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View Full Version : [HELP] I have a Mage and no clue what to do....

09-07-2011, 09:23 PM
Hey guys,

So lately I have been thinking about how much I flop over dead in PvE. Witch is a problem for my party considering sometimes I am the only mage.
I realize that Mages and Birds are on the higher end of the DMG and the DPS scale but are on the lower end of the survival scale.
So I need help deciding what on earth to do.

So up to this point I have been a DexIntMage, but I have been looking around and thinking about going [100% Int] or [50% Int 50% Str] but I do not know how well this will turn out. Just want some input on other peoples experience's with Mages and what rout to take.

09-07-2011, 09:28 PM
Pure int seem to be the hardest to play, int/dex is more popular amongst the PL community, and a "pally" is probably least common. Pallys are unique in their own way because they use shields 0.o OMGZZZ NOWAY?? shields?? Yes way. If you got the right build... Well let's just say they can tank pretty much :) I would consider going 50/50 int/str and see how you like it. Hope I helped!

09-07-2011, 09:39 PM
Int and dex. Just try and stay out of the fight and heal like crazy. Afterall, you're the support in a party :p stay half and half dex/int, purchase and use the 9armor dex ring, and when you get to 55 with a mega mage set you should have 143 armor (148if you have a founders helm.) with the said setup and with both blessings and the mana shield, you should have around 189 armor. Use lots of hp pots (mana if you're using the mana shield) and you should be fine.

Remember, you're the support class and should stay back. Your skills give you ranged capabilities, so there's no need to jump into the mobs.

09-07-2011, 09:51 PM
It really depends on your playing style. Are you playing for survivability or to do max damage? If you like doing max aoe damage, pure is the way to go. Nothing beats your aoe. If you like playing for survivability, i.e. last one standing (almost), pally is the way to go. A mage on full FF can easily rack up 160 armor and about 32 m/s. You never run out of mana. Add mana shield, drain and heal, you'd be a difficult target to kill. The only problem with pally is you deal next to no damage. And your natural aoe suffers as well. Your heals also heals just a little. Oh, and you have to go hand-to-hand.

As for Dex/Int, I've not tried it before so I can't comment on it but from what I've seen, you deal lots of damage at range while being able to heal yourself.

My personal experience (I had a pally), before the Circus came to town, a pally suited my playing style, as Sewer mobs do not have that much of a range. However, since Circus, my pally would almost always be the first to die, since I'd be tanking (map 1 of circus provides a barrel of laughs with mobs doing grave-stones and death-shots, map 2 with the mages' hahaha that repels you - hand to hand becomes impossible).
So, I resorted to going Str/Int hybrid, which seems to work better because I can equip a mage wand for more range and damage than FF sword, I sacrifice a bit of armor in the process but I still retain my Str armor, helm and shield. I find that I survive a bit better than a pally.

So again, it really depends on your playing style and what you want to do, and where you want to play :)

09-08-2011, 01:31 PM
Well let's just say they can tank pretty much

Unless you can taunt and take aggro, you're not really "tanking".

09-08-2011, 03:28 PM
Int and dex. Just try and stay out of the fight and heal like crazy. Afterall, you're the support in a party :p stay half and half dex/int, purchase and use the 9armor dex ring, and when you get to 55 with a mega mage set you should have 143 armor (148if you have a founders helm.) with the said setup and with both blessings and the mana shield, you should have around 189 armor. Use lots of hp pots (mana if you're using the mana shield) and you should be fine.

Remember, you're the support class and should stay back. Your skills give you ranged capabilities, so there's no need to jump into the mobs.

Ahh...ok...Id love to use the MM set but I do not have that kind of cash lol.
So my setup is

Int SK Armour Lv55
Tamer's Bow of (obedience?) Lv 56
I have around 90 armor but I am thinking about buying some kind of Wing and Using a talon because of the extra armor.