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View Full Version : PvP Assault/defence

09-07-2011, 04:38 AM
Greetings everyone again.

I decided to open another thread , to not mix the ideas with the other suggestion.
Alot of mmo's use similar pvp settings, and one i havent seen alot is the system unreal tournent had.
Each team had to defend or attack a base.
In star legends things could be a little more spicy, this had to be like battle between guilds since its the only way i see it working.

A space station would be empty, the team defending would spawn with all open doors for players to run to their disered places creating their defence plan. 2 3 mim. While the attacking team would be locked in a room decuding how to attack etc.

The objective is to explode lets say... a computer. Using same method as we already do in quest.
Each player would have a fix amount of respawns. And the team that had lose more of these lifes(respawns )would lose.

The teams would switch once the game ended. This meaning a team won or lost all their repspawns.