View Full Version : What's with no weapons?

09-07-2011, 07:12 PM
Lately, every time I run a baby char (think level 3-8), I keep getting in PUG's where at least one player has no weapon. I can see a level 1, if they chose not to do the tutorial, winding up weaponless, but this is silly. Today's entry was a level 6 Op, on an elixir with....no weapon. They had something like 28 kills and 85 deaths. I've seen folks in PL going for the "0 deaths 0 kills" thing, but....no weapon? Dying all the time? I asked them what was up with not carrying a weapon and got no response. They just blundered around, pulled a bunch of Juicers on top of me and another guy, we both died, weaponless-Op finally got cornered and died and then rage-quit. *scratches head perplexedly*

09-07-2011, 07:20 PM
Lately, every time I run a baby char (think level 3-8), I keep getting in PUG's where at least one player has no weapon. I can see a level 1, if they chose not to do the tutorial, winding up weaponless, but this is silly. Today's entry was a level 6 Op, on an elixir with....no weapon. They had something like 28 kills and 85 deaths. I've seen folks in PL going for the "0 deaths 0 kills" thing, but....no weapon? Dying all the time? I asked them what was up with not carrying a weapon and got no response. They just blundered around, pulled a bunch of Juicers on top of me and another guy, we both died, weaponless-Op finally got corned and died and then rage-quit. *scratches head perplexedly*

Wow I play about weaponless in Blackstar or Numa Outpost but before entering a level no matter what always go in fully geared. What would you gain by keeping enhancers on running around pretty much to die.. hmm fun maybe.. or.they were trying to set a new trend and failed miserably?!

09-07-2011, 07:59 PM
lol, i hope i don't see him in any of my games...*weaponless??wth whas that guy thinking??*


09-07-2011, 08:09 PM
Sounds like we need to both do some naked runs with no weapons through nuri's, huh? Lol

09-07-2011, 08:22 PM
Well....yeah! Let's do, Deth! :D (Psst! Get online! Redd and I are on and Buk should be back on shortly.....)

The others I've seen doing it are all under level 10. I can see it at 20+ just for the fun of it, but....?

09-07-2011, 09:45 PM
Lately, every time I run a baby char (think level 3-8), I keep getting in PUG's where at least one player has no weapon. I can see a level 1, if they chose not to do the tutorial, winding up weaponless, but this is silly. Today's entry was a level 6 Op, on an elixir with....no weapon. They had something like 28 kills and 85 deaths. I've seen folks in PL going for the "0 deaths 0 kills" thing, but....no weapon? Dying all the time? I asked them what was up with not carrying a weapon and got no response. They just blundered around, pulled a bunch of Juicers on top of me and another guy, we both died, weaponless-Op finally got corned and died and then rage-quit. *scratches head perplexedly*

I literally laughed out loud at this post. I am just envisioning some lvl six aimlessley getting slaughtered non stop. Ah, thanks for the laugh :)

09-07-2011, 10:12 PM
I have a level 7 0k0d named Watcher. I just heal teammates.

09-08-2011, 08:04 AM
Well, most of times, those r kids thinking they dont need tutorial to start playing.
Youll find them later asking... how to wear weapon, quest what quest?, cash plx, keep on dieing, cant wear armor, blabla... yep saw also low lvl players without weapons :confused:
Have to be patient to make them understand simple game mechanics.

09-08-2011, 08:27 AM
I have a level 7 0k0d named Watcher. I just heal teammates.

An Engi that heals is at least useful, but an Op without a weapon is, well, silly is the best I can come up with. :D And I understand the 0/0 ratio thing, but most folks that do that run with friends who understand what you're up to, not in PUGs.

Made me laugh, too, Noneo. They died once and I finally notice--no weapon? Died again and lay there for a while. I asked and got no answer. They respawned, ran back to join, ran past the other guy and me fighting a couple Juicers into the next room where they picked up a couple more and "kindly" brought them back where we were so we both die. Weaponless continues running around like headless, hapless chicken until they die and quit. ?????

Kakatoa, I'd understand a level 1. Maybe level 2, but by that point, they must have seen someone using a weapon sometime. I've never had one even ask about weapons or equipping them or anything else. They just seem to mindlessly run along, attempting to either use what skills they have or smack things with their tiny little fists of rage. It is a puzzlement.

09-08-2011, 09:46 AM
An Engi that heals is at least useful, but an Op without a weapon is, well, silly is the best I can come up with. :D And I understand the 0/0 ratio thing, but most folks that do that run with friends who understand what you're up to, not in PUGs.

Made me laugh, too, Noneo. They died once and I finally notice--no weapon? Died again and lay there for a while. I asked and got no answer. They respawned, ran back to join, ran past the other guy and me fighting a couple Juicers into the next room where they picked up a couple more and "kindly" brought them back where we were so we both die. Weaponless continues running around like headless, hapless chicken until they die and quit. ?????

Kakatoa, I'd understand a level 1. Maybe level 2, but by that point, they must have seen someone using a weapon sometime. I've never had one even ask about weapons or equipping them or anything else. They just seem to mindlessly run along, attempting to either use what skills they have or smack things with their tiny little fists of rage. It is a puzzlement.

Lmaooo that sounds pretty fun to watch xD

The only other suggestion I can possibly come up with is if they are tring to get on the Deaths Leaderboard.. and failing.. :p

09-08-2011, 10:40 AM
If you want to be on the death leaderboard you better equip the best weapon you can... you would want to get aggro fast.

09-08-2011, 12:06 PM
Another one! It's like the Invasion of the Weaponless! Level 6 Op, no weapon, no armor, 24 kills, 48 deaths and no answer to my PM: "No weapon?". Arrrggh. (In comparison, my level 5 Engi has 96 kills 1 death--caused by the last weaponless doofus. Can I say doofus? Ah, well.) I left after no answer and a long wait and made my own instance.

09-08-2011, 08:02 PM
If you want to be on the death leaderboard you better equip the best weapon you can... you would want to get aggro fast.

We know this lol but would a lvl 4-6 noob know this haha.. im hoping im wrong anyway need to have a little more faith in them xD

09-08-2011, 10:52 PM
The only semi-sorta-logical thing I can think of is someone builds a low-level char, but levels it enough to access stash. They then lock XP gain and just use it to run the lower levels for gear and stims, sell the gear and stash the credits, stims and any decent drops for later sale. They don't care about equipping the char or how many deaths it gets or kills not accumulating because it's just a stim/gear magnet. That's the only possible reason I can come up with. A sort of gear/stim leech. Or I'm over-thinking it and they're just goofy. Sigh.

09-09-2011, 12:31 AM
Same thing happened to me in numa...except it was an engineer with no res or heal spell....i died and asked for a res since it seemed to be taking a little longer than it normally should and he said, sry no res. I responded, whys that? He said im an ATTACK ENGINEER i only use strong skills....

09-09-2011, 07:01 AM
The only semi-sorta-logical thing I can think of is someone builds a low-level char, but levels it enough to access stash. They then lock XP gain and just use it to run the lower levels for gear and stims, sell the gear and stash the credits, stims and any decent drops for later sale. They don't care about equipping the char or how many deaths it gets or kills not accumulating because it's just a stim/gear magnet. That's the only possible reason I can come up with. A sort of gear/stim leech. Or I'm over-thinking it and they're just goofy. Sigh.

Now that is logical thinkin.. but I do think we are giving them a little more credit than we should be ha (Im usually the optimistic one as well :p)

Same thing happened to me in numa...except it was an engineer with no res or heal spell....i died and asked for a res since it seemed to be taking a little longer than it normally should and he said, sry no res. I responded, whys that? He said im an ATTACK ENGINEER i only use strong skills....

And got get me started on this.. could go on for hours!!! One word and an Exclamation mark - b00n!

There was another thread about somewhere about this, will edit if I or when I find it :)

09-09-2011, 08:02 AM
Kakatoa, I'd understand a level 1. Maybe level 2, but by that point, they must have seen someone using a weapon sometime. I've never had one even ask about weapons or equipping them or anything else. They just seem to mindlessly run along, attempting to either use what skills they have or smack things with their tiny little fists of rage. It is a puzzlement.

Dont underestimate the clueless/smartness of novice... :D
(I dont dare to say nub lol)

Help 2 guys after IOS joined us.
Same case for both of them, they skip tutorial end up playin/lvlin till 6-7 with erm nothin on lol.
Both where asking on b* town at different times.
1 was a young kid, other was just an inexperienced player of mmo games.
Yes epic moment, i had to explain the 'EQUIP' button... :o
(Homer Simpson's doh?).
The lil kid ran away happy shootin with his gun without askin anything else.
The other wisely ask more explications about the avatars interface.
Btw the new tutorial is better now imo, and really helpful if they dont skip it.
I helped a also french player, his english was just very bad and also his avatar was lvlin nakey. Had to translate a bit for him and explain game mechanics.:p

09-09-2011, 08:46 AM
I know you weren't looking for one, Kakatoa, but a big pat on the back for helping the hapless. :-) And the language barrier thing can be a problem. I've helped a bit with what French I have, but am at a loss for German/Italian/whatever players.

Lol, Bod! I really need a new mantra, "Just let it go. Not everything has an explanation, logical or otherwise. Just let it go...." :D

09-09-2011, 09:31 AM
Same thing happened to me in numa...except it was an engineer with no res or heal spell....i died and asked for a res since it seemed to be taking a little longer than it normally should and he said, sry no res. I responded, whys that? He said im an ATTACK ENGINEER i only use strong skills....

Nice, of course being able to revive fallen comrades and effectively doubling firepower when you do so would be seen as a weak skill...

09-09-2011, 09:42 AM
Well the point of that story is the whole entire point of an engineer/mage is to buff, heal, and revive your party. They dont fight. Its just common sense. The gear doesnt do enough damage as an operative nor do the skills. If he wanted an attack toon he shouldve made an operative.

09-09-2011, 11:06 AM
Which is why I have one of each--Commando and Op (especially) for smacking things. Engineer spams heal and pokes things when it can. Most days, I want to be a frontline bad-guy-whacker, but being a behind-the-lines-healer is an awfully nice change of pace.

09-09-2011, 09:38 PM
He was probaly going for jogs :D