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View Full Version : Towards the future

09-07-2011, 04:24 AM
Greetings everyone.

Since day one i started playing SL that i noticed how it made me feel nostalgic towards PSO,phantasy star online. The games are difirent, but still trows me that scent of PSO. Now i have reached 25, i dont plan on killing myself to reach 26 since the exp required will drop soon,i see it as being pointless. Anyhow i would like to see some hardcore quests, i know miner is hard guardian can make one panic to. But with time they become just anoying.

I remember in PSO there was a quest called Towards the Future, made the players face all 4 bosses. It was nice because we could skip the trash mobs and dive right into the hard and exciting part.
Imo making players run over and over again makes it anoying.

My idea was. Create a sort of quest that would reward one with a badge,or other item, alllowing him/her to participate in these boss hunts.
Would be nice if the dificulty could be altered aswell. Like an hard mode, ultimate? ^^
I say make a quest because granting players the oportunity to skip the content right away, will make them skip it. So thus why we need some sort of clearence to enter boss fights.

It could be a sort of arena where bosses would enter and we would have to fight. Doesnt have to be very eloborative map. Just some hard monsters for us to bash.

My best regards!

09-07-2011, 04:53 AM
In PL, there are special dungeons where all bosses from same lvl are reunited.
There are special dungeon also where unique boss drop very rare items.
You have also some plat maps harder than the equivalent lvl map with special drops you cant find in free ones.

Theyll probably do something similar in SL, no worries.

09-07-2011, 04:59 AM
Thank you for the quick reply. Well great to hear about the boss hunt lvls.
But im kind of sad knowing there will be lvls only for plat buyers. I do buy platinum, i have nothing against supporting the gama and getting the awsome items. But restricting lvls is too much imo. Will turn the game more into a demo mmo than a free mmo. If one cant experience all the content for free it is no longer free mmo. That is what i think.

Anyway,great to know we will have a sort of TTF ^^