View Full Version : Bored with PL because of AO

06-22-2010, 04:12 PM
I just got back in town after being gone for a few weeks, and already have 2 of each piece of top gear from the AO campaign drops. I only play my mage, but I was so bored I leveled an archer to 40 and already have top gear for him (and now don't play him again...).

What is up with the pink drop rate? Farming used to be my only carrot to keep playing. And I honestly hate leveling.

Can you at least put a button in that shoots fireworks, and which I can press after killing a boss, so that I can at least have some objective in this game? I like the AO fights, but am really bored with the entire game now (at least in swamps I was grinding for truly rare gear....)

Sorry for the gripe, but my suggestion is to fix the drop rate or provide a quest where we can earn some gold for clearing all board bosses or some type of carrot. Please make sure that AO2 has a longer replay value...please please please ?

06-22-2010, 04:21 PM
But you can shoot fireworks! It's an emote! :D

06-22-2010, 04:38 PM
But you can shoot fireworks! It's an emote! :D

With all the re rolls these changes to stats and armor are causing, I can't afford fireworks :(

06-22-2010, 05:35 PM
i for one am bored too... spend most of my time on the forums

06-22-2010, 07:15 PM
But you can shoot fireworks! It's an emote! :D

I meant some special fireworks for killing a boss. I want a friggin carrot, because right now, they might as well just give everyone the top end gear. It's not like it was a challenge to farm (which was previously the only "end-game" content available).

I figured I'd focus on bitching here about how boring the game is right now in the hopes the developers will change/add something to make me shut the hell up.

06-22-2010, 07:17 PM
Please watch you language.

06-22-2010, 07:19 PM
Just wondering, do certain drops have an even less percentage rate of dropping than other pink drops? Or do we just get unlucky with certain drops like Bayou Bow and Voodoo Doll and they just don't show up as much as the other pinks?

06-22-2010, 07:23 PM
Please watch you language.

Which word offends you mom? If you feel tension because of the language I used, good. But there's not a word above that isn't available in any PG movie around. Please go language police somewhere else. Thanks

06-22-2010, 07:24 PM
Just wondering, do certain drops have an even less percentage rate of dropping than other pink drops? Or do we just get unlucky with certain drops like Bayou Bow and Voodoo Doll and they just don't show up as much as the other pinks?

Drop rates were different for Swamps. Top end gear there was truly rare

06-22-2010, 07:24 PM
If you would like to read the rules it says "no cussing".

06-22-2010, 07:27 PM
If you would like to read the rules it says "no cussing".

Considering the words I used are ok'd by the FCC for general prime time use, I would argue that I haven't "cussed." Please go cry somewhere else.

Thank you for bumping the thread though

06-22-2010, 07:31 PM
Dude seriously lay off noob.

06-22-2010, 07:32 PM
Dude seriously lay off noob.

Sorry to rain on your supreme PL kingdom here on the forums, but I am enjoying your bitching too much

06-22-2010, 07:35 PM
Im done here I already argued with a kid today.

06-22-2010, 07:36 PM
Sorry to rain on your supreme PL kingdom here on the forums, but I am enjoying your bitching too much

Chill. There's no need. I know you know that.

Anyway, I agree, the drop rate is kinda mad.

06-22-2010, 07:37 PM
Chill. There's no need. I know you know that.

Anyway, I agree, the drop rate is kinda mad.

I'm curious, did the new campaign roll out with the drop rate, or did they change it for some reason?

06-22-2010, 07:38 PM
Thanks diz, and I know I played from Lvl 3 to lvl 5 and I got like 3 pinks and other items in AO its not a challenge to get a pink anymore. I hope they change the drop rate in AO 2.

06-22-2010, 07:46 PM
It's not just the drop rate of pinks. I'm sure they are trying to get more pinks in general to drop, since you want to increase the drop rates of better items as level increases.

What is really annoying is that I have multiple sets of the currently "best" level 40 pinks for all three classes, and have only been back for a few days. They might as well just give this gear away for free. Any player with a few thousand gold can now be completely geared out in the best AO gear (basically, any player who has played more than 1 day).

06-22-2010, 07:52 PM
Yea with you there Huzz.

Well, the drops in LE, and swamps were reasonably hard to get. The problem was that the hardcore players farmed the shizz out of the place. (Not that there is anything wrong with that). The Devs moved the bosses in an attempt to reduce farming but we always found a way around it.
However the drops remained reasonably rare. At least rare enough to be sold for 50, 100 sometimes 200k or more.

It seems that AO is just ridiculous for drops. It was actually far worse when first released. Bosses always dropped 2 or three pinks without fail. It's still pretty bad now, and the top end gear is selling for 30k max. (thoth etc).

06-22-2010, 08:13 PM
I think that so long as the game has the 'instant action' kinda feel to it, it's gonna be very hard to balance for casual and hardcore alike while the two are still expected to share the same dungeon/drop rate.

I like the idea suggested in another thread of 'nightmare' difficulty dungeons proposed in the roadmap having unique and extremely rare loot.


Tiny iPhone screen ruining my forum debating again, with regards to what Huzzah said for drop rates causing duplicate problems, something that'll be very hard to change while loot tables are shared by all bosses in an expansion, I remember suggesting in another post that bosses having specific loot mostly eradicates this problem as you know where to get the stuff you want to use/sell/twink with, spares and dupes then only appear (a)if you want them to or (b)if you're unlucky hunting down that last piece you want

06-22-2010, 08:24 PM
I think that so long as the game has the 'instant action' kinda feel to it, it's gonna be very hard to balance for casual and hardcore alike while the two are still expected to share the same dungeon/drop rate.

I like the idea suggested in another thread of 'nightmare' difficulty dungeons proposed in the roadmap having unique and extremely rare loot.

That's a good idea. I would love to play a single board in this game (not even a whole campaign) that required an entire group of good players. Right now, I can farm every boss with one other person on the last AO board, running straight to the boss and taking it out, running to the next boss and taking it out, with minimal collateral trash kills. That's just...sad...

I really enjoy playing an MMO game on a touch device. I just wish they would reward players who want to push it and be challenged along the way. I've never been a believer in the "everyone deserves a race car" paradigm. What happaned to there being tolerance, if not outright incentive, to perform at the highest level (kind of a generic question, not just to MMOs, but definitely applicable here)?

06-22-2010, 08:36 PM
Totally 100% agree with you there buddy.

06-23-2010, 06:34 AM
I wish they'd put in capture the flag in PvP at least. I'm completely bored with PvP now as well =/

Come on devs....how about making SOME content for the more "hardcore" (aka just plain ole better?) skilled players?

06-24-2010, 05:25 AM
When is AO2 coming out?

I checked in the "in-development" thread line and didn't see anything.

I did see the voting thread for features the community wanted to see developed and put in my vote (fyi to anyone reading this who hasn't voted, go do so!).

I'm glad to see "elite dungeons" doing so well, considering many people think this is such a small gaming segment. I'm not entirely surprised "pets" is doing so well there as a game feature, but if you devs decided to skip that for game mechanic tweaks/balancing/stabilization and upping difficulty I wouldn't complain....

06-24-2010, 07:15 AM
Please watch you language.

Gay. Roflmao.

06-24-2010, 08:01 AM
i dont bother playing this game much, i havent played it in weeks now

i hope all this waiting is worth it for AO2

06-24-2010, 03:52 PM
It's funny you mention not logging in. If they did an analysis on my login time, they would see that I'm at 15% of what I was at during swamps. And, I was going to mention that over half of my main's friends list has been missing since I've gotten back from vacation (and they're all level 40...). The irony is that Sayishere is on my friends list ;-)

I hope AO2 is a much greater effort at prolonging the playability of this game. I still see so much potential for this game, if only the devs would focus on difficulty and some type of end-game content us "carrot-monkeys."

And thanks Obliteration...my point exactly

06-24-2010, 03:59 PM
I'm holding hopes that after AO2 and 1.3 they'll start adding depth to existing content, randomised/hardcore dungeons & extra loot, as well as taking a little time to focus on balance.

I know they're very busy, but I'm happy to wait as long as I know it's being addressed :-)

06-24-2010, 04:53 PM
I'm holding hopes that after AO2 and 1.3 they'll start adding depth to existing content, randomised/hardcore dungeons & extra loot, as well as taking a little time to focus on balance.

I know they're very busy, but I'm happy to wait as long as I know it's being addressed :-)

I'd love ALL of what you mentioned BMC in place of pets. I hope they start focusing on those points.

Adding PETS to this game at this point is so superficial and superflous I have no idea why the idea is even being entertained. Same for player housing....

I admit that I'm more of a "form follows function" kind of guy though

06-24-2010, 04:59 PM
Yeah, while pets will be a nice addition i'm sure, it's yet another time sink for the devs in a game, that I personally feel, has higher priorities.