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09-11-2011, 02:51 PM
After dinking around with auto-level this morning, I got curious as to how exactly it allocates stats and skill points as you level up. So far, it's been kind of interesting seeing that the system believes Commandos need a mix of STR (primary stat) and DEX (secondary stat), that Ops need DEX and INT and that Engineers need INT and STR.

I'll update these every five levels as the chars get there. Without further ado.....

ETA: Further ado: I'll be adding in Hit % (Hit%), Critical Hit (Crit), Dodge (Dodge), Health Pool and Regen (Health 192/1 for example) and Mana Pool and Regen (Mana 125/1 for example).

ETA: Further, further ado: These are all base stats. The chars have been stripped of armor and weapons to make sure that the stats aren't being affected by any bonuses.

ETA: Further, further ado ado: Here are the links to the Google Docs spreadsheets. "L" in a cell stands for the skill being learned at that level. "L,0", for example, means that it was learned, but didn't receive a point at the time it was learned.

All Classes Comparison (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dENGUUgwX1pkd0J6RUNicU5KUnoyU Xc&hl=en_US)
Commando Skills (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHJ4VlQ3UFhoMUljdUY5XzNaQkxnQ lE&hl=en_US)
Engineer Skills (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHhuQlI5amo0eEZVUTMtUlMtcEhxV Hc&hl=en_US)
Operative Skills (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHZCRFJuVTVtUVljS0JlR3hROHk1c nc&hl=en_US)


Level 1 - no skills - 5 STR, 3 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 108/1, Mana 84/1
Level 2 - Force Hammer 1 pt., 9 STR, 4 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 112/1, Mana 86/1
Level 3 - Neutron Stomp 1 pt., 13 STR, 5 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 117/1, Mana 88/1
Level 4 - Vigor 1 pt., 17 STR, 6 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 122/1, Mana 91/1
Level 5 - No new skill/Force Hammer gets 2nd pt., 21 STR, 7 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 127/1, Mana 93/1
Level 6 - Singularity 1 pt., 25 STR, 8 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 132/1, Mana 95/1
Level 7 - No new skill/Neutron Stomp gets 2nd pt., 29 STR, 9 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 136/1, Mana 97/1
Level 8 - Gravitation Slam learned/Vigor gets 2nd pt., 33 STR, 10 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 141/1, Mana 100/1
Level 9 - No new skill/Singularity gets 2nd pt., 37 STR, 11 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 146/1, Mana 102/1
Level 10 - Increase Mass learned/Force Hammer gets 3rd pt., 41 STR, 12 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 1, Dodge 2, Health 150/1, Mana 104/1
Level 11 - No new skill/Neutron Stomp gets 3rd pt., 45 STR, 13 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 155/1, Mana 106/1
Level 12 - No new skill/Vigor gets 3rd pt., 49 STR, 14 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 160/1, Mana 109/1
Level 13 - Kinetic Reservoir learned/Singularity gets 3rd pt., 53 STR, 15 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 165/1, Mana 111/1
Level 14 - No new skill/Force Hammer gets 4th pt., 57 STR, 16 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 1701/1, Mana 113/1
Level 15 - No new skill/Neutron Stomp gets 4th pt., 61 STR, 17 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 174/1, Mana 115/1
Level 16 - Gravity Well learned/Vigor gets 4th pt., 65 STR, 18 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 70, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 179/1, Mana 118/1
Level 17 - No new skill/Singularity gets 4th pt., 69 STR, 19 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 70, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 184/1, Mana 120/1
Level 18 - No new skill/Force Hammer gets 5th pt., 73 STR, 20 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 70, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 188/1, Mana 122/1
Level 19 - No new skill/Neutron Stomp gets 5th pt., 77 STR, 21 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 70, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 193/1, Mana 124/1
Level 20 - Nebula learned/Vigor gets 5th pt., 81 STR, 22 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 198/1, Mana 127/1
Level 21 - No new skill/Singularity gets 5th pt., 85 STR, 23 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 203/1, Mana 129/1, Damage 11-12, DPS 14
Level 22 - No new skill/Force Hammer gets 6th pt., 89 STR, 24 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 208/1, Mana 131/1, Damage 11-12, DPS 15
Level 23 - No new skill/Neutron Stomp gets 6th pt., 93 STR, 25 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 212/2, Mana 133/1, Damage 11-12, DPS 15
Level 24 - Growing Rage learned/Vigor gets 6th pt., 97 STR, 26 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 217/2, Mana 136/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 15
Level 25 - No new skill/Singularity gets 6th pt., 101 STR, 27 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 222/2, Mana 138/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 15
Level 26 - No new skill/Increase Mass gets 1st pt., 105 STR, 28 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2 Dodge 2, Health 226/2, Mana 140/1, Damage 12-14, DPS 16
Level 27 - No new skill/Kinetic Reservoir gets 1st pt., 109 STR, 29 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 231/2, Mana 142/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 16
Level 28 - Back Breaker learned/Gravity Well gets 1st pt., 113 STR, 30 DEX, 1 INT - Hit%73, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 236/2, Mana 145/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 16
Level 29 - No new skill/Nebula gets 1st pt., 117 STR, 31 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 241/2, Mana 147/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 30 - No new skill/Increase Mass gets 2nd pt., 121 STR, 32 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 246/2, Mana 149/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 31 - No new skill/Kinetic Reservoir gets 2nd pt., 125 STR, 33 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 74, Crit 2, Dodge 3, Health 250/2, Mana 151/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 32 - No new skill/Gravity Well gets 2nd pt., 129 STR, 34 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 74, Crit 2, Dodge 3, Health 255/2, Mana 154/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 33 - No new skill/Nebula gets 2nd pt., 133 STR, 35 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 74, Crit 2, Dodge 3, Health 260/2, Mana 156/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18
Level 34 - No new skill/Increase Mass gets 3rd pt., 137 STR, 36 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 2, Dodge 3, Health 264/2, mana 158/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18
Level 35 - No new skill/Kinetic Reservoir gets 3rd pt., 141 STR, 37 DEX, 1 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 3, Dodge 3, Health 269/2, Mana 160/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18

09-11-2011, 02:52 PM

Level 1 - no skills - 1 STR, 5 DEX, 3 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 86/1, Mana 96/1
Level 2 - Mind Wrack 1 pt., 1 STR, 9 DEX, 4 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 90/1, Mana 99/1, Damage 7-8, DPS 9
Level 3 - Flames of Insanity 1 pt., 1 STR, 13 DEX, 5 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 93/1, Mana 102/1, Damage 7-8, DPS 10
Level 4 - Lurch 1 pt., 1 STR, 17 DEX, 6 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 97/1, Mana 106/1, Damage 8-9, DPS 10
Level 5 - No new skill/Mind Wrack gets 2nd pt., 1 STR, 21 DEX, 7 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Heatlh 100/1, Mana 109/1, Damage 8-9, DPS 11
Level 6 - Inner Focus 1 pt., 1 STR, 25 DEX, 8 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 104/1, Mana 113/1, Damage 8-9, DPS 11
Level 7 - No new skill/Flames of Insanity gets 2nd pt., 1 STR, 29 DEX, 9 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 107/1, Mana 116/1, Damage 9-10, DPS 11
Level 8 - Amplify Pain learned/Lurch gets 2nd pt., 1 STR, 33 DEX, 10 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 111/1, Mana 119/1, Damage 9-10, DPS 12
Level 9 - No new skill/Mind Wrack gets 3rd pt., 1 STR, 37 DEX, 11 INT - Hit%69, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 114/1, Mana 123/1, Damage 9-10, DPS 12
Level 10 - Psychic Lash learned/Inner Focus gets 2nd pt., 1 STR, 41 DEX, 12 INT - Hit%70, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 118/1, Mana 126/1, Damage 10-11, DPS 13
Level 11 - No new skill/Flames of Insanity gets 3rd pt., 1 STR, 45 DEX, 13 INT - Hit% 70, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 121/1, Mana 129/1, Damage 10-11, DPS 13
Level 12 - No new skill/Lurch gets 3rd pt., 1 STR, 49 DEX, 14 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 125/1, Mana 133/1, Damage 10-11, DPS 14
Level 13 - Blur learned/Mind Wrack gets 4th pt., 1 STR, 53 DEX, 15 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 128/1, Mana 136/1, Damage 11-12, DPS 14
Level 14 - No new skill/Inner Focus gets 3rd pt., 1 STR, 57 DEX, 16 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 132/1, Mana 139/1, Damage 11-12, DPS 14
Level 15 - No new skill/Flames of Insanity gets 4th pt., 1 STR, 61 DEX, 17 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 135/1, Mana 143/1, Damage 11-12, DPS 15
Level 16 - Neural Shock learned/Lurch gets 4th pt., 1 STR, 65 DEX, 18 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 139/1, Mana 146/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 15
Level 17 - No new skill/Mind Wrack gets 5th pt., 1 STR, 69 DEX, 19 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 142/1, Mana 149/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 16
Level 18 - No new skill/Inner Focus gets 4th pt., 1 STR 73 DEX, 20 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 146/1, Mana 153/1, Damage 12-14, DPS 16
Level 19 - No new skill/Flames of Insanity gets 5th pt., 1 STR, 77 DEX, 21 INT - Hit% 74, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 149/1, Mana 156/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 20 - Sympathetic Anguish learned/Lurch gets 5th pt., 1 STR, 81 DEX, 22 INT - Hit% 74, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 153/1, Mana 159/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 21 - No new skill/Mind Wrack gets 6th pt., 1 STR, 85 DEX, 23 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 156/1, Mana 163/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18
Level 22 - No new skill/Inner Focus gets 5th pt., 1 STR, 89 DEX, 24 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 160/1, Mana 166/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18
Level 23 - No new skill/Flames of Insanity gets 6th pt., 1 STR, 93 DEX, 25 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 163/1, Mana 170/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18
Level 24 - Psychic Binding learned/Lurch gets 6th pt., 1 STR, 97 DEX, 26 INT - Hit% 76, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 167/1, Mana 173/1, Damage 15-16, DPS 19
Level 25 - No new skill/Inner Focus gets 6th pt., 1 STR, 101 DEX, 27 INT - Hit% 76, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 170/1, Mana 176/1, Damage 15-16, DPS 19
Level 26 - No new skill/Amplify Pain gets 1st pt., 1 STR, 105 DEX, 28 INT - Hit% 77, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 174/1, Mana 180/1, Damage 15-16, DPS 20
Level 27 - No new skill/Psychic Lash gets 1st pt., 1 STR, 109 DEX, 29 INT - Hit% 77, Crit 3, Dodge 3, Health 177/1, Mana 183/1, Damage 16-17, DPS 20
Level 28 - Precision learned/Blur gets 1st pt., 1 STR 113 DEX, 30 INT - Hit% 78, Crit 4, Dodge 3, Health 181/1, Mana 186/1, Damage 16-17, DPS 21
Level 29 - No new skill/Neural Shock gets 1st pt., 1 STR, 117 DEX, 31 INT - Hit% 78, Crit 4, Dodge 3, Health 184/1, Mana 190/2, Damage 16-17, DPS 21
Level 30 - No new skill/Amplify Pain gets 2nd pt., 1 STR, 121 DEX, 32 INT - Hit% 79, Crit 4, Dodge 3, Health 188/1, Mana 193/2, Damage 17-18, DPS 22
Level 31 - No new skill/Psychic Lash gets 2nd pt., 1 STR, 125 DEX, 33 INT - Hit% 79, Crit 4, Dodge 3, Health 191/1, Mana 197/2, Damage 17-18, DPS 22
Level 32 - No new skill/Blur gets 2nd pt., 1 STR, 129 DEX, 34 INT - Hit% 79, Crit 3, Dodge 3, Health 195/1, Mana 200/2, Damage 17-18, DPS 22

09-11-2011, 02:53 PM

Level 1 - no skills - 3 STR, 1 DEX, 5 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 97/1, Mana 107/1
Level 2 - Wither 1 pt., 4 STR, 1 DEX, 9 INT - Hit% 66, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 101/1, Mana 111/1
Level 3 - Leech 1 pt., 5 STR, 1 DEX, 13 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 105/1, Mana 115/1
Level 4 - Empathy 1 pt., 6 STR, 1 DEX, 17 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 110/1, Mana 119/1
Level 5 - No new skill/Wither gets 2nd pt., 7 STR, 1 DEX, 21 INT - Hit% 67, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 114/1, Mana 124/1
Level 6 - Revive 1 pt., 8 STR, 1 DEX, 25 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 118/1, Mana 128/1
Level 7 - No new skill/Leech gets 2nd pt., 9 STR, 1 DEX, 29 INT - Hit% 68, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 122/1, Mana 132/1
Level 8 - Force Shield learned/Empathy gets 2nd pt., 10 STR, 1 DEX, 33 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 126/1, Mana 136/1
Level 9 - No new skill/Revive gets 2nd pt., 11 STR, 1 DEX, 37 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 1, Dodge 1, Health 130/1, Mana 140/1
Level 10 - Suppression learned/Wither gets 3rd pt., 12 STR, 1 DEX, 41 INT - Hit% 69, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 134/1, Mana 144/1
Level 11 - No new skill/Leech gets 3rd pt., 13 STR, 1 DEX, 45 INT - Hit% 70, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 138/1, Mana 148/1
Level 12 - No new skill/Empathy gets 3rd pt., 14 STR, 1 DEX, 49 INT - Hit%70, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 142/1, Mana 153/1
Level 13 - Protection learned/Revive gets 3rd pt., 15 STR, 1 DEX, 53 INT - Hit%71, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 146/1, Mana 157/1
Level 14 - No new skill/Wither gets 4th pt., 16 STR, 1 DEX, 57 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 150/1, Mana 161/1
Level 15 - No new skill/Leech gets 4th pt., 17 STR, 1 DEX, 61 INT - Hit% 71, Crit 2, Dodge 1, Health 155/1, Mana 165/1
Level 16 - Transference learned/Empathy gets 4th pt., 18 STR, 1 DEX, 65 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 159/1, Mana 169/1
Level 17 - No new skill/Revive gets 4th pt., 19 STR, 1 DEX, 69 INT - Hit% 72, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 163/1, Mana 173/1
Level 18 - No new skill/Wither gets 5th pt., 20 STR, 1 DEX, 73 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 167/1, Mana 178/1
Level 19 - No new skill/Leech gets 5th pt., 21 STR, 1 DEX, 77 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 171/1, Mana 182/1
Level 20 - Pain learned/Empathy gets 5th pt., 22 STR, 1 DEX, 81 INT - Hit% 73, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 175/1, Mana 186/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 15
Level 21- No new skill/Revive gets 5th pt., 23 STR, 1 DEX, 85 INT - Hit% 74, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 179/1, Mana 190/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 16
Level 22 - No new skill/Wither gets 6th pt., 24 STR, 1 DEX, 89 INT - Hit% 74, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 183/1, Mana 194/1, Damage 12-13, DPS 16
Level 23 - No new skill/Leech gets 6th pt., 25 STR, 1 DEX, 93 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 187/1, Mana 198/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 16
Level 24 - Sonic Boom learned/Empathy gets 6th pt., 26 STR, 1 DEX, 97 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 192/1, Mana 202/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 25 - No new skill/Revive gets 6th pt., 27 STR, 1 DEX, 101 INT - Hit% 75, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 196/1, Mana 207/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 26 - No new skill/Force Shield gets 1st pt., 28 STR, 1 DEX, 105 INT - Hit% 76, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 200/1, Mana 211/1, Damage 13-14, DPS 17
Level 27 - No new skill/Suppression gets 1st pt., 29 STR, 1 DEX, 109 INT - Hit% 76, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 204/1, Mana 215/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18
Level 28 - Decay learned/Protection gets 1st pt., 30 STR, 1 DEX, 113 INT - Hit% 77, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 208/1, Mana 219/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 18
Level 29 - No new skill/Transference gets 1st pt., 31 STR, 1 DEX, 117 INT - Hit% 77, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 212/1, Mana 223/1, Damage 14-15, DPS 19
Level 30 - No new skill/Force Shield gets 2nd pt., 32 STR, 1 DEX, 121 INT - Hit% 77, Crit 2, Dodge 2, Health 216/1, Mana 227/1, Damage 15-16, DPS 19
Level 31 - No new skill/Suppression gets 2nd pt., 33 STR, 1 DEX, 125 INT - Hit% 78, Crit 3, Dodge 2, Health 220/2, Mana 232/2, Damage 15-16, DPS 19

09-11-2011, 04:09 PM
Wow!! Now this is interesting!

Not to sound silly but I had been re-specing from Beta to Lvl 21 and have always come to the conclusion that adding any other Stat was a waste of time, I literally went through each class to check how the stats points would change the main stats, and that is what I came to everytime. Should have added a thread about it but didnt think at the time as alot had agreed when I had mentioned it.

So this will definetly be worth while to see how these points effect the stats when it comes to Aout-Leveling as I was working it out for when PVP is added to SL.

Will look forward to your findings.

09-11-2011, 05:20 PM
Nice! I was hoping someone would do this. Not me, of course, someone else. I agree it will be interesting to see what happens and what the system deems "valuable" as far as stat/skill allocations. Thanks!

@bodmasta I've been thinking it's high time we put a second thought into this all or nothing skill distribution.

09-11-2011, 11:07 PM
I hope to have levels 6 thru 10 for everyone up sometime tomorrow. It's driving me nuts not to put skill points where I want them, lol. And that's a thought, Bod--I'll put Hit, Crit, Dodge, Health Pool/Regen and Mana Pool/Regen on there from now on. It'd be interesting to see how those scale with the points in other stats. I'll make another guinea pig at some point and gather that data for the first five levels.

ETA: The guinea pig char has been made, fittingly named "Guineapig". :) I've gone back and gotten the hit/crit/whatnot data for Commando for levels 1-5 and am working on Op as we speak.

09-12-2011, 02:35 AM
@bodmasta I've been thinking it's high time we put a second thought into this all or nothing skill distribution.

Yup I think so too when we have enough Stats we and others will be able to work out and be encouraged enough to start playing around our main Stats distribution :)

I hope to have levels 6 thru 10 for everyone up sometime tomorrow. It's driving me nuts not to put skill points where I want them, lol. And that's a thought, Bod--I'll put Hit, Crit, Dodge, Health Pool/Regen and Mana Pool/Regen on there from now on. It'd be interesting to see how those scale with the points in other stats. I'll make another guinea pig at some point and gather that data for the first five levels.

ETA: The guinea pig char has been made, fittingly named "Guineapig". :) I've gone back and gotten the hit/crit/whatnot data for Commando for levels 1-5 and am working on Op as we speak.

Lool great job didn't mean to make anymore work for you... honest.. :p

Im hoping the stats have been changed since Beta as I really want to work out how the PVP is going to work.. as no 'build' could be made then just wasn't worth it :)

And also buddy let me know what your other Guineapig names are and if im on will help you pwr lvl :D

09-12-2011, 08:49 AM
Hey, no worries, Bod! Much better to go back and get them now than for me to think of it when everything's at 25! :/ Thanks for the idea! Guineapig has done it's job for all three chars in the first 5 levels, so she's taking a well-deserved rest. The Commando is Nuclearoption, the Op is Arrrgh (frustration in not being able to think of a name that wasn't taken) and the Engi is Arrrghengie. :)

And I'll update the first post to reflect it, but these stats are base stats--chars have been gettin' nekkid to make sure my gear isn't upping anything it shouldn't.

09-12-2011, 01:53 PM
Hey, no worries, Bod! Much better to go back and get them now than for me to think of it when everything's at 25! :/ Thanks for the idea! Guineapig has done it's job for all three chars in the first 5 levels, so she's taking a well-deserved rest. The Commando is Nuclearoption, the Op is Arrrgh (frustration in not being able to think of a name that wasn't taken) and the Engi is Arrrghengie. :)

And I'll update the first post to reflect it, but these stats are base stats--chars have been gettin' nekkid to make sure my gear isn't upping anything it shouldn't.

Yup agree 100% would be a great amount of time taken from your life that you wouldn't get back.. well that goes unsaid for all of us already!! Haha

Have added all characters :)) the part where you kept trying to think of names that had already been taken made.me ROFL haha :p

09-12-2011, 02:01 PM
Yup agree 100% would be a great amount of time taken from your life that you wouldn't get back.. well that goes unsaid for all of us already!! Haha

The pursuit of knowledge is never a waste of time, she said (in a likely futile attempt at self-justification for playing more than she had ought). :D

ETA: Much grateful thanks to Bod and Theseus for the leveling assistance! And thanks, too, to Bod for putting up with me babbling about this at him--your patience and input were/are greatly appreciated, my friend!

Odd thing: I'm not seeing a correlation between stats and things like Hit%, Crit and the like. For example, both the Commando and the Op get another point of Dodge at level 10, but their stats are totally different. Is it possible that some things are level-tied rather than tied to stats?

09-14-2011, 02:02 PM
I'll continue leveling the Commando and the Engineer, but the Operative will have to be on hold for a bit due to a glitch in Ops at level 18. According to Flip in the bug thread:

Good find CanonicalKoi! The autolevel system was trying to place a seventh point into one skill, which was causing it to break. This happens a few times after level 18 with Operatives, so you may want to put your guide-writing character on hold until we get this patched.

Also: Here's a spreadsheet showing base stats for each char type grouped by level for a little easier comparison here. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dENGUUgwX1pkd0J6RUNicU5KUnoyU Xc&hl=en_US) My apologies for the missing Op data--I'll put it up as soon as I can get it.

09-14-2011, 02:15 PM
I'll continue leveling the Commando and the Engineer, but the Operative will have to be on hold for a bit due to a glitch in Ops at level 18. According to Flip in the bug thread:

Also: Here's a spreadsheet showing base stats for each char type grouped by level for a little easier comparison here. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dENGUUgwX1pkd0J6RUNicU5KUnoyU Xc&hl=en_US) My apologies for the missing Op data--I'll put it up as soon as I can get it.

Great job Canon stats are starting to look pretty interesting now.. not long and we will be able to strip them to work out some builds :)

09-14-2011, 08:39 PM
For those who don't want to be auto-leveled at all, you need to abandon the tutorial when you get the weapon or any time before that. If you proceed any further in the tutorial, your level will go up to two, and you will have a stat and a skill point automatically assigned.

If you abandon the tutorial, you get a pseudo-quest to get a free weapon (find so-and-so in town), so do not fear starting life weaponless if you abandon the tutorial. In fact, if you abandon the tutorial after getting the weapon in the tutorial, you will then have two weapons to start.

09-14-2011, 09:50 PM
And....the tutorial changed with the update. I just rebuilt a char out of curiosity and you start out armed and with armor. No more chest opening or equipping weapons and gear which I think is a pity. It also boots you into the first Dynastar level instead of taking you to the bridge of the Blackstar.

09-15-2011, 03:01 AM
And....the tutorial changed with the update. I just rebuilt a char out of curiosity and you start out armed and with armor. No more chest opening or equipping weapons and gear which I think is a pity. It also boots you into the first Dynastar level instead of taking you to the bridge of the Blackstar.

That's an unexpected change.. didn't see any complaints to change previous tutorial.. IMO thought it was awesome thr.way they planned that out as it introduces everything a player needs to understand the game if previously haven't played PL

09-15-2011, 11:16 AM
Yeah, it's much shorter now and just about all of the "pro-tips" have been removed. Instead of a lengthy explanation on how to find quests, it just says, "Look for ? or ! for quests". The old one was longish, but I think it really explained the play mechanics better.

09-15-2011, 03:06 PM
OK, I'll have to buy another char slot and play through it. If the characters now start with armor, that could affect prices of low-level armor.

09-15-2011, 03:48 PM
Sorry, Single, I phrased that badly. I shouldn't have called it armor--it's the bodysuit you start with plus a level one "Surplus" weapon appropriate to your char.

09-18-2011, 02:52 PM
Updating (slowly) with base damage and DPS. Also adding that info to the spreadsheet.

09-18-2011, 03:33 PM
Rauen- can you add how many total skill points are allocated to each skill at the very end of each class?

09-18-2011, 03:59 PM
Rauen- can you add how many total skill points are allocated to each skill at the very end of each class?

Sure! I'll add spreadsheets for the skills so it'll be a little easier to read.

ETA: Might not be done until later tonight. Google Docs and I seem to be having a disagreement. Grrrrr....

ETA: The spreadsheet for Commando skills is done to level 20 here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHJ4VlQ3UFhoMUljdUY5XzNaQkxnQ lE&hl=en_US). Hopefully, it makes sense. The "L" indicates what level the skill becomes available (Learned) and the number following (1 or 0) is whether or not it got a point when it was learned. If I can make it any easier to read, let me know and I'll fix it up. If it's okay, I'll follow the same rules when I do Op and Engi later tonight.

ETA: Engineer skills to level 20 are now up here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHhuQlI5amo0eEZVUTMtUlMtcEhxV Hc&hl=en_US). There will be a bit of a delay for Op since I'm rerunning one now that auto-level's been fixed for it. I'll put up what I have which is....up thru level 9 and try to put a few more miles on poor little Arrrghtwo. :)

ETA: What there is available for Operative at the moment is now viewable here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHZCRFJuVTVtUVljS0JlR3hROHk1c nc&hl=en_US).

ETA: Sorry, Phys....been a long day. :) Did you want a running total after, say, every 5 levels here? Or just a "to date" total following whatever level I'm up to on whomever on here? Or will the spreadsheets work? More coffee!

09-20-2011, 10:30 PM
The all new, auto-level-bug-free Op has been run up to 20. I should be able to start leveling Commando and Engineer again and get some more numbers up.

09-21-2011, 11:37 PM
Findings so far....

Nothing horribly exciting except:

1. Stat points seem to be consistently distributed 4-1-0: 4 points to the main stat for the char (STR for Commandos, etc.), 1 point to the secondary stat (DEX, again for Commandos) and 0 points to the "unnecessary" stat (INT in the case of Commandos). Very much contrary to many people who go straight DEX, for example. Also totally different from PL where bears were putting a fair portion of points into DEX to increase their Hit%.
2. Skill points seem to be distributed as follows: the first 4 skills learned each get a point as they are learned. When the 5th skill is learned, the 1st skill learned gets a second point. With the 6th skill learned, skill #2 gets its 2nd point and so on. By the time a char hits level 24, they've learned 10 skills total, but only the first 4 have any points in them (#1 thru 3 have 6 points each and #4 has 5). I'm assuming the next time a skill is learned, the 4th skill will top out at 6 and when the skill after that is learned, skill #5 will finally get its 1st point. It appears to be a simple progression rather than a demonstration of which skills the Devs think are most important to have (unless Wither, Force Hammer and Mind Wrack are more nifty-keen than we all thought (Mind Wrack is a decent skill, admittedly) since they all top out first).

What I'm really waiting to see is how things like Hit%, Crit and Dodge compare with my more-or-less pure chars when they get to be the same level. As it's looking now, there won't be much difference at all (comparing my 25 mostly pure INT Engie, with my level 22 auto Engie) and that's what's surprising me the most.

09-26-2011, 03:52 PM
Sorry, Single, I phrased that badly. I shouldn't have called it armor--it's the bodysuit you start with plus a level one "Surplus" weapon appropriate to your char. Went through the new tutorial a couple of times last night with a new operative, and you do indeed get a basic suit of armor now in addition to the bodysuit. You get the armor whether or not you abandon the tutorial, so look in your inventory and put it on as soon as the tutorial is over.

Weapon is indeed gone from the tutorial, so you now start with one, and there is no more opportunity to get an extra starting weapon.

I still recommend abandoning before the fight to be safe if you don't want to auto-level. If you finish the fight, you will be level two and have a skill and stat point auto-assigned.

09-26-2011, 04:21 PM
You're absolutely right. And you don't have to go very far into the tutorial and surprise! You just leveled up. :) Skill allocation is still puzzling me. It seemed like a simple progression, but my Commando, after filling up the first four skills with 6 points apiece, jumped to the sixth skill learned for placement of the next skill point. The fifth skill learned remains at zero. Still, confusion is my normal state so it's all good.

09-26-2011, 04:37 PM
You're absolutely right. And you don't have to go very far into the tutorial and surprise! You just leveled up. :) Skill allocation is still puzzling me. It seemed like a simple progression, but my Commando, after filling up the first four skills with 6 points apiece, jumped to the sixth skill learned for placement of the next skill point. The fifth skill learned remains at zero. Still, confusion is my normal state so it's all good.

Now that is pretty interesting/odd why the jump? Hmm... a player was asking for help 'how to assign points or even obtain them' )loads ignored and trolled them) in blackstar and this little adventure we took/Google* helped alot hehe

His mando was 19 and only the skills that points were going into was 1st four skills available. Explained and how to take of auto he was internally grateful :D

10-08-2011, 07:05 PM
**Late with a response** I bet he was exceedingly grateful! How frustrating to wonder why you can't allocate skill points.

Commando is now at 28. Skills went in a nice normal progression of 1 thru 4 and then allocation went back to skill 1, then skill 2 and so on until all the first four skills were at 6 points. The 25th skill point jumped over Graviton Slam and landed in Increase Mass. The next two points also gave poor GS a miss landing in Kinetic Reservoir first and then Gravity well. So, as it stands

Force Hammer 6
Neutron Stomp 6
Vigor 6
Singularity 6
Graviton Slam 0
Increase Mass 1
Kinetic Reservoir 1
Gravity Well 1
Nebula 0
Growing Rage 0
Back Breaker 0

This is how the skill set currently looks. :/ I'm curious to see if both the Engi and the Op will follow this pattern or if they will continue on the simple progression route. *continues to look utterly clueless and therefore normal*

All Classes Comparison (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dENGUUgwX1pkd0J6RUNicU5KUnoyU Xc&hl=en_US)
Commando Skills (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHJ4VlQ3UFhoMUljdUY5XzNaQkxnQ lE&hl=en_US)
Engineer Skills (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHhuQlI5amo0eEZVUTMtUlMtcEhxV Hc&hl=en_US)
Operative Skills (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au7PWz0LPYo7dHZCRFJuVTVtUVljS0JlR3hROHk1c nc&hl=en_US)

10-08-2011, 07:13 PM
Wow this is great stuff!
Btw I'm assuming you made new accounts so wanna add me:)

10-08-2011, 07:38 PM
Wow this is great stuff!
Btw I'm assuming you made new accounts so wanna add me:)

Lol! Not new; I've had them for a while and will do. :) Commando--NuclearOption, Operative Arrrrghtwo (Arrrrgh suffered badly due to Op auto-level glitch) and ArrrrghEngie (Okay, yes, I ran out of decent name ideas.).

10-08-2011, 07:44 PM
Why can't I pm you lol!?
And sorry for throwing this forum off:(

10-08-2011, 07:47 PM
N.p. I do enough derailing elsewhere. And I don't know on the PM's....I checked and my inbox isn't full, so I don't know why it isn't working. :(

10-08-2011, 07:47 PM
Pm again:) something random!

10-18-2011, 07:36 AM
Huh. Still leveling with Comm. at 29 and Op and Engie at 28. Commando is the only one that didn't do a simple skill progression and skipped right over Graviton Slam. GS continues to be the wallflower skill with 0 points. Is it an oops or part of a greater plan? Hmmm...... *ponders*

10-19-2011, 11:40 AM
According to Flip, the Commando auto-leveling is working as it should. So, for whatever reason, Graviton Slam was skipped over on purpose.

This is working as designed.

10-19-2011, 03:26 PM
So, for whatever reason, Graviton Slam was skipped over on purpose.

The autolevel builds are designed to be "generalist" builds. At this stage in the Commando autoleveling progression you already have a few skills that move enemies around. This is not to say that Graviton Slam is a bad skill (I love it!). This build gives autoleveling players a nice taste of the various Commando abilities. If they decide they want to specialize in knockdowns/knockbacks then GS is ready and waiting.

10-19-2011, 03:37 PM
Aha! Makes sense now. :) Thanks, Flip!