View Full Version : I am not a girl because my toon is a girl.

09-09-2011, 10:11 PM
I don't normally do rants but I was curious if anyone else has this issue. My main is a male character and all my alts are female. In RL I am a male and in most games I will choose a female if it is an option( fable or dragon age for example). I don't think it's odd or anything. When I play on my alts at least once while I am on someone will ask to date me or where I live and how old I am. One even asked to be my cbf...( note i had to ask what this meant)

I't doesn't make me mad but it is annoying at times when im merchanting and getting wierd pms from people. And most ppl go away, but seem confused, when I tell them I am not a girl.

Do any PL elves have this problem? What about you girls out there tanking with bears? As for SL anyone else have this prob? Funny stories to tell? Just curious. Sort off topic, anyone want to make a guild <I am not a girl>. XD
Oh and </rant>

09-09-2011, 10:13 PM
My name gives me problems, while I am very manly :D

09-09-2011, 10:18 PM
Yeah my mage Geriatrica gets "will you be my gf" and "are you a Spanish girl". More than aggravating.

09-09-2011, 10:34 PM
I'm with Stomp. Yes, I argued with you before and now I'm agreeing with you. I'm allowed to do that. Anyway, I had one guy in SL ask me to be his star girl. To this day I'm not sure what that is.

Just because we prefer to not look at a guy's behind while playing ANY game does not make us real girls.

But hormonal boys will be boys. It's not like they were told that female character isn't really one.

09-09-2011, 10:38 PM
Yeah .... idk? Maybe your Elf is prettier then mine...lol ... cause I don't typically have this problem :-) but hey maybe its all in the name I don't think Kaarmage is very feminine...lol

My name gives me problems, while I am very manly :D

Yeh I can imagine your name give you issues.... I always thought you were a "Dude" but then a few days ago someone reffered to you as a she and I got so cunfused till the nxt time we talked and you greeted me with "what's up bro" (or something like that) and I was like nah chicks don't say bro.....bwahahaha

Epic Unicorns!
09-09-2011, 10:40 PM
I GET THAT ALL THE TIME! People pm me "hey cutie" all time because im a girl named Epicunicorns XD

09-09-2011, 10:40 PM
I wish PL could have genders like SL it be so helpful.. Because it happens to me sometimes just because your a Enchantress it does not make you a girl so please apply genders to PL thanks.

09-09-2011, 10:46 PM
I'm a girl and I was in Plasma Pyramid with my bear a while back and the other people were having a very...interesting ...conversation. One of them suddenly asked if there were any girls in the group and immediately someone said, "nope, all guys here lol." Ah well, I just kept quiet and listened to the...interesting...conversation that they deemed shouldn't be shared with girls. Understandable considering the topic :distant:

09-09-2011, 10:52 PM
I get asked to be a GF in both PL & SL with same IGN... it's Cody not Katie!!!! Ahhhh

09-09-2011, 11:00 PM
My mage in PL had that problem, and it was the main reason I quit playing that toon.

09-09-2011, 11:06 PM
Ignore the idiots...?

09-09-2011, 11:19 PM
@bronislav that is exactly why I play females!

09-09-2011, 11:21 PM
I don't have this issues at all with either my enchantress or my female characters in SL, guess it's all in the ign. Just proves that it's all about perception, even in the virtual world.

09-09-2011, 11:23 PM
Ya same problem. In PL I gave my enchantress a girl name because shes always a girl. In SL you can choose your gender, but I wanted to keep the same names. So my engineers a girl with a girl name. :/ It creates some problems but I guess its my fault for choosing such a name. Not only that but i feel like people will see me as some sort of weirdo if I tell them im a guy, so I usually dont say anything about it.

09-10-2011, 12:06 AM
I have this problem as well sometimes. I am a male in real life and my main character is a female.

If you do encounter comments that are questionable, I'd report it, especially if it is overtly sexist.

09-10-2011, 12:06 AM
Ya same problem. In PL I gave my enchantress a girl name because shes always a girl. In SL you can choose your gender, but I wanted to keep the same names. So my engineers a girl with a girl name. :/ It creates some problems but I guess its my fault for choosing such a name. Not only that but i feel like people will see me as some sort of weirdo if I tell them im a guy, so I usually dont say anything about it.

Well this isn't exactly eharmony. A bit strange that folks assume gender based on a cartoon character. LOL

09-10-2011, 12:32 AM
I wish PL could have genders like SL it be so helpful.. Because it happens to me sometimes just because your a Enchantress it does not make you a girl so please apply genders to PL thanks.I happen, to like the gender locked classes. Call me weird I guess. These conversations tend to be funny sometimes. :D
@bronislav that is exactly why I play females!Amen! I don't like looking at a guy's behind if I can avoid it. Disturbing.

09-10-2011, 12:43 AM
Hahaha I made my main in sl a girl operative. I dunno how many times someones asked me to be their 'gf' -_-, I just tell them to get a life. Lolol I kid, I just tell them I'm a dude, they're speechless after that.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

09-10-2011, 01:27 AM
My character is a guy and and I still get hit on by guys like a bawwss.

09-10-2011, 01:40 AM
I'm a girl and I was in Plasma Pyramid with my bear a while back and the other people were having a very...interesting ...conversation. One of them suddenly asked if there were any girls in the group and immediately someone said, "nope, all guys here lol." Ah well, I just kept quiet and listened to the...interesting...conversation that they deemed shouldn't be shared with girls. Understandable considering the topic :distant:
My goodness u r a girl! Hahah, this is blindrogue remember me?:D, i always wondered, wow this dude is so kind. Hahah :D

09-10-2011, 01:56 AM
Why would anyone ask anyone in pocket legends to be their gf? Doesn't even make sense.

Btw. Will you be my sons godfather? I ran with you in Roach Motel and, judging by your skills, felt you were the kind of person that would be a great guardian and influence for my son.

09-10-2011, 02:22 AM
I cant serioulsy understand why People want a relationship with everyone in this game ord Kinda wierd get a real boyfriend or girlfriend instead, btw got this prob innoying ...

09-10-2011, 02:47 AM
Guess it just goes with the territory. I don't play female characters cuz it's not really my thing. I think of my characters as alter egos so it'd be a little awkward if my alter ego was a girl. What would that say about me? Lol

I think it's funny how this comes up in every game I've ever played. The best part? You got dudes hitting on you, hoping to cultivate some perceived romantic relationship in an online game, then act like you're the weirdo for having a female character. Priceless.

09-10-2011, 04:00 AM
Had that once. I guess IKungFuMage doesn't sound very female. I had some girls asking to be their BF too, I guess panda is made of some really smexy pixels O.o

09-10-2011, 04:28 AM
I made my main female (junside) and someone asked me why, I said "cuz she's hot" lol

But I just prefer a slender character over a bulky mass, which is how I am in real life: a bulking mass.

And someone said I was weird when he saw that my char was a female. People hit on my op , which is a blonde piggy tailed one named Vampire. I just ignore all the unnecessary attention because it straight makes me feel creeped out. Now I kinda know how chicks feel lol

09-10-2011, 07:41 AM
This is why my dexmage has goblin face hopefully it scares away ppl there probly like "that girl fastcast is ugly look at her face"
But yea im a man also and i recieve some of the same things u do.

09-10-2011, 07:49 AM
My mage on pl is not an enchnatress. It's an enchnater.

Keepers of Dark Forest

09-10-2011, 08:47 AM
This is why my dexmage has goblin face hopefully it scares away ppl there probly like "that girl fastcast is ugly look at her face"
But yea im a man also and i recieve some of the same things u do.

LOL! Beauty is only a light switch away. :D seriously, though, this seems to be an issue that a lot of the females, and female toons, in my guild face. I couldn't imagine why people would do this. Maybe it's that I'm not 12, no offense to the mature 12 year olds, but maturity plays a big part in it.

09-10-2011, 11:13 AM
Yup and I *am* a girl. :D I've seriously considered making another set of male toons to cut down on the "Hey, babe. U r hawt!!!" PMs. Oy. Yup, "hawt" just exactly like the other 4 bazillion identical toons. *rolls eyes* At least with my bird in PL, everyone (except forum readers, lol) assumes I'm a guy and I get left alone. Mostly.

09-10-2011, 02:27 PM
and i am not black because my character is black, i didnīt recognize that you could costumize your avatar ^^

09-10-2011, 08:10 PM
Ya same problem. In PL I gave my enchantress a girl name because shes always a girl. In SL you can choose your gender, but I wanted to keep the same names. So my engineers a girl with a girl name. :/ It creates some problems but I guess its my fault for choosing such a name. Not only that but i feel like people will see me as some sort of weirdo if I tell them im a guy, so I usually dont say anything about it.

Same exact situation... My main in PL is an EnchantrESS, so really not much of a choice, there. Even if there was, I think I still would have chosen a female character. I really like the name! Once SL came out, it seemed only natural that my Enchantress would be a female Engineer.

My PL enchantress was asked out once...the kid (very immature, anyway) just refused to believe I'm a guy! My engineer has not been asked out yet, but I have been asked a few times if I'm a guy or girl. When I do choose to answer, they are usually surprised.

The way I see it, I've spent my whole life walking around as a dude. I'm playing a game here, right? The game is not entirely realistic, right. Why, then, is it considered strange if I choose to take a break from reality regarding my gender, as well? Seriously, if we should be surprised when a player uses an off-gender character, shouldn't we also be surprised if they haven't used their real name? I don't think anyone would consider that odd...

I have other reasons for choosing to play a female character, but I will keep those to myself for fear of sounding stereotypical or sexist. Rest assured, they are not bad or gross reasons... Get your mind outta the gutter! ;)

Now just what in the heck is a "cbf"... On second though, don't answer that!! :eek:

09-10-2011, 08:15 PM
I dont get why guys play as a girl character? If your a guy play as a guy-if your a girl play as a girl...Simple? I guess not?

09-10-2011, 08:39 PM
Cascade it can be as simple as not wanting to look at a male behind to being something OTHER than their real gender because they are that gender all the time and want a change online.

Both my reasons.

09-10-2011, 09:01 PM
I have a mage thats all sparkly pink and crap.... im a man... i could care less who thinks what. But..... if u think im a chick then go ahead and start unloading the gifts wahahahahah.

09-10-2011, 10:27 PM
I dont get why guys play as a girl character? If your a guy play as a guy-if your a girl play as a girl...Simple? I guess not?

Cascade, do you think less of me as a man because my main is a woman? I forgot to include in my post above; My female Engie kicks more butt and keeps her crew alive better than most of the male Engies I come across! ;)

Besides, my Com and Op are both male. My Com got my online handle for a name, and so most closely resembles me, but even then not exactly. My Op inherited the name I used for my main Monster Hunter character, a bad mofo of a bowgun user! Actually, the exact name was already taken, but it's pretty darn close! :D

Honestly, if I felt the need to adhere to social and cultural norms when deciding who and what my in-game persona was supposed to be, I would have been bored with the games right from the start! As it is, I can be whatever I want to be, which I find liberating and exciting! So long as I'm not doing something inappropriate (I'll refrain from using the example we're all thinking about), I fail to see the harm or stigma...

btw, I think this is my favorite thread to date. Excellent OP, GigaBits!

09-11-2011, 12:03 AM
I dont get why guys play as a girl character? If your a guy play as a guy-if your a girl play as a girl...Simple? I guess not?

So Cas? You never built a mage in PL since the mages (all right already, Enchantresses) look female? Not being snarky, just honestly curious.