they might just go run off" i dont really know what you mean. I was saying like if you die during the level of the boss, u failed to get that achievement. But i wouldnt just leave cause i failed to get that achievement, i would stay to the end to try to get a different achievement.

P.S. i love the "over 9000" thats so legit lol :)

Like let's say a player is trying to get an achievement that requires them to defeat Miner without dying. If the player is being attacked by Miner and is very low on health, he might just run out of the area and have the Miner reset just so he doesn't lose his chance on earning the achievement.

Same with Guardian. A player would run away from it when low on health so they didn't have to do the whole instance over again.

I'm not saying everyone would do this but of course some will. I would be irritated if someone in my party did this.

EDIT: Uzikrabd, the revive 50 total players would only be unlocked by engineers. I just threw out a class-specific achievement as an example.

09-05-2011, 06:56 PM
I like what your thinking, but when you say "if it goes bad for them they might just go run off" i dont really know what you mean. I was saying like if you die during the level of the boss, u failed to get that achievement. But i wouldnt just leave cause i failed to get that achievement, i would stay to the end to try to get a different achievement.

P.S. i love the "over 9000" thats so legit lol :)

Like let's say a player is trying to get an achievement that requires them to defeat Miner without dying. If the player is being attacked by Miner and is very low on health, he might just run out of the area and have the Miner reset just so he doesn't lose his chance on earning the achievement.

Same with Guardian. A player would run away from it when low on health so they didn't have to do the whole instance over again.

I'm not saying everyone would do this but of course some will. I would be irritated if someone in my party did this.

EDIT: Uzikrabd, the revive 50 total players would only be unlocked by engineers. I just threw out a class-specific achievement as an example.

Oh i see now. This would be definitly a problem for miner but for guardian i dont think there would be a problem... i have never saw anyone run out of the area for guardian but plenty of times for miner... hmmm i dont know what can resovle this situation if it does occur... i guess we will just have to deal with it :/ i mean if you have any other ideas :\...

09-05-2011, 07:42 PM
Someone running from Guardian rarely happens (There was one time when someone pulled that stunt in my group) so there's nothing to worry about. I'm pretty sure having that achievement would be fine with Guardian only.

I really hope a developer considers this achievement idea of yours and shares it with the rest of the team (STS). Hitting the cap and having to wait a couple of weeks for new content is annoying. With achievements, there would be something to do to pass the time.

09-05-2011, 08:22 PM
Thanks everyone for putting your thoughts in. I really hope that sts will consider our thoughts into this. And carth is right, no ones likes waiting for the next content update to come out so this achievement thing will boost players to play star legends more :)

09-05-2011, 08:53 PM
Like I said before doubt this will an over night process to implement but if this was considered alot more people esp ppl like me with an adhd type of gaming personality ha :D

Carth buddy, great idea devs would listen or consider this more party/group.

Worth our best shot to show people are.v.interested in this

09-05-2011, 08:59 PM
This would be sooo cool. They could use game center for iOS or openfient.Also, I forgot I think there's one also called crystal. For android I have no idea don't really use it that much to know.

09-05-2011, 09:05 PM
This would be sooo cool. They could use game center for iOS or openfient.Also, I forgot I think there's one also called crystal. For android I have no idea don't really use it that much to know.

A center.. Yeah that would be cool too. They could be like where you check all the stats.. or you can check in game.. but whatever will work best :)

09-05-2011, 09:05 PM
Achievements for items could work well

It already works very well in team fortress 2

09-05-2011, 09:12 PM
Great idea! I've never been one for mindless farming or leveling. Generally, I follow the quests, and when those dry up for a particular map I get kinda bored. Adding achievements would be a great way fill that extra space between levels. Leveling with some motivation behind it. Or something tough that you'll have to come back to do later in the game when your character is stronger.

In the case of a boss like the Miner, where a "not dying" achievement could potentially be problematic, maybe there's another option. Some of the achievements would probably have to be specific to the particular map.

09-05-2011, 11:15 PM
Yea only vanity rewards for silly achievements. This will also bring around achievement whoures... The people who bail on groups if you dont help the with achievement "x".

In the end this would be as pointless as the leaderboard...

Maybe this should first be tried on pl. For sl Id rather them pump new levels and content then put an achievement system in. atleast for now.What if you only get the achievement points after the level is completed?
/problem solved.

09-06-2011, 08:10 PM
Carth i thought you were just wasnt quite sure thanks for saying that lol

09-06-2011, 09:12 PM
Yeah no problem. :)

09-07-2011, 01:41 PM
Great ideas guys!! This would be a bigg success and like Mcbain said when you finised all the missions achievements will be the best thing to do untill you got the the next planet or so... wow I can just imagine the intense gaming if devs actually put it in the game :D...

09-07-2011, 07:33 PM
+1 Great Idea, would give us something else to do along with quests.

09-07-2011, 08:17 PM
+1 Great Idea, would give us something else to do along with quests.

I agree, this would definitely give us more to do. Especially those of us with multiple characters.

09-07-2011, 09:15 PM
I agree, this would definitely give us more to do. Especially those of us with multiple characters.

Exactually! Thats what im trying to say! Lol u just read my mind :p

09-08-2011, 04:47 AM
Exactually! Thats what im trying to say! Lol u just read my mind :p

im so using this word now!

09-08-2011, 05:30 AM
Exactually! Thats what im trying to say! Lol u just read my mind :p

im so using this word now!

lol once you said that, it made me die laughing lol!! I was thinking of to words at a time...

09-08-2011, 07:21 AM
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