View Full Version : Idea for Fixing Pures vs. Hybrids

06-21-2010, 09:37 PM
I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that hybrids are a bit overpowered, so here's my suggestion: have pure-only skills. How would you do that? Well, right now each class has a 'main stat':
Ench - int
Arch - dex
Bear - str
I know, everybody knows this, but it's just to help explain. ;) Anyways, let's say you have an ench. You would be a 'pure' ench if your main stat (int) was over a certain percentage (let's say 50%) of your total points. Then, pures would have special skills that make them more secure in their roles, and hybrids would still have their customization.

What do you guys think? :)

06-21-2010, 09:40 PM
i think that im wondering why your still level 29.....

06-21-2010, 09:42 PM
Agree ! Pure Bear / Bird / Elve should be fair with hybrids.. otherwise they r really overpower.

06-21-2010, 09:45 PM
LOL, Kirei. Way to criticize him! To be honest, I was thinking the same thing. LOL.

06-21-2010, 09:47 PM
Not updated? grin~

06-21-2010, 09:49 PM
hahahha. k flaim im sorry if that made you fell bad :p but i was wondering.
@ the topic i think that that is an alright idea, but wouldent it still be like a birdy could put more then 50% of their stats in int and get that ability?

06-21-2010, 09:58 PM
maybe they should have like gear with really high requirements so only pures can wear them?

like mummy robes int req 180

or race exclusive clothes 'oh whats that saint, being racist are we?'

06-21-2010, 10:06 PM
not racist but juz to get balance. haa~

06-21-2010, 10:08 PM
hahahha. k flaim im sorry if that made you fell bad :p but i was wondering.
@ the topic i think that that is an alright idea, but wouldent it still be like a birdy could put more then 50% of their stats in int and get that ability?

No, again, you'd have to be that certain race to get the special skills. And don't worry, you didn't make me feel bad. ;) I spend more time chatting/posting on the forums than I do playing PL lol, and since I jailbroke my ipod touch recently I haven't played PL that much.

06-21-2010, 10:16 PM
The problem isn't skills. It's that hybrids don't make sense. The power of mage skills should be based on mana and Int, but instead things like damage (Str based) and crit (dex based) are more importand, and with the best gear for mages being Str gear currently, it's just stupid to be an Int mage. If mage skills depended on mana and Int then there would be a tradeoff to becoming a paladin, you'd increase your armor and weapon damage, but sacrifice skill power. I don't think skills should be restricted by hybridization.

The same applies to more than just paladins. Archer skills for instance like blast shot should not be long range for a Str archer with a 2-hand sword. The problems with hybrids are caused by the class primary skills (Int, Str, and Dex) not being important enough to the stats that matter for the class, by gear contributing too much to skills, and by skills gaining strength from things that don't make sense.

06-21-2010, 11:14 PM
How about you guys stop bitching a rerole if you think hybrids are so overpowered. I deleted my bird for a bowbear. The devs like to see us customize. If they stop hybrids I and many other will be pissed.

06-21-2010, 11:29 PM
OKAY, personally, i think i hav an idea of what the devs were doing. I'm thinking that since they released AO in part 1 first, with the equipment they did. Maybe their whole plan was to try and get more players to try our hybrids, as many of you have probably seen, some of the AO2 stuff that dropped. I think that stuff will be aimed towards making pures. EG. the Isis gear, mainly being str based will make people want to go back to using str bear tanks as with the extra h/s will make them again truely hard to defeat. Some of the others like sniper horus for archers will GREATLY effect their crit rates which will make them want to go back to ranged. Same thing goes with the mages. Again, im thinking their plan was to get people thinking about different ways to personalize and customize their builds, i think the game will become more intense once the new AO2 gear comes out with everyone changing between a million different specs. itll truely bring out all the many types of players and challenges.

Just what i thinking.

06-22-2010, 12:00 AM
They have said it a few times that they (the Devs) "encourage hybrids" AO was just really strange because the best mage gear is strength gear with out a question. None of the Int gear makes any sense wearing and the new strength gear out weighs any swamp gear AO gear combination. I'm not complaining here, im playing a palli now and i think its pretty sweet its just been really strange how the gear worked out in AO. :)

06-22-2010, 04:18 AM

In good ol' Dungeons and Dragons, classes are designed to fit certain roles. Unmodified, these classes fill these roles perfectly. The wizards and sorcerors cast magic spells. The fighter and barbarians fight. The rangers shoot stuff. The rogues pick locks. Thing is, though, is that these classes are the best at doing these things. No other class can do these particular things as well as the basic, pure classes can.

Of course, though, Dungeons and Dragons is also centered around hybridism. Your wizard can wield a sword professionally, and your rangers can pick locks and cast massive spells, so long as you've built them to be able to do so.

Problem is, in Dungeons and Dragons, there is a tradeoff for this hybridisation. A wizard that can wield a sword well cannot cast spells as much or as proficiently. A rogue that is dedicated to witchcraft may find that his lockpick fails from time to time.

...what I'm saying is this. Pure classes should be the BEST at what they do. Archers should be the gods of ranged damage. INT-Enchantresses should be the goddesses of magic-based attacks. STR-Warriors should be like Thor himself. Any hybridisation should be in play only to bend your character around an alternate role in play. They should not be more comfortable to play as than their pure counterparts, in fact, they should require more skill to master.

The fact that well-muscled bears are the most feared archers in all Alterra is a little silly, in my honest opinion.

06-22-2010, 04:35 AM
All of the threads that have been dedicated to this topic that have been made I'm sure has caught the devs eyes and I'm sure they are working on a solution to address this problem

06-22-2010, 04:38 AM
I agree with Royce on this one, a boost to pure classes is needed because it really doesn't make sense to play them right now, and that shouldn't depend on gear.

I'm all for hybrids, I play them in most rpg's when given the option, but to the exclusion of pure alternatives, being equally as good in one aspect and far worse in all the others?

That is clearly unbalanced, I'd still play a hybrid if they were evenly matched, but as far as I'm concerned I'd rather skip easy street and try and make an impression with something nobody cares to use.

King Richie
06-22-2010, 04:55 AM
Won't work .. Will cause overpowerdness among the pures and will also cause hybrids to complain about being left out !!

06-22-2010, 05:14 AM
The way I see it, there needs to be an advantage to going pure, the advantage of a hybrid is that you get benefits from each source class, but as it stands, you end up getting equal benefits, a str ench for example only loses out on what equates to be a fraction of mana pool and a fraction of mana regen compared to the potential bonus from gear.

While skill effects are fixed to the skill level with no bonus (afaik) from stats, a hybrids skills are just as strong despite ignoring that races 'primary' attribute. I'd love to play a 'paladin' but not one that runs around healing, buffing and AE nuking as good as a pure enchantress.

Sure a rebalance would most likely be a bit iffy at first, but if you do something about it you can tweak it, it can be done well enough that it evens out, otherwise if you ignore it you've basically got an obsolete class, nobody likes being nerfed, but you have to admit, if the game is balanced to be a challenge for strong hybrids, it then becomes unplayable by weaker pure classes.

06-22-2010, 06:26 AM
How about you guys stop bitching a rerole if you think hybrids are so overpowered. I deleted my bird for a bowbear. The devs like to see us customize. If they stop hybrids I and many other will be pissed.

Oh yes, lets ignore the broken system and all hop on the imbalanced bandwagon.

That makes perfect logic.

its like if blast shot did 10000dmg, and everyone complained about it. And the only reply was "stop your bitching and make a archer if you think they are so powerful"

The game is about balance. And right now, it is not balanced. bow bears are far superior to archers.

06-22-2010, 09:49 AM
While skill effects are fixed to the skill level with no bonus (afaik) from stats, a hybrids skills are just as strong despite ignoring that races 'primary' attribute. I'd love to play a 'paladin' but not one that runs around healing, buffing and AE nuking as good as a pure enchantress.

Unfortunately, stats do affect skill effectiveness, and the wrong stats in many cases. Enchantress skills are powered by damage and in PvP where crits win the day, dex is a spellcasters best friend. This is why the damage a pure enchantress can do is actually much less than what a paladin with higher str and dex can do. Currently paladins have better armor, stronger spells, much higher mana regen, higher attack, and only minimally reduced mana pool. This is why I say the problems are that gear plays to big a role in stats like regen, and skills like mage spells should be powered by int/mana not by str and dex as they currently are.

06-22-2010, 10:54 AM
I would like to point this out:

21-06, 20:12 Justg This game is all about hybrids
They're not gonna nerf hybrids, lol. That's why I think pures need a boost, instead of 'downgrading' hybrids.

06-22-2010, 10:57 AM
Good ideas. PvP rebalance is going to take awhile, we are going to put it on our roadmap.

06-22-2010, 11:06 AM
Good ideas. PvP rebalance is going to take awhile, we are going to put it on our roadmap.

Thank you so much. I will continue to play my archer for this reason... :]

06-22-2010, 11:24 AM
I hear ya Justg and it's a breath of fresh air :-)

And to all those a bit apprehensive we're all really working towards the same end - a balanced game in which all class combinations, pure and hybrid, are equally fun to play with their own plus sides, with a development team so hands-on and willing to listen, I'm sure that even if they don't nail it first time you can bet your bottom dollar they'll do everything they can to iron out the problems until the vast majority of the community is happy :-)

06-22-2010, 12:03 PM
Good ideas. PvP rebalance is going to take awhile, we are going to put it on our roadmap.

I really appreciate it Justg.

I think the key to any pvp rebalance in regards to the OP, is to not create artificial alterations to statistics. The class system should not have extra logs or variables changing stats to create balance. In order to create long term balance, a universal mathematical system should create the balance. Any artificial (and by that i mean adding an equation to the system after the fact in order to alter it) changes amount quick fixes that quickly become outdated as the game is upgraded and expanded. Its like trying to fix a the rotting structure of a house with duct tape.

06-22-2010, 02:26 PM
What I don't get is the the whole pure vs hybrid debate comes down to pvp no one is forceing you to fight hybrids if it is really hundreds of pure chars that are mad (as claimed in other threads) then you shouldn't have any trouble finding a game or even better have a 1v1 pure only pvp turny I'm sure you guys will have a good time. Just because you like you're build why can't evreyone else have fun with thiers?

06-22-2010, 02:48 PM
You're missing the point, we're trying to make it obvious that it doesn't have to be that way.

I certainly don't want to play a game where I'm segregated from half of the community, even if only in pvp, the fact of the matter is the game should be balanced enough so that everyone can take part in everything, pve group or solo, single or group pvp.

Sure balance will probably never be truely achieved but it doesn't mean it's something you shouldn't strive for, something needs to change, it's jus a case of minimising collateral damage from bringing the game back onto a level playing field.

Nobody wants to get nerfed, so as mentioned before I agree with the idea of giving pure classes a slight edge to their main style, for example give pure enchanters some benefit to their skills or mana pool/regen to match what they miss out in ac/dps/health compared to their str hybrid.

If you strengthen the weaker class then the hybrids won't get nerfed but it still gives the illusion of them having 'weaker' areas.

06-22-2010, 03:48 PM
I think you are missing the point I'm makeing so I will give it a second shot. The build(s) you decide to go with are a choice for whatever reason it may be. Now after picking your build you want a boost how is that fair to evreyone else? Now if a boost is going to be given to the "pure" chars they should have to dump close to 90% of thier points in to the "pure" stat no jut enough to equip gear and evreything else in to dex

06-22-2010, 04:04 PM
I think you are missing the point I'm makeing so I will give it a second shot. The build(s) you decide to go with are a choice for whatever reason it may be. Now after picking your build you want a boost how is that fair to evreyone else? Now if a boost is going to be given to the "pure" chars they should have to dump close to 90% of thier points in to the "pure" stat no jut enough to equip gear and evreything else in to dex

Maybe 75%? Like my ench has mostly int, but I still do like some dex and str for their benefits. We don't want pures to be uber-pure, but they do need a little boost. :)

06-22-2010, 05:34 PM
I see what you're saying and in that sense i completely agree with you, i wouldnt count myself as a hybrid, but i have about 125 into int with 101 dex, i still play as a magic user and im very squishy. However, giving int a bigger impact in favour of pure classes could be done incrementally so that if you sacrifice your int for dex, there will be a change but less significant. Traditionally a hybrid or cross-class is more rigid, but with incremental effects from stat changes this would give PL the edge to allow you to take a character and break the mould with something unique.

I can see how having now 'made my character and wanting a boost' could be misconstrued as powerhungry and greedy, but the last thing i'd want is to suddenly become overpowered in either pvp or pve, the challenge is part of the fun, knowing how your character setup plays best and acting out your strategy.

Unfortunately right now certain bosses are a little unstable;

Bastet and the Witch, with the one hit wipe AE nukes.

Seth - to a lesser degree but still a little to dangerous to get to close to with a squishy character (not easily avoidable if you like to play as a healer - it's very easy to get caught in the melee and go splat)

Dead Eyes - very fast consistent damage that even with +40 def from buffs (bringing me to around 110) coupled with manashield using my reasonable mana pool as absorption, seems impossible to fairly outheal/potion, not fun considering hes ranged!
(I may have missed some bosses but these are the ones that spring to mind)

Throw into the mix the occasional lag spike and the rubber banding effect I seem to get (don't know if this is a more common problem) when being hit, springing me back a few steps when i'm trying to kite/flee, and you soon have a lot of factors that make certain classes significantly underpowered in certain areas, unable to handle their own and with no room for error/bad luck)

I've said it before but i'll say it again;

Warriors outclassing a ranger with a bow.
Paladins & Battlemages, while perhaps not being quite as tough as a pure warrior, being perfectly good tanks, commendable DPS and equal magic/skill users to their pure race/class counterpart.

Comparisons drawn to other MMO's rarely do well, generally provoking a response of 'well if you like the way they do it, go play that game' but i think it's pretty much unanimous across the board that the above examples and anything similar just isn't really wanted or accepted.

Apologies for the essay and any constructive feedback is much appreciated, i'm trying to work towards something that most, if not everybody can accept.

06-22-2010, 05:51 PM
But how at a nearly 50-50 build can you not say you are a hybrid? Sounds like it could be a bowtress that decided to use a wand. Bottom line the only really pure chars you will see in large numbers are the birds because that high crit is just too much to pass on. It's wanting that x factor that causes people to build hybrids in some for or anouther some builds go a little more extreme than others but to a degree most use a little of a hybrid. In just my opnion a truelly pure build needs to be close to 100%. I know I'd never drink a bottle of water that said 75% pure.

06-22-2010, 05:53 PM
Well you would if the other 25% was KOOLAID bam!!!!!!!!

06-22-2010, 05:57 PM
Rofl k that would be the only exception

06-22-2010, 07:03 PM
Yeah I agree with you to some degree.

My character was pure until I got so annoyed with dying every other fight I decided to take the plunge at about level 30 and try to muster some staying power with a little dodge and some crit to wipe em out before they get close, it hasn't quite done the trick completely but it helps.

I still consider my setup to be quite close to a traditional enchanter as I still use int gear, my character is better in every way compared to a pure except mana pool, which doesn't really bother me as I still spam potions just as often, and i only lose out on 1 mana regen.

Just to reaffirm it again as everyone against a rebalance seems to ignore this fact, my skills are just as powerful as a pure but now have added crit chance, so maybe tying spell crit chance into int might work, for the enchantress only I would assume, and doing something about the mana regen would help.

06-22-2010, 07:20 PM
To a degree I see what your seeing however your enchantress differs from my bowmage by about 10 dex and the weps we decided to use. I just don't see the need to do a major retool or buff up or nerf or anything like that. But in the end no matter what's done the devs will not be able to please evreyone. But you made some good points but I think we will have to agree to disagree

06-22-2010, 07:23 PM
Let's not confuse the word hybrid here. In PL a hybrid is pretty simple. You can only allot enough points to wear the best gear in one class, so even if you allot no more to that attribute, you are a "pure" member of that class. A hybrid is simply an enchantress in dex or str gear, a warrior in int or dex gear, or an archer in int or str gear. That's it.

06-22-2010, 07:24 PM
This "debate" is going to go on forever not because hybrids are so OP and pures are so weak but because someone is always going to be stronger than someone else. If there is absolute balance the game would be BORING. The cool thing about a hybrid is that it takes a lil thought to create were as a pure is simple and easy. A guy who is playing a hybrid looks at all the gear finds out what combo would be best for what is out there. The guys playing the pure looks for the word dreamer equips it and stacks int. It's like if you could be Chuck Noris or Steve Urckel from family matters. Yeah sure steves smart and really good looking but Chucks gonna do that rounds house kick stuff and then throw in some M/s and Steves gonna be like wait that's not fai....and he won't even be able to finish cause Chuck freaking Noris just kicked his face off!!!!! Anyway just a thought GO PALLIS!!!!!

06-22-2010, 07:38 PM
Let's not confuse the word hybrid here. In PL a hybrid is pretty simple. You can only allot enough points to wear the best gear in one class, so even if you allot no more to that attribute, you are a "pure" member of that class. A hybrid is simply an enchantress in dex or str gear, a warrior in int or dex gear, or an archer in int or str gear. That's it.

So once you have enough points allotted to equip best gear the game won't let you put any more points in that category? The only point I'm trying to make is that if you choose to play as a "pure" char great have fun. If you want more mana don't dump the hundred points in to dex.

06-22-2010, 07:45 PM
I agree with Royce, an enchantress in full int gear with high dex is still going to play like an enchantress, just with better crit/evade.

I don't like the idea that I'm forced to borrow attributes of another play style merely to give myself a fighting chance, by all means, make it so that my current setup would still be playable, but make it so a heavy int setup would also be playable, having it's own int related merits to allow for survival using some play style, customisation should be an option not a necessity for survival.

Cant say I'd agree that total balance would make the game boring, would just make it a level playing field where each class could beat another, it then comes down to your strategy and how well you play.

As far as I'm concerned the game should also be about skill, not purely who chose the most logical setup and kitted out with the best gear.

Luckily for you Izbar, there will never be true balance and even if there was it's not really definable as it would all come down to opinion, sports are supposed to be fair but there will always be a million and one excuses as to why it isn't, usually from the losers perspective.

Nobody with any sense would want the extra mana pool or regen from higher int, 1ms just isn't worth the 40 or so points needed to jump the base rate, and as long as ms is so heavily reliant on gear, and potions are a staple part of PL, the minor difference in mana pool is insignificant.

Regardless, I've made my points, I won't bore any of you anymore with repeating them, if I haven't helped you to see things from my point of view and reach some common ground by now then it can only spiral out of control into flames from here.

Like Kraze said, let's agree to disagree, I trust the development team to take the game in the direction they think is best.

06-22-2010, 07:52 PM
Completly off topic but bmc if you ever need help leveling one of your Alts look me up as my post count shows I normally only log out of the game to check patch notes during server downtimes. I promise to not try to convert you to hybrid builds :)

06-22-2010, 07:55 PM
The whole argument that the game should be based on skill and not how well an individual can build his or her(looking out for ya ladies) character is just ridiculous in an mmo it is always just as hard to build a character as it is to play it err well at least in the good mmo'swich is all opinion I guess but I think Chuck would agree with me so then it must be fact so yeah.

06-22-2010, 08:02 PM
If you recheck I actually edited my post to change that comment, in no way do I think the game should be heavily skill based, but right now even when well played certain pure setups are far far too hard.


Holding a forum debate on an iPhone is very hard :-p

06-22-2010, 08:10 PM
Lol agreed

06-22-2010, 08:16 PM
i like the thoth gear in pvp

paladin build didnt work in pvp at all before thoth gear, considering i had 0-1 mana regen a second i just didnt bother at all with pvp

06-22-2010, 08:17 PM
I like agreement on forums, it makes me happy and warm inside :-p

06-22-2010, 08:35 PM
I feel warm as well how harmonic

06-22-2010, 08:40 PM
Well at least we're all happy (at some point) on the forums, even if not in game :-p

Despite the problems (in m opinion) that I see ingame, it doesn't stop me from really enjoying it (little worried now my Enchantress is maxed that I'm running out of stuff to do)

Not to say that I'm not eagerly anticipating any magic the devs are cookin up ;-)

06-22-2010, 08:53 PM
So once you have enough points allotted to equip best gear the game won't let you put any more points in that category? The only point I'm trying to make is that if you choose to play as a "pure" char great have fun. If you want more mana don't dump the hundred points in to dex.

Hybridization as it has been defined in this game by the players over the past months is simple. Using the skills of one class with the gear of another. That's all I'm saying. I have no problem with hybrids and I love that there is at least some creativity possible, but there are serious balance issues that should not just be ignored. I'm just trying to keep the lingo straight so everybody knows what everybody is talking about.

06-22-2010, 09:07 PM
ORRRRRRRRR they could hve 2 categories: pure and hybrid.

06-22-2010, 09:13 PM
Royce I get it the point I was attempting to make is that the game really is not geared toward a pure build and calling a char pure while mixing stats and then not being happy with the results and asking for changes seems a little silly from my pov.

06-22-2010, 09:26 PM
Royce I get it the point I was attempting to make is that the game really is not geared toward a pure build and calling a char pure while mixing stats and then not being happy with the results and asking for changes seems a little silly from my pov.

As far as I understand you here, you're basically saying the game is unbalanced and biased to hybrids but asking for change is unreasonable.

? :-(

06-22-2010, 09:26 PM
I really don't understand what you mean.

Royce I get it the point I was attempting to make is that the game really is not geared toward a pure build
so far so good

and calling a char pure while mixing stats and then not being happy with the results and asking for changes seems a little silly from my pov.
Huh? The point is that by taking enchantress skills and combining them with warrior gear you get something that is better in every way than a warrior (with all points in Str or mixed), and also better in every way than an enchantress (whether all Int or mixed). The same is true for bowbears, etc. What does what you are saying have to do with the conversation? I don't even understand where you're coming from. In no role playing game I have ever played was it considered normal to pour 100% of your attribute points into a single category, nor was that a necessary task to be considered a pure class in every way.

The point is dramatic imbalance. Do you not consider it a problem that a paladin has stronger attack, better armor, stronger spells, better mana regen, etc., etc. than a regular Int enchantress (whether 100% Int or mixed Int with some Dex/Str)? The only thing the Int mage has is maybe 30 more points of mana which mean nothing when a paladin has better regen. There will never be perfect balance, but it's obvious that the current situation is not quite acceptable. Balance doesn't have to be perfect, but class should not predict 95% of your success in PvP which it currently does.

06-22-2010, 09:35 PM
I like to think that if I was using an actual keyboard and not an iPhone I could have been bothered (and clever enough :-p) to explain it that well.

The only part I kinda disagree with is the pouring points into a single stat thing, yeah very silly in other games, but you could realistically split the PL stats into str/end, dex/agi & int/wis, making it not seem quite so bad.

However I think that's irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, although I do like the idea of having 6 stats and just double the points to spend, but that's a whole other balancing issue to throw into the works like a big fat spanner.

06-22-2010, 09:55 PM
i think hybrid or pure doesn't matter now.. all is to see wat kind of role u wanna play and pump to the suitable stat.

06-22-2010, 09:59 PM
i think hybrid or pure doesn't matter now.. all is to see wat kind of role u wanna play and pump to the suitable stat.

I'm assuming you don't play pure characters?

06-22-2010, 10:05 PM
Not all hybrids are over powered sure the pallys are tough to kill but not impossible. For example untill AO my bowtress was my fave build hands down right now with the gear that's available I wouldn't use for a pvp match but I'm not asking for a retool I simply moved on and started useing other chars and got over it. If I lose a pvp game I don't blame the other persons build I blame myself for not figureing out a way to win. I think all things considered things are fine as is but again you can't please evreyone. In the end it is a game and I hope evreyone has fun with whatever set up the decide to use.

06-22-2010, 10:15 PM
Not all hybrids are over powered

Pure chacters are underpowered (for the most part)

If I lose a pvp game I don't blame the other persons build I blame myself for not figureing out a way to win.

Enchanter vs Paladin = no win situation for the ench.

06-22-2010, 10:26 PM
Then level a secondary char is the only other thing I can tell you bmc or find some other pures to pvp with. Idk if I'm in the minority but I find haveing a bunch of diffrent chars to choose from adds a little variety to the game and each plays completly diffrently. Maybe give it a shot and you will stumble across a counter for the pallys.

06-22-2010, 10:46 PM
...find some other pures to pvp with.

I mentioned earlier in the post that i wouldnt want to play the game with hybrid/pure segregated, I think it's unnecessary and cuts the community in half (certainly for pvp)

...stumble across a counter for the pallys.

I agree, there will always be a rock, paper, scissors situation in MMO pvp but I think that if this was more down to gear loadout than class (assuming a paladin is it's own class) there would be more depth and we could both be happy with the situation.

This doesn't change the fact that a paladins skills are just as effective as an enchanters, although perhaps you feel that's fair, it's certainly very unorthodoxed.

While I'm sure paladins have a counter, I can't see it ever being a pure class, and so I've done a full circle, back to square one, segregation, etc etc etc....

06-22-2010, 10:51 PM
I'm assuming you don't play pure characters?

beep~ wrong.. i'm pure str for bear and pure dex for birdy.

and ofcoz my mind still thinking it is unbalance as hybrid is overpowered, but juz dun wanna get too involve now as i'm still thinking my tank and shooter play pretty well.. but not in PVP coz i dun play that .. so..... end of my line i guess.

06-23-2010, 11:10 PM
I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that hybrids are a bit overpowered, so here's my suggestion: have pure-only skills. How would you do that? Well, right now each class has a 'main stat':
Ench - int
Arch - dex
Bear - str
I know, everybody knows this, but it's just to help explain. ;) Anyways, let's say you have an ench. You would be a 'pure' ench if your main stat (int) was over a certain percentage (let's say 50%) of your total points. Then, pures would have special skills that make them more secure in their roles, and hybrids would still have their customization.

What do you guys think? :)

Devs u have ''WILDS STAMP OF APPROVAL'' for this one

Pvp King
06-24-2010, 05:25 PM
if you guys have ever played any other game then this you wouldnt make it onrunescape and wow you should see how much some people can do to there guy. so let people customize how they want and if u got a problem with it just change yourself. if not get over it!

06-24-2010, 05:45 PM
if you guys have ever played any other game then this you wouldnt make it onrunescape and wow you should see how much some people can do to there guy. so let people customize how they want and if u got a problem with it just change yourself. if not get over it!

If you consider that a hybrid is a seperate class, not just a seperate loadout, then you have certain classes with all the benefits of others and none of the downsides.

By respecing from an Enchanter to a Paladin, I'm completely changing the 'class' I'm playing with.

In WoW for example, there are certain gear loadouts you can use to strengthen certain areas, all as part of one class, you can of course, respec to what is pretty much a seperate class e.g Priest/Shadow Priest. A Shadow is geared to combat, with more DPS and less healing, and a Priest is the opposite. In PL, a 'Paladin/Battlemage' or 'Bowchantress' is an enchanter, just with more defense, DPS, health, and all of the heals/nukes are just as powerful, where's the justice in that?

Pvp King
06-24-2010, 05:49 PM
check this out if you want to know why hybrids are over powered

06-24-2010, 06:27 PM
latley i have been hearing about half of the pures that play this game complain about hybrids. The reasons why hybrids are over powered is because they know what armour they need and what order to use the skills....

The reason hybrids are overpowered is because they have better defense/damage and equally deadly skills

....So what I'm saying here its not the hybrid its the person and the brains behind the screen playing.

I think it's safe to say that not all people playing pure classes are stupid, and most of them will know

what armour they need and what order to use the skills

But it doesn't change the fact that, for example a strength mage using the best gear available will have better defense/damage/health/mana regen, compared to an int mage using the best gear which will have a slightly better mana pool, which doesnt make much difference with half the mana regen, and their skills will do the same damage, which in pvp currently, is enough to kill any character instantly.