View Full Version : Rogues armor still nerfed

Deacon Barton-Cootes
07-30-2016, 05:57 AM
Why is rogues armor still nerfed? I know All class damage was put back to normal, but rogues armor is still nerfed. Because of this rogues at level 15 can produce hectic amount of 1 shot kills on each other leaving the battle skilless. At level 15 it doesn't matter if you have 10 eyes or 10 paras. You're still vulnerable to get killed by 1 combo against a 10 nature jeweled rogue or 10 finesse. The HP for level 15 rogue is between 1.7k 2k. The amount of crits produced is between 1.8k 2.1k. Without the armor being put back rogues do way too much damage on each other.

I'm a 10 eyed 1 para rogue my HP is 2k hp damage 190 crit 30% mana 925 armor 465 which use to be 620 which i believe is way to high for lvl15. but half my battles I get killed 1 shot or in 1 combo, that's why rogues are likely to use mm in their nekro because the lack of armor we hold, but it makes other pets worthless and no point in having if we are relying on a 1 pet with op armor stats.

When vsing Tank or Mage the battle is that evenly matched you need skill and timing but its affected Rogues that much that vs just relies on spam.

Potato is me
07-30-2016, 06:41 AM
According to the design group, they already stated that rogues are to be glass cannons, so this is probably the expected result, you might have more variations of tactics in clash like the timing when u go in and hit hard but in vs its easy to imagine your given scenario. Best bet is to play a waiting game and stay as far as you can from your enemy until he/she makes a mistake then go in for the kill because sts will probably not change this nature of rogues