View Full Version : "The Duchy"

09-09-2011, 01:28 PM
Mostly because I had a whole pile of platinum (that I had been saving for Blackstar), i went ahead and bought a guild charter and the top-tier guild hall.

Being "Duke", I decided to call it "The Duchy". My main, Taia, is the guild leader. As I notice folks on my friends list online, I'll invite y'all in. Anyone else who wants to join is welcome. Let me know, and I'll add you.

As for charter, this is a casual guild for folks who just want to have fun and go play some maps with people who'll have their back. So, basically, you just need to agree that you will:

Play your character properly, that is, you know how to do it and will fill your party role responsibly.
Stay with the group and complete the map (or at least the objective) with the group, as best as possible. (Real life does crop up, that's ok, just asking that you TRY to not leave a group in a lurch.)
Be nice to N00bs and help them out.
Respect other members of the guild -- no spam or trash talking on guild chat.
Respect everyone else. Warning other guild members about "problem players" is fine. Snarking about people you personally don't like isn't.
Bow down and swear fealty to me, Duke, as I take over the world! MWHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

Just kidding on that last one. Maybe.