View Full Version : Advice on my main paladin character

09-08-2011, 01:24 AM
Hello folks!

Since the new equipment stats revolution, i want to invest more on my main and delete my mage and dexbear (too many to take care of) I would like to have some feedback on how pallies have changed since the update. Stats, spells, equip ( I have even heard about wand pallies). Take into consideration i don't like to pvp or twink.

Thanks all!

09-08-2011, 02:17 AM
I'm not sure about the others, but my pally has changed to become more of a hybrid than a pally. Str is set at 140 to allow for lv60 str equip to be used. The rest goes into Int. And yes, I use a wand. Well, a Baton, to be exact, while maintaining other Str equip (helm, armor, shield). Working well for me so far. I find that my "pally" lasts longer this way, and I kill faster too. My issue with a sewer pally (full FF) was that the m/s was just too good! Way too high. The only time my mana went down was when I was using mana shield. So I'm trying to readjust my equip so that my m/s is at a good level while trying to boost other stats :)

As for spells, it remains the same as before. Ice storm was at lv 1 to allow for Hot Flash to be used but now I'm increasing that to do more individual skill damage too.

Mobs in Circus hits quite hard, and I found with a Sewer pally, a longer battle is one I always lose, regardless of how good my armor and spells are. So I opted to hybridise instead, attempting to kill mobs faster. I'll tell you how it goes when I hit 60 but right now, I still want to do more damage while maintaining my armor and other stats :P

09-08-2011, 06:46 AM
Idk. I don't use mages... But just for feedback, I know Strength Bears are still great while plain mages are not the best. Since items require way less stat and you're deleting characters, take dual specing into consideration.

09-08-2011, 08:15 AM
Paladin? Well, you should definitely consider investing in a Strongman-mace Glyph set. It's one of the best armor sets available, with excellent Paladin/Warbird support due to it's damage and mana regen. I'm no Mage expert, but the skills should probably be pretty easy with so many available skill points now.

09-08-2011, 12:32 PM
Thanks for the feedback.
As for now I have deleted those 2 chars that I have mentioned above. I have equipped the MM wand onto my pally and for now I like it. Since best one-handed weapon, across the three classes, seems to be the STR mace, I may go back to be full pally. The wand pally is good to keep the distance and for trash mob, from what I have tested.
Fortunately I have already kept the "put enough STR to wear bear items and the rest into INT" attitude and I'm not intending to change my skills for now.
If you have any more info please let me know :)