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View Full Version : Game is full and can't enter

09-06-2011, 03:47 AM
Whenever i see a friend in numa outer limits grinding mobs for xp or vanities, or friends doing a guardian run i usually try and join the game to assist or just talk to them. One problem i notice though is that if the game is full when you try joining it just sends you back to either blackstar base or numa prime.

I use to be confused why it would just teleport me back but then i found out that it would do this because the game is full. Something that would be nice to be added in is if the game is full when you attempt to join it and tps you back to base it would show above your character something in the lines of "Game is currently full".

Don't know if this has been suggested or if anyone gave any feedback on this but i think can be critical to alot of people that have been confused like me in the past as why they couldn't join.

Off to grind my last 2k xp to 26 on my commander, if anyone thinks this is a good idea or not then feel free to speak your minds on this :)

09-06-2011, 04:46 AM
And while we're at it. How about adding a red color something to indicate unjoinability to those games that are 3/5 or 4/5 full and yet have some pending invites or other weird reasons that prevent me from joining them.

And how about an OR or AND or || or && or what ever to the game name string matching.

09-06-2011, 05:20 AM
They should have this in both games, Name of friend: Fatpigwarrior INVITE JOIN MESSAGE X/5 in game at the moment

09-13-2011, 03:30 AM
i have seen the message "game full" when i'm unable to join a party, however do not always see it. Lately is like FP describes, it just spawns me back at the base. Perhaps this is bug-related?
I too would like to see a consistent message when a game is full or better indication for success. This information is available when joining a sector, why not for friends or members?