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View Full Version : What will come first this week??

09-05-2011, 04:05 PM
SL expansion to 31 or Guilds in PL?

BTW, anybody else think guilds were delayed a week to prevent mad use of discounted elixirs? (i.e. make more cash for STS). Good business move if it was done on purpose.

09-05-2011, 04:14 PM
I think your right about the elixers lol. Have you seen anything about mt fang?

09-05-2011, 05:54 PM
lol you are right I think. a 4x combo elixir will be what....36 plat or something in a tier 3 guildhall?

I used about 10 of em...so I would have saved 40 plat, just on elixirs. Multiplied by god knows how many x4 combo elixirs were bought by everyone else.... Thats thousands and thousands of plat that would have not been paid for if they released guilds first.

SNEAKY! lol.

I think SL expansion will come first. They just raised level cap in PL and made bank there....now things have died down a bit...lots of people at max lvl...they made tons of money. Now time to raise level cap in SL and let all the beta players come flooding back and buying plat there.

Of course they might release them both at the same time. Which would suck! Considering now I will have to balance grinding my three guys to 31 in SL, and getting Sparkling Pwnies started up in PL. Fun Fun.