View Full Version : Design challenge for devs ;)

07-28-2016, 09:59 PM
Plain and simple, sike!

Nothing plain about it, and it would be quite the undertaking. BUT....

I want my 'Inspect' screen, when others view my avatar, to be customizable, even if its just a few different locations like you did with the housing system. No buff needed, I just want to be shown standing in ashral tower with Inan'hesh dead behind me. And if there's any extra time, incorporate a feature where u can show something off (like a banner) for some of the game's hardest AP's.

Thanks for reading!

07-28-2016, 10:49 PM
You mean like PL?

Suentous PO
07-28-2016, 11:24 PM
even if its just a few different locations like you did with the housing system. No buff needed, I just want to be shown standing in ashral tower with Inan'hesh dead behind me. And if there's any extra time, incorporate a feature where u can show something off (like a banner) for some of the game's hardest AP's.

You mean like PL?
I think he's going way beyond that wanting ap's to be shown in "inspect" screen, not just a different background color.

07-31-2016, 10:07 AM
Yeah i mean like the locations they did with housing. As of now, your avatar is just standing in a house with your pet. I want it to be customizable just a lil bit :)
Maybe have your pet next to you, and 3 more of your most used pets standing behind or something. Idk! I just wanna stand out a bit more ^_^