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View Full Version : !!Beware of Neon Genesis and their fraudulent leader, Egofury!!

09-10-2011, 08:13 PM
This is not an invitation to a flame war (though it will likely end up like this), nor is it a bash to all Neon Genesis members. I have made several good friends in that guild, and there as certainly very good players in all guilds. This is just a personal testimony and a warning to those looking into joining a guild as well as to Guild Masters of other guilds who should be careful about who they invite.

It's disappointing to think that it has come to this, but I feel that this warning is very necessary. In my experience as a previous guild member, I have seen, what is quite possibly, one of the worst guilds in the game. Yes, it's true. They are in the leader-boards, but those numbers are only as a result of their leaders' cheating ways.

These are just some of the things that I have been witness to: Egofury, at first seemed nice, giving out items to those he saw fit, but this was only just way to buy loyalty. His real personality comes out during mass booting of those he deems as "noobs." I understand the drive to have a guild with active players, but if this is your intention, then DO NOT SPAM INVITES. This was especially prevalent when Neon Genesis was first starting. We tactically invited players who had platinum gear regardless of whether or not they were any good. Hence the need for mass boot spamming. Neon also purposely conducts regular recruiting of other guild's members who seem L337 enough for the guild. And if this doesn't work, Egofury has a tactic of joining other guilds to not only spy, but steal members from within other guilds. While I cannot say for certain whether he has other officers do the same, (as I have only honestly seen him do it) I wouldn't be surprised if many of you guilds out there had some of our Neon Genesis spies in your guild.

I invite other Neon Genesis members to speak up, unless of course you are afraid, but I've already left your guild as I am sick of being in such a desperate, cheating guild.

**UPDATE** Several players have courageously come forward to share their own experiences. Egofury, "You can fool some people sometime, but you can't fool all the people all the time." And asking your cronies to push hate onto other guilds? Shame on you Ego...

When ego was lvl21 he recruited me,i played 16hrs each day to make the guild at top,ego made me an officer,i recruited Darko, ur fav. officer, and more and more peeps,help newbies with rares, even ego lol(pss he wont appreciate that),even i helped them lvlup,FIRST ONE TO BE 26 AT NEON GENESIS,ya before ego,had some argumentl with ego and was asked to leave with a smile .It doesnt matter to him if sm1 leaves or joins,hes making this game a bad biz,sm1 tell him this is just a game. Btw, i started my own guild(DEFYDEATH) with some in game friends, and now ego tells his each slave to hate me and my guild WTF!, my argument was only with him,well they are trieng to recruit my guild members and making sure my guild doesnt expand.I am glad the peeps left neon genesis doesnt want to be slaves, i wish good luck to you and your crapy bussiness ego, but please dont make the game dirty.

That egofury did same to me. He was first asking about my guild, and he seemed very friendly. And then everytime we got furtherbonto the conversation he was trying his hardest to lure me into his guild. Obviously, i said no. Then he started calling my guild, almost as if to make his sound superior to mine, once again i said i want to stay at my guild, so he walked off and said 'have fun in ur crappy guild then'
This isn't the type of person I would like to be in a guild with to be honest

Hmmm... this explains a lot. I didn't know Egofury was the GM for Neon, but I very clearly remember him joining my guild, and leaving after a few hours. After he left, some of my members told me someone from our guild tried to convince them to join Neon Genesis. While our members are free to leave as they wish, I have to admit, that if this was what the OP was talking about, I'm sadly disappointed. And I agree with silent. Nothing really bad with recruiting premium, but I can see how it would be bad if those invites were spammed.

09-10-2011, 08:20 PM
IMO there is nothing wrong with recruiting only "premium" people.

But putting spies into other peoples guilds... There's something wrong with that :).

09-10-2011, 08:33 PM
Hmmm... this explains a lot. I didn't know Egofury was the GM for Neon, but I very clearly remember him joining my guild, and leaving after a few hours. After he left, some of my members told me someone from our guild tried to convince them to join Neon Genesis. While our members are free to leave as they wish, I have to admit, that if this was what the OP was talking about, I'm sadly disappointed. And I agree with silent. Nothing really bad with recruiting premium, but I can see how it would be bad if those invites were spammed.

09-10-2011, 08:38 PM
I've been wondering how they all of a sudden skyrocketed in the leaderboards.

However, this is all I'm going to say to prevent any flame war as I have no proof to any statement.

09-10-2011, 08:42 PM
I was in his guild for a while, made every lvl 25+ an officer (including me). I left though. :)

09-10-2011, 08:46 PM
Thanks for heads up.. I have heard similar allegations but never any proof as such.. but it is wrong in my eyes and shouldn't be able to continue buts its inevitable

09-10-2011, 08:52 PM
I'm currently in the guild Neon Genesis and I agree with you that they do spam invites and beg you to join them. Some officers throughout the day asked me to join Neon and I politely shut down their offer. They then started to beg, saying that they would do anything for me if I joined. I only ended up joining the guild when one officer asked me politely and didn't beg.

09-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Lol it's guild madness, makes me not want to join any... And I might never... But so many friend's ask and I do like some guilds names... (brotherhood has always been a cool name by hitec & immortal by Goozy)

09-10-2011, 08:57 PM
I am an officer in this guild, and have to say that I've been in here since we were not yet on the leaderboards.
I personally cannot say whether or not our leader spies in other guilds or not because I wouldn't know.
However, I do know that we run a lot of guild games and help many members through exp gain and end-game gear donations; that is one of the biggest reasons why we are growing fast.
As regards to removing members in bulk, which doesn't happen very often, is to keep the guild member spots open to other members and weed out those who are inactive; it is the member's responsibility to keep his/her spot in a guild.
Also, whether or not there are spies, I can say that it wouldn't be illegal to pursuade another member to switch guilds. You referred to this as "stealing", but why would it? It would just be competition, and the better a guild is, the more likely a member would not leave it.


I don't know what to believe honestly, since there is no proof whether or not this happened. I'm just going off of this from what I know so far about the leader of my guild.

09-10-2011, 09:27 PM
Sad to see what some guilds have become just to get members...Also that quote isnt entirely true hyun...Aoc is popular and we dont really have any haters that i know of...

09-10-2011, 09:40 PM
Stealing, recruiting, or persuading(whatever you want to call it) people that are already in a guild is not illegal. However, it really is quite pathetic and frowned upon. And it seems that a member has admitted people in the guild actually begging others to join makes it look even worse.

Also, as Cascade has said, just because someone is popular or not, it doesn't equate to having a lot of haters. It comes with a reason, not envy.

09-10-2011, 10:21 PM
Cool, I like how there are some disagreements with that quote, but it's not even mine and I forgot who came up with it.

All I can say to counter your guys' inputs is:
1. Maybe AoC isn't popular yet, or at least, popular enough (I even never heard of that guild until now, and I'm being honest and not trolling or anything).
2. Envy is a reason.

And thus, I am now digressing from the point in this thread.
Let me just say, I, myself am still learning about the guild every day, so I'm not 100% sure about anything.
I was hoping to see some NG members to put their inputs in here also, but guess not.

Also, this guild is pretty new so there is a lot of room for change. I joined this guild when we were lesser known because I like growing up in small guilds for stronger bonds. I take stuff like this seriously, and will talk to him about this before I say anything else...

09-10-2011, 10:33 PM
I agree with Prosophist and cascade. Bigger does not equate to more haters. I have friends in AoC as well as other large guilds, and I've had no drama with any of them. I also concur with Prosophist that while taking other guilds' members is not illegal, it is in my opinion uncool.

09-10-2011, 10:45 PM
I agree with Prosophist and cascade. Bigger does not equate to more haters. I have friends in AoC as well as other large guilds, and I've had no drama with any of them. I also concur with Prosophist that while taking other guilds' members is not illegal, it is in my opinion uncool.

Yea I agree that it's unethical to grab members from other guilds, I personally wouldn't do that. Also, I'll take that quote out since so many people don't agree with it. Anyways, since theres no proof for anything, I don't know what to believe as of yet.

Also, if NG officers really did beg for people to join... that is pretty pathetic and an issue I will have to attempt to resolve by discussing this with the leader. Maybe there was a premature promotion...

09-10-2011, 11:00 PM
I'm a member of <Neon Genesis>, ign Arthrurdent. Egofury fully equipped me at 25 and I was able to make many runs with my
fellow members and get to 26 quickly. This is an endgame guild and acts as such.

Recruiting from other top guilds for skilled players is part of any game with...guilds. I'm confused every time I see this complaint. Who are you recruiting then?

The guilds on the leaderboard are there because they have owners who had a plan and have executed it. There is more to a guild than a clever name.

What's your IGN? Your username here rings no bell.

09-10-2011, 11:08 PM
I for one have joined since level 11 . Made some great friends in the process. As I yet to see cheating , I for one will leave in an instance once witness. I stayed for many reason. To be assured that I stay with great players and deemed my limited experience a great experience for I only play in short burst. To be exact, our guild rewards those who put efforts into the game. Rewarded not just by the guild leader but the community in the guild decides. I constantly donate my greens (and yet to sell them) toward the newly acquired level 25. Donations are done by alot of members or if not all members. Reason newly 25 are fully geared upon reaching that level. As for spying , I have yet to see proof. Nor it would be a bad thing. People are free to decide to whomever they choose to be with. Dont deem the guild cheaters without proof. Our success is through hard work. Spying is a way to locate weakness, as for stealing members?They are jus not LOYAL to your guild. Loyalty is gained thru shared values and support. What is cheatin? IMO unless bots or unlimited cash is involved it's not cheating.

"Great success are welcomed by the unsuccessful" - tiao yun

I for one also never heard of aox either.

Hoping to meet other great players online. See you there. After all it's just a game.

Edit: in addition he mass booted the in-active members. Not because of noob status. I pretty much doubt the low lvl noob boot. He recruited me at lvl11, during which he was weeding the in active players. Why recruit me? I was a noob. Still am considering I'm still learning the ways.

Litlnzane - 25 - engineer

09-10-2011, 11:21 PM
I'm a member of <Neon Genesis>, ign Arthrurdent. Egofury fully equipped me at 25 and I was able to make many runs with my
fellow members and get to 26 quickly. This is an endgame guild and acts as such.

Recruiting from other top guilds for skilled players is part of any game with...guilds. I'm confused every time I see this complaint. Who are you recruiting then?

The guilds on the leaderboard are there because they have owners who had a plan and have executed it. There is more to a guild than a clever name.

What's your IGN? Your username here rings no bell.

In short: labeling yourself as an "Endgame Guild" is like a license to engage in unethical tactics. Thank you for your testimonial, and thank you for proving my point. The type of mentality that you just displayed is exactly the sort of machiavellian immaturity that makes for an unenjoyable environment for other players, and it gives a real bad rep to real end-game guilds out there who have succeeded without the need for conducting underhanded tactics. Also, the guilds on the leader-boards are there because of the number of players who are at level cap. Correlation does not equate to causation. Furthermore, it would behoove you to also take note that it's likely not [just] because of the leaders, but because of the members that those guilds are successful. Also, I don't understand where you're going with the guild having a clever name thing. Nobody mentioned anything about clever names

09-10-2011, 11:28 PM
I'm a member of <Neon Genesis>, ign Arthrurdent. Egofury fully equipped me at 25 and I was able to make many runs with my
fellow members and get to 26 quickly. This is an endgame guild and acts as such.

Recruiting from other top guilds for skilled players is part of any game with...guilds. I'm confused every time I see this complaint. Who are you recruiting then?

The guilds on the leaderboard are there because they have owners who had a plan and have executed it. There is more to a guild than a clever name.

What's your IGN? Your username here rings no bell.

What part of "recruiting from other guilds is pathetic" do you not get?

You say it is part of any game, but it is not. Never in an online game is it accepted wherein people continuously bribe or beg other people to leave their current guild and join theirs. Sure people definitely do it, but it doesn't meant it's considered acceptable.

Plus, since the SL went live on iOS, there are plenty of people to be recruited. The etiquette for any mmo's regarding recruiting is never recruit from other guilds. It's almost close to griefing.

As long time member and officer of KoC, never have we ever had a problem regarding recruitment. People always come to us and we make sure that they are guildless before screening them.

09-10-2011, 11:29 PM
While I agree begging is kinda... unclassy (if thats a word) I see no problem with recruiting from other guilds. If someone can be so easily persuaded to join another guild, they probably didn't care much for their old guild anyway. People ARE allowed to make their own decisions you know...

09-10-2011, 11:37 PM
This is all some bored kid that either got booted (which is hard to do) or someone who just hates to see us on the rise. I love being in Neon Genesis. We have members of all levels, though recently we have focused on recruiting players lvl 25+, I still see members of all levels joining every day. We have 24/7 Guardian runs. 24/7 EXP Runs. Our members and officers are helpful to lowbies, we gear our members out at lvl 25. Nobody was ever a spy. Naturally, a bunch of us started out in multiple different guilds before Neon formed. Most of you know it's a relatively fast growing guild. If we weren't focusing on quality players someone would be on here saying our success is due to our open recruitment, or blind invites (which we don't do). The only reason I could see someone hating on the guild so hard is because we're good, or because they wish they didn't screw up by leaving or getting booted. As far as the personal attacks against Egofury...no. Not for one second is that ok. I've witness him give at least 100k of gear away. He's one of the most dedicated players of Star Legends. 100% of the guilds initial success is due to all his hard work, his friendliness and his helpfulness. We wouldn't continue to grow if anything you were saying is true. Poor form. Seriously. Hopefully you'll tell us who you are in game instead of hiding behind a forum username and when PVP launches we can settle this.


09-10-2011, 11:39 PM
Define unethical tactics in an internet game for me, please. While you're at it, how about an example of NG creating an unenjoyable environment for others as well.

You brought up the leaderboards, and we are certainly rising. The cause of this would be a GM who equips his roster with Rare items, members who donate, and enough members to constantly be playing with full parties. The members of NG are successful because of this, as a result NG is gaining level 26 players.

Still didn't see an IGN, btw.

09-10-2011, 11:45 PM
Im tired of all this guild drama...What are we 12 yr old girls? Cant we all just shush and keep our so called 'opinions' to ourselves and get along?

09-10-2011, 11:45 PM
The allegations you're are making are incredibly dumb if you where NG you would know ego doesnt go on mass boot sprees and we dont spy on other guilds our succsess just as others have stated is because of ego and him being a great GM NG recruit people that at least know a little bit about what theyre doing we help them level up and we help them get gear


09-10-2011, 11:47 PM
If it's almost griefing then it will be taken care of by STS.

Bring to me the 10 commandments of mmo's, I want to see this imaginary Internet 'etiquette' that you live by.


09-10-2011, 11:48 PM
the fact that you'd make a whole thread like this is also immature simply jealous of Neon Genesis' growth.

09-10-2011, 11:50 PM
the fact that you'd make a whole thread like this is also immature simply jealous of Neon Genesis' growth.

and this

09-10-2011, 11:53 PM
innocent until proven guilty... I think I'm going to stick with that idea.

Also, Ego did too much for this guild, it sets itself apart from many other guilds. I'm starting to get a hunch that you're just a troll who has been previously booted out of our guild or something of that nature, and now trying to get some kind of revenge for that.

Stop hating.

09-11-2011, 12:03 AM
This the exact reason why I quit guilds, too much drama.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

09-11-2011, 12:13 AM
This the exact reason why I quit guilds, too much drama.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

I. KNOW. RIGHT? I couldn't agree more! :)

09-11-2011, 12:17 AM
I think I can speak for this matter the most. I have been with neon from pretty much the beginning. Egofury was about a level 21 when I was recruited. He single handly power leveld me, loaned me nice weapons and gave me great gear.we had zero 26 members. Ego created an amazing array of officers that expanded the guild. Most converts were not happy with their current guild (few active members,gm didnt take care of them, felt unimportant, didnt like drama, etc) We also have had members that neon is just not the right fit for them as players. We always wish them luck, and 80% of the time they come back :-) . I personally enjoy neon, every player is unselfish, gives to his teamates, no selling, just free stuff to help out a friend. We are like a family, have facebook page to see everybodys real life pictures, website to talk sbout things. If someone is unhappy in their current guild i see no reason why it is unethical to recruit. People are allowed to say "no im happy with my current guild". Especially if u built a friendship with that person and want to play together . I have one friendship with vjuice from v. We would love to team up but are both happy in our guilds. He has recruited me, i have recruited him, guess what, we both said no, lol simple competition. As far as stealing and begging goes, lol, that is crazy, I personslly get asked about five times a day to join our guild. One person hrist was told by me only 24+ ( they were 22), he busted his a$$ and got to 24 and came back for invite. We do not recruit any body who walks. Quality over quantity anyday at neon. Ego deleted players who were not active within the last month, there were high levelmguys on there. If it was truly about numbers and inflating them we wouldnhave keeped them. We want active players to run with, play pvp with, . Bottom li e ego has taken care of us. He gives every 25 free sandstorm gear and free implant no strings attached. He has booted 26s off (thizzguy for example) for causing drama or doing things that is not good for the guild. This guild has grown because ego takes care of his people and we love him for it......

09-11-2011, 12:19 AM
Ok my paranoia has gotten the best of me but notice how all these "neon genisis" defenders just joined the forums? Hmm...

09-11-2011, 12:23 AM
yeah we joined the forums to make sure people know NG isnt as evil as some of yous are making it seem we dont have the right to defend our guild?

09-11-2011, 12:29 AM
lol. This all seems.....familiar.

09-11-2011, 12:47 AM
Exactly, we have a right to defend our guild. Don't be so bloodthirsty to the point where you instantly believe whatever was said about our leader or our guild, and then, even further to the point where you would demonize us for responding to these unfounded claims. Also, just because some random bipolar kid wants to go stirring up drama about the guild in the forums doesn't mean our guild has drama. Our guild is drama free. That's the reason why the author of this post isn't in the guild probably. If they left by choice they're crazy and they'll regret it later. We love you guys in the SL community and have no beefs with any individual or any "rival" guilds.


09-11-2011, 12:48 AM
Prophosist officer of koc say

What part of "recruiting from other guilds is pathetic" do you not get?

You say it is part of any game, but it is not. Never in an online game is it accepted wherein people continuously bribe or beg other people to leave their current guild and join theirs. Sure people definitely do it, but it doesn't meant it's considered acceptable.

Plus, since the SL went live on iOS, there are plenty of people to be recruited. The etiquette for any mmo's regarding recruiting is never recruit from other guilds. It's almost close to griefing.

As long time member and officer of KoC, never have we ever had a problem regarding recruitment. People always come to us and we make sure that they are guildless before screening them.

I for one have played countless mmo hrs of end game in all mmo. But marriage and daughter otw have limited me in a mobile setting. A on the go mmo as they call it. Propopist Officer of koc , impressive.

You call it pathetic , unethical , unclassy. People decide guild like a job , would u want 30$ or 40$. Of course I can predict ur answer. Also youll decide with the addition of such as tolls n gas price added into the equation.

What I'm trying to say is. It's not the money, nor the added equations that they wish to join us. They joined because they lack enjoyment from the previous. I left my guild previously prior to NG due to lack of acknowledgment from guildmates or enjoyment. Once I joined NG I was greeted immediately. Even for my level I was helped countless of times by the officers without the need to say or beg. I enjoy the idle conversation from very intelligent and knowledgeable community. Because I'm coming from another guild do you mean I'm not allowed to join another? I seek what other seek. Friends, support, mentors.

Maybe a possibility that you initiate friendship and started a relationship with another person from another guild.
Now the deciding factor is to choose which guild to be in to finalize your friendship. Is that too hard to understand?

Do not criticize a person for deciding where to commit their time. I did it sometimes in my past mmo. I ask people I enjoyed playing with to join my guild. I was not the one who /gquit for that person. For I do not have that type of power. It was their choice. Their loyalty with that other guild was not existence due to alot of reason. Like I said previously loyalty is formed thru support, friendship and dedication. If u wanna keep your members keep them happy. Everyone have their own ways, everyones unique. People who look for other guild did not have their criteria met. I'm still here in NG because they supported me and still do. I do not see myself in another guild, but prior to NG I did see that as an option. Unless NG does something to crush my trust. I will be with them forever as long as this game stay alive.

I'm a friend to everyone and anyone and have no beef, even toward the OP. For he is entitled to his own opinions like everyone in this world.

Let's all play the game, how we want to and how ever we choose to. Enjoy everyone. STS gave us a gift.

Litlnzane - 25 - Engineer

09-11-2011, 12:49 AM
Weird. My experience in Neon Genesis has been completely different. I was recruited when I was about level 9 with no special items. EgoFury and other officers went out of their way to give me gear and help me level up pretty quickly. I have to say that being part of Neon Genesis has made Star Legends a much more enjoyable game for me. Besides all the helping hands and camaraderie, most everyone I have met in the guild is good at the game, but also know it is a game. You know, something Fun, that you Play?

I don't know why the OP has a bee in his or her bonnet about Neon Genesis, but I for one am glad to be a part of it!

Neon Genesis member

09-11-2011, 01:10 AM
What part of "recruiting from other guilds is pathetic" do you not get?

You say it is part of any game, but it is not. Never in an online game is it accepted wherein people continuously bribe or beg other people to leave their current guild and join theirs. Sure people definitely do it, but it doesn't meant it's considered acceptable.

Plus, since the SL went live on iOS, there are plenty of people to be recruited. The etiquette for any mmo's regarding recruiting is never recruit from other guilds. It's almost close to griefing.

As long time member and officer of KoC, never have we ever had a problem regarding recruitment. People always come to us and we make sure that they are guildless before screening them.

ProSophist is right. If it doesn't seem like a problem, I challenge you to go to any Guild Master and say "Hi. Can I take your members?" There are plenty of players out there, and there is no need nag those who have already found a guild.

09-11-2011, 01:20 AM
I'm also in this guild although not long... ive enjoyed it.
noone asked me to join, I joined because of all the good things my 9 year old brother told me
they did. They helped him out alot with quests. grinding and when possibe some gears.

I joined thinking he was exagerating because well hes only 9 lol.
but they hold alot of Grind sessions. thats available to anyone not just the "L337" players.

Regardless of what the OP says and what may or may not be true.
I feel like the guild is Great regardless.
Atleast for me anyways.

in ANY game.. people strive to be the best.
and i dont knock there hustle.... Do what you can to get to the top.
its a game thats what your suppose to do.

09-11-2011, 01:38 AM
*laughs and shakes head* Sad. When you're old enough, go major in drama.

09-11-2011, 02:14 AM
*laughs and shakes head* sad. When you're old enough, go major in drama.

lolol! :)

09-11-2011, 02:55 AM
Does anyone else sense the irony in the name Egofury and how particular individuals are affected by the sudden presence of Neon Genesis? The truth is, this sort of propaganda did not occur unforeseen. It is expected for any community to respond to an uprising, but I assure you that there is no need to be alarmed in this case, for, the worst that can happen to you is your eyes hurting from staring at your phone for too long. Nothing reeks of an antagonist agenda more than the thread starter (furthermore evident by the absence of its anonymous author) and this frivolous game of oneupmanship is infinitely unpleasant for yourself and for the community. I play SL to relax, you should too.

Egofury - 26 Commando

09-11-2011, 04:08 AM
When ego was lvl21 he recruited me,i played 16hrs each day to make the guild at top,ego made me an officer,i recruited Darko, ur fav. officer, and more and more peeps,help newbies with rares, even ego lol(pss he wont appreciate that),even i helped them lvlup,FIRST ONE TO BE 26 AT NEON GENESIS,ya before ego,had some argumentl with ego and was asked to leave with a smile :).It doesnt matter to him if sm1 leaves or joins,hes making this game a bad biz,sm1 tell him this is just a game. Btw, i started my own guild(DEFYDEATH) with some in game friends, and now ego tells his each slave to hate me and my guild WTF!, my argument was only with him,well they are trieng to recruit my guild members and making sure my guild doesnt expand.I am glad the peeps left neon genesis doesnt want to be slaves, i wish good luck to you and your crapy bussiness ego, but please dont make the game dirty.

Although m engoying the game with a vanity MECHANICAL MAN HELM lol, and in the hunt for Xray visor they look cool

Defyduck lvl26--Engineer

09-11-2011, 05:00 AM
I am an officer in this guild, and have to say that I've been in here since we were not yet on the leaderboards.
I personally cannot say whether or not our leader spies in other guilds or not because I wouldn't know.
However, I do know that we run a lot of guild games and help many members through exp gain and end-game gear donations; that is one of the biggest reasons why we are growing fast.
As regards to removing members in bulk, which doesn't happen very often, is to keep the guild member spots open to other members and weed out those who are inactive; it is the member's responsibility to keep his/her spot in a guild.
Also, whether or not there are spies, I can say that it wouldn't be illegal to pursuade another member to switch guilds. You referred to this as "stealing", but why would it? It would just be competition, and the better a guild is, the more likely a member would not leave it.


I don't know what to believe honestly, since there is no proof whether or not this happened. I'm just going off of this from what I know so far about the leader of my guild.

I find this remark quite disturbing. You are not speaking of a better guild you are speaking of a higher level guild. No more, no less. This attitude is only going to retain ambitious players and not those who go online for the fun of it. What makes more active players better than less/inactive players? I'm interested to know if you tell potential/new members they'll get booted if they're not active enough when you recruit (IMO steal) them?

As regards to removing members in bulk, which doesn't happen very often, is to keep the guild member spots open to other members and weed out those who are inactive; it is the member's responsibility to keep his/her spot in a guild.

You also fail to consider that people have a life outside of PL. Why do people have to earn their spot in a guild, why do they have to fight to keep their spot? What a very messed up opinion.

Honestly, you need to come up for some fresh air. The point of a guild is so people can develop friendships and have team "mates" to play with when they do have the time to go online. No more, no less.

09-11-2011, 05:38 AM
That egofury did same to me. He was first asking about my guild, and he seemed very friendly. And then everytime we got furtherbonto the conversation he was trying his hardest to lure me into his guild. Obviously, i said no. Then he started calling my guild, almost as if to make his sound superior to mine, once again i said i want to stay at my guild, so he walked off and said 'have fun in ur crappy guild then'
This isn't the type of person I would like to be in a guild with to be honest

09-11-2011, 05:39 AM
This obsession with leaderboards and looking L337 just makes me lol. And I for one am thankful to be in a small tight knit group. However it's odd there was a post saying that they were begged to join and eventually joined the guild. Also a post stating the accused leader did in fact join a different guild and in the hours that he was sparkling someone was recruiting members to leave their current guild. Proving at least two points in the op....

09-11-2011, 11:19 AM
I myself am tired of guild drama, so I'll be the first to stop.

Not only the people trying to flame me can't address to my name properly and making huge allegations that I treat this game like a job(which was hysterical by the way), but no matter which way you sugarcoat what you call "recruitment" or "tactical plans," it just keeps on looking worse for you people.

09-11-2011, 11:53 AM
I myself am tired of guild drama, so I'll be the first to stop.

Not only the people trying to flame me can't address to my name properly and making huge allegations that I treat this game like a job(which was hysterical by the way), but no matter which way you sugarcoat what you call "recruitment" or "tactical plans," it just keeps on looking worse for you people.

Before continuing not one word did I mention or allegation towards you , did i say you treating it like a job. Nor did I flame you in anyway. Your unknown to me , and I'll treat you as that unknown person. Reason for me misspelling your name. If you read thoroughly, it's not you am pointing at but the community. Please read fully as you are very ignorant in your opinions and choice of words. I was making a point at my opinion, in cross reference towards yours. Not in any time did I flame you. Please refer back to my post and point at which I did flame you, before initiating another post in reply to a flame.

Thank you.

Litlnzane 25 engineer