View Full Version : Numbering each town instance

09-10-2011, 12:38 AM
Currently, we can only see the location of a person, for example I can see if a person is in "Forest Haven".

This can present many difficulties if I want to join a person on my friend's list. Probably the biggest annoyance is when the town is full. I can keep trying to press join or ask them to join me. This works well if there is only one person. For groups, this is a bit impractical if I want to get many people to one location.

One potential solution is to number each instance. For example, "Forest Haven 1", "Forest Haven 2", etc. for each new instance created. This way, everyone in a group could look up which town instance in the menu and join from there.

I also recommend that a new instance of a town should be created when there are 15-20 out of the maximum capacity of 25 people be created to avert the inability to join people when the town is full problem.

09-10-2011, 09:09 AM
+ 1

I like idea, however, I can imagine it would be very hard to implement.