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View Full Version : Only way to get past Level13 is to buy maps?

04-13-2010, 11:32 PM
Is it the ONLY way?

04-13-2010, 11:33 PM
Yes it is. :)

04-14-2010, 06:29 AM
As the game itself is free I don't see a problem in that. They need to make their well deserved earnings somehow.

04-14-2010, 02:54 PM
Its the same system that some other games, ie; Dungeons and Dragons Online is doing, and it works. Although I hate paying for content, and would much rather pay for items in an item shop, I hope it works for them.

04-18-2010, 03:27 PM
I was liking it too much..

don't like to pay to pass a level.. is there any other block? and how much is a map?

04-18-2010, 03:36 PM
Its the same system that some other games, ie; Dungeons and Dragons Online is doing, and it works. Although I hate paying for content, and would much rather pay for items in an item shop, I hope it works for them.

in all fairness the game so fair with only cost around 4 - 5 quid. That's nothing for a game where you can post on a forum and get a reponce within 5 minutes.

I think it's very fair pricing, and a very good game with many updates

04-18-2010, 03:42 PM
There are some level 50 weapons in the iTunes store so I am seeing this game cost a **** load of money in the future. I hope they eventually lower the dungeon prices.

04-18-2010, 03:55 PM
There are some level 50 weapons in the iTunes store so I am seeing this game cost a **** load of money in the future. I hope they eventually lower the dungeon prices.

2 bucks is fair, they're lowering the previous dungeon's price as new dungeons come out.

04-18-2010, 04:50 PM
There are some level 50 weapons in the iTunes store so I am seeing this game cost a **** load of money in the future. I hope they eventually lower the dungeon

It is around 7 paid dungeons to get to lvl 50. Thats around 14 dollars.
Even if they raise the cap to 100, lets say it will cost around 30 dollars, MAX, considering they are now halfing the price of the lower dungeons. That's 30 dollars of endless hours of gameplay, infinite re-playability, and also the ability to play anywhere.

Why are you so scared to pay some money for a game? You said before that you were scared this company would go under. So buy it.
These Dev's deserve to live off this game.

04-18-2010, 04:53 PM
Folks, we love a spirited discussion about pricing. Please be courtious to each other while you discuss.

04-18-2010, 05:09 PM
About the pricing, I think gameplay shouldn't be limited to real money.
By this I mean, stuff like respecs etc should also be available with ingame money.
Respecs for instance, is something people do quite frequently, and especially because there is very little information on skills and attributes, we need to play around, which can fast add up to a couple of bucks, and it goes on.
Personally I'd prefer to make the expansions cost slightly more, in exchange for a ingame respec.
Also I would like to add that iTunes items, should not be more powerful than the ingame drops, so basically just keep it as it is for the items.

04-18-2010, 06:39 PM
I agree with Shebee, or at least make the respec feature itself 99 cents. So that it's 99 cents, then after you can respec as many times as needed.

04-21-2010, 10:53 PM
So how does it work?

Expansion pack gets you only to level 15? What is the level cap for each pack?

04-21-2010, 11:05 PM
The first expansion gets you up to 20 I think, then the next one gets you to 25 then the next one to 30, and the next one which is soon coming out will get you to 30. Also I've spent near $20 on this game, and still think it was totally worth it, it was a much better purchase than some of the ten dollar games I've gotten, I'm glad that I payed all the money I did, because it allows the devs to keep making the game better, and making even better future games.

04-22-2010, 08:58 AM
a game in store would cost £30 first off £25 per expantion, £10 a month.. this game is worth the pennys they charge.

04-22-2010, 10:39 AM
a game in store would cost £30 first off £25 per expantion, £10 a month.. this game is worth the pennys they charge.

The nickel and dime approach is annoying though. Charge me $20 and let me find all the gear, not charge 99 cents for a bow, then 99 cents if you want to respec, then 1.99 each five levels, etc.

04-22-2010, 11:45 AM
The nickel and dime approach is annoying though. Charge me $20 and let me find all the gear, not charge 99 cents for a bow, then 99 cents if you want to respec, then 1.99 each five levels, etc.

It works for some people.

04-22-2010, 12:33 PM
I actually like this system better then a monthly fee, because if I'm to busy to play for a week or two I haven't wasted any money by not playing. Then when I pick the game back up for the price of a couple tacos I can download a new dungeon and play it for a bit and put it back down if I wish. The pay as you go pricing system allows you to pay when you want to play and not pay when your not playing, that is the advantage of it. With that said if the devs ever do a monthly system I would like to see it go like: map packs are $1.99 a piece or you can pay x amount of money and we will give you map updates for a month a x amount of gold, and maybe even we will make your name display in gold or silver or something of the sort. I have enjoyed this game so far and I have roughly $12 in it, that really isn't bad I mean go see a movie it's $9.50 a ticket here and that's like an hour and twenty minutes of entertainment this game has brought me a lot more then that for less money. That's just my two cents on the situation if you guys don't want to pay for the game then the devs are nice enough to give you 13 levels and a slew of dungeons to try out, if you want more skip your afternoon snack/cola/ice cream/ magazine/ beer/ whatever you crazy kids do these days and goto wal mart, get an itunes card, and throw the devs a bone so they can make this game even better then it already is.

04-22-2010, 01:17 PM
I actually like this system better then a monthly fee, because if I'm to busy to play for a week or two I haven't wasted any money by not playing. Then when I pick the game back up for the price of a couple tacos I can download a new dungeon and play it for a bit and put it back down if I wish. The pay as you go pricing system allows you to pay when you want to play and not pay when your not playing, that is the advantage of it. With that said if the devs ever do a monthly system I would like to see it go like: map packs are $1.99 a piece or you can pay x amount of money and we will give you map updates for a month a x amount of gold, and maybe even we will make your name display in gold or silver or something of the sort. I have enjoyed this game so far and I have roughly $12 in it, that really isn't bad I mean go see a movie it's $9.50 a ticket here and that's like an hour and twenty minutes of entertainment this game has brought me a lot more then that for less money. That's just my two cents on the situation if you guys don't want to pay for the game then the devs are nice enough to give you 13 levels and a slew of dungeons to try out, if you want more skip your afternoon snack/cola/ice cream/ magazine/ beer/ whatever you crazy kids do these days and goto wal mart, get an itunes card, and throw the devs a bone so they can make this game even better then it already is.

good point