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View Full Version : The Katsumi build for efficient Guardian farming

09-06-2011, 01:44 PM
This build concept can be successfully employed from level 22 onward and will provide the most efficient support to your team during Guardian runs. Because it's hyper efficient for Guardian runs, it's also an all-around strong build concept. This build assumes you agree with somewhat recent testing/conclusions about both Force Shield and Protection being incredibly inefficient at helping your team and about Force Shield being incredibly inefficient at giving you improved mana regen.

First, the basic stat/gear loadout:

All your spare stat points in Intelligence. Not a drop added to Dex or Strength. You don't need them. As for gear, if you can afford the platinum Explorer's armor set, do so, because the +15 dodge it gives you is priceless. It also increases your mana pool quite a bit over the regular green gear. As for weapon, give those Savage Claws to a guildmate and buy yourself the +3 Dodge platinum rifle (Explorer's Repulsor Rifle). This gives you a grand total of 20 Dodge. And your base rifle damage of 43-76 makes all your heals and DOTs a *lot* larger than if you stick with any type of engineer gloves.

The skills:


6 Wither gives you a base 10-14 per tick DOT over 10 seconds, ready to use again just 2 seconds later.

4 Leech gives you a base 6-14 per tick DOT over 6 seconds, ready to use again 9 seconds later. The heal component is inconsequential. Prioritize this one *last*, as soon as you hit 16 and can start building up Tranferrence. If you've been using Leech before 16, dump it and put every point into Transferrence instead. Ideally, fill out these 4 points of Leech last, starting at level 23. You should have everything else in place by level 22.

6 Empathy is one of your bread-and-butter heals.

1 Revive is for reviving teammates and for giving you 40 power regenerated "for free" every minute. That's 40 power for 1 skill point, which is the most efficient of any possible combination of Revive and/or Force Sheild. This is all you need. Spend your precious skill points more efficiently in healing and damage skills.

1 Protection is for a "placebo effect" to make uninformed players think you're doing a good job with your buffs. What they don't know (that Protection is utterly worthless) won't hurt them. It will keep you from being auto-booted from some groups led by a player who is uninformed. If they ask what your Protection is at, smile and lie to their face: "6". Meanwhile, don't worry about overwriting a possibly higher-ranked Protection from another healer in the group. Truly, this skill is inconsequential and worthless. Your 1 versus another 6 makes effectively ZERO difference to the survival of the team or the amount of pots they might need to consume if they're overextending themselves.

6 Transferrence is your other bread-and-butter heal as well as your single best attack! Spam this at the right moment in every new mob encounter to mitigate the alpha strike of damage. Rush in right behind your tank and as soon as he starts firing and the mobs are moving towards him, pop this baby then fall back a little bit and kite a little bit in case you aggroed some of the mobs to yourself. Your teammates (and your own rifle auto-fire and the DOT from your Transfer) will kill them fast enough. Don't just stand there like a noob. Keep moving a little bit near your cluster of teammates until nothing's chasing you and spam Empathy and auto-fire. And please...when you hit 16 spend the next 6 points in Transferrence and nothing else. It's our BEST skill. I'm amazed how many Engies I've PUGGED with from level 16 to 26 who don't use Tranferrence. You're crazy! lol

1 Pain is for the 3-second (20% chance) stun but mostly for the 15-25 damage targeted-AOE when the stun drops.

Against mini-bosses and bosses, keep them loaded up with both Wither and Leech for extra DOT to contribute to the team damage output. Save both of these dots for bosses and mini-bosses. Same for Pain.

Enjoy. You will be uber with this build.

General attack rotation:

Alpha strikes for mobs. Run in with the tank, pop Transferrence as soon as his first cannon round hits and aggros the mob, then pop Empathy, Run back and auto-attack, spamming more Empathy and Transferrence as needed. If the mob has a mini-boss in it (like the Vular in Uncharted Ruins), wait until you've got him targeted, then unload Pain first, followed by Wither and Leech. Repeat as needed, and keep bombing him with Tranferrence too unless *all* adds are already dead. Don't stand still after dropping your first Transferrence! Kite in short circles near the bulk of your team or in short arcs near them, watching for mobs that might have aggroed you from your first Transferrence. Sit still and they nibble on you; kite and they don't nibble on you, while your teammates/tank and your own rifle kill them dead. Learn to kite tightly near your team and pop Empathy every time you're close to them so that you hit them all with Empathy. Meanwhile, don't just stand there until you're sure nothing's mad at you (or you can easily laugh off the damage).

Guardian. Run in after the tank grabs aggro. (The tank has to keep himself alive at first with their own Vigor and Increased Mass. Smart tanks will have both of these at 6 and can easily survive Guardian without using pots until you catch up.) When you get in range of the tank, pop Empathy to help him out and get yourself in position at the cliff's edge with your back to the cliff. Now spam everything you have at the Guardian when it comes off cooldown, and spam Empathy to keep your teammates healthy. Don't stand right near the Guardian... move back or to the side so you're out of the "splash zone" but still close enough to reach your teammates with Empathy and to auto-fire your rifle. One nuance point to conserve energy: If you have two operators in the group, don't bother spamming Pain because it probably will never hit with the stun component, and the AOE component is largely wasted. Let your operatives do the stunning with overlapping Flames of Insanity.

09-06-2011, 01:57 PM
That's pretty much what I had set for my Engineer. The only differences were that I maxed out Leech instead of Wither, and I didn't spend a point for the "Placebo Protection". (I prefer to start my own games or play in public.)

For what you are aiming at, Wither is spot-on better than Leech.

When Sloucho comes out, we will likely have identical builds.


09-06-2011, 04:14 PM

Am I crazy, or is this setup not possible? 6+6+6+6+1+1+1=27?

Anyway, This is the same build I will be respeccing to soon. Though I am not going to waste a point on Protection. I will take my Protection point and utilize it to max out my Leech (just for that tiny bit of healing in a tight situation). Giving me a end setup of:


09-06-2011, 04:18 PM
i guess i shouldn't have googled what Katsumi was

09-06-2011, 05:03 PM
i guess i shouldn't have googled what Katsumi was

Now now.... It's a *common* Japanese name. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katsumi). Just because in English-speaking America/Canada/Europe there is a certain french actress who has become famous in certain genres who goes by that name... Don't read too much into it. Google can present a skewed view of the world sometimes. The world is a large place. :)

09-06-2011, 05:54 PM
Am I crazy, or is this setup not possible? 6+6+6+6+1+1+1=27?

It will be possible in a few days/weeks.

09-06-2011, 09:16 PM
So you are planning a build for the future? At that point another skill will be out and will prolly change things around.

09-06-2011, 10:34 PM
So you are planning a build for the future? At that point another skill will be out and will prolly change things around.

I'm a big fan of wait and see. :) For now, this build does the trick. With full spamming of Guardian with Wither, Leech, Pain, and my healing spam, I can actually gain his aggro if the commando(s) on the team aren't taunting frequently enough. (Yes, even with our backs to cliff, no knockback, and a commando gaining his aggro first.) Fortunately, I also have the healing output with Transferrence, Empathy, and Leech to actually heal tank him without needing potions. Still experimenting what to lay off of to prevent gaining his aggro. I know I could avoid his aggro entirely when my entire rotation consisted only of Empathy, Transferrence, and Pain, so its either that Wither or Leech has an extra strong aggro factor, or else its just the combo of my repulsor rifle plus all the various damage output combined now.

09-06-2011, 10:58 PM
i guess i shouldn't have googled what Katsumi was

Just as I did D:

09-07-2011, 05:24 AM
First, the basic stat/gear loadout:

. And your base rifle damage of 43-76 makes all your heals and DOTs a *lot* larger than if you stick with any type of engineer gloves.


this build looks like my build. i have also 1 prot. for some players that do not follow the forums etc. i do not want to argue people. we are all here for fun and enjoy.

i have also a dodge rifle. However are u sure about using a rifle makes heal and dot more?
Actually i want to buy light pistol (also gives dodge) instead of using a rifle. because may be in the near future there will be shields. Does anyone know is light pistol also better than gloves?

09-07-2011, 05:49 AM
Still experimenting what to lay off of to prevent gaining his aggro.

In my past combat experiences, it seems like Pain is a higher aggro skill. And this is what generally causes me to steal aggro from other Commandoes/Operatives.

However are u sure about using a rifle makes heal and dot more?

I am actually doing a study as we speak determining the relationship of skill damage/healing (all skills) with respect to base damage.

From my VERY premature conclusions, It seems as though the smaller side of your base damage (if your damage is 40 - 45, I mean the "40" number) is what determines what your healing is for empathy. (But like i said, this is a conclusion which I came to just by glancing at my data, but it is not a perfect fit). But I can tell you without a doubt, that the higher equipped base damage you have, the more your Empathy will heal you and the team.

09-07-2011, 12:57 PM
I just started using this build and i really like it o.o
i was looking for another one but i couldn't find it
but glad i ran into this.
thanks for all your input.

I know it says nothing about
Surpression and Sonicboom
but would any of you guys recommend it?

09-07-2011, 04:08 PM
I just started using this build and i really like it o.o
i was looking for another one but i couldn't find it
but glad i ran into this.
thanks for all your input.

I know it says nothing about
Surpression and Sonicboom
but would any of you guys recommend it?

General concensus re Sonic Boom is that the 30-second cooldown makes this unattractive, especially when there are far more useful and spammable skills competing for our 25 skill points atm.

Supression is a different story. Some of us dislike it and don't see the value/utility in it. Others swear by it.

I'll give my viewpoint (I'm in the camp that thinks it's poo): Your operatives and commando get really torqued when they've got target lock on the big vular cockroaches in Uncharted Ruins, trying to root it, stun it, etc. to keep it from stampeding over everyone, and suddenly your target lock goes "poof". In all the spam of the huge mobs that usually come with these big roaches, it can take precious seconds to try and manually target the vular to keep him under control. (Even on a 'big screen' iPad.) So IMO this skill does far more harm than good, especially when you consider that between the commandos' AOE attacks and our own excellent AOE from Transfer and Pain, the *ideal* situation is for everyone to be blasting the hell out of the primary target and letting the AOE spam take care of all the adds. The operatives should be jinking and kiting during a big fight like this anyway, and if any one dinky weenie or two is chasing them and causing them problems, they can kite away to more easily target and burn them down.

I'm speaking from my own experience as a 25 commando and 25 operative here (as well as a 26 engy that I consider "my main"). I'm not talking out my rear end and theorycrafting. IMO Suppression is terribad.

The engies who like Suppression agree that you shouldn't just spam it in a big mob fight like this and that breaking target lock like this is "bad". Instead, they argue that Suppression is good because they can "control the field" by running past the current mob to a nearby mob that might add from somebody getting too close or from some commando's cannon splash, and suppressing *that other* mob. Personally, I don't see this serving the team very well. IMO Engies should be staying near their team and spamming the heals and the AOE, and be ready to revive a trampled comrade. When you're looking at another far away mob and running over to it to "control it", you're not doing what you do best, which is healing and helping to burn down a huge mob that is already threatening your team.

So that's my two cents, but we all play for fun so whatever floats your boat. :)

09-08-2011, 01:29 PM
I agree as a 26 op, 22 com, and 25 eng I really am not a fan of suppression. As an op losing target takes away 103 damage for every second if not more from that mob if it crits. Chances are it is dropped with several trash mobs which in case I personally would have had that target down seconds faster. Counterproductive IMHO.

09-09-2011, 02:54 AM
I like this build. But, even with the mana regen implant, I have mana issues while not spamming everything.
So i just removed Leech and took Shield at 4 for mana regen purpose, and it works really fine.

I'm not sure if the weapon affects my heals and my magic damage. I'd love to see your conclusions on this matter.

09-09-2011, 05:32 AM
I'm not sure if the weapon affects my heals and my magic damage. I'd love to see your conclusions on this matter.

In the process of making such an analysis, but I can already say that it does. It did so in PL and it does so in SL, too. How much exactly is yet to be determined.

09-09-2011, 06:54 AM
There is a very good new thread by IBNobody with empirical data on this for empathy. It is somewhat incomplete at the moment but there is enough data to show that empathy heals scale up as weapon damage increases.


Hullukko - are you working on other magic damage like wither, leech, and transference, or expanding the empathy analysis or both?