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View Full Version : New SL player. Vet MMO player.

Rob Prose
09-08-2011, 10:31 AM
Hey all names Rob I just started SL on iOS and just wanted to say whats up. my toons are Bigsmoke 16 operative, Bigtokes 13 commando, and Bigheals 14 engineer. I am a 6 year vet of MMOs with over 500 completed raids logged in WoW including hard mode ICC up too blood queen 25 and full clears on reg mode(quit at cata). I'm no bOOn to gaming I have checked the forums for info on how to build and play all three of my toons properly and efficiently. I try and log at least an hour online everyday, usually after 5pm EST and sporadically during the day when I have a break. I don't talk smack but will politely inform a player to check the forums if they seem to be struggling at their class(I.E. a commando who doesn't know that they are supposed to be leading the charge popping their skills to keep agro). I'm always looking to better my skills and can be an great edition to any guild or group on any toon.

Edit: Forgot too add I'm a vet PL player but I didn't start till waaaay after it dropped and wasn't as big into it as I was playing WoW at the time. Greenwizard lvl 19 mage, Bustacaps lvl 15 archer, and bigtokes level 16 warrior.

09-08-2011, 06:10 PM
Glad to have such a BAMF in this game :P

If you havent noticed, the gameplay to these games are pretty similar to wow's. Just very simplified. Oh and in SL you need a healer to do well in the dungeons as opposed to spamming pots in PL.

I like to call SL a very streamlined version of WoW :)

09-08-2011, 06:49 PM
Hey Rob,

Sounds like you know what you're doing.... Looking forward to hooking up SL.

09-09-2011, 02:13 AM
Welcome to the SL community.

Feel free to add me IGN: Ryt, More then happy to jump in and boost you up.