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View Full Version : Neon Genesis is actually a really cool guild :)

09-11-2011, 05:37 PM
It seems as though Neon Genesis has gone under the sniper scopes of some new forum posters. Truth is, Neon Genesis is the best guild I have ever been in, and not once have seen any rude or hate driven behavior in our guild.

Here are reason why I love this guild:
1. Egofury gives everyone the best gear available. He sets up occasional guild meetings and hands out to everyone sandstorm gear!
2. We are now on the leader boards because the majority of our high levels now have the best gear and we are constantly trying our best to improve.
3. We help our our new guildies by plowing through levels with our higher leveled alts, allowing us to reach higher levels faster.
4. We talk a lot in guild chat and everybody is really nice (and funny too :)

I have been in Neon Genesis since its baby days and I have seen it grow into one of the best guilds in the game. Not once have I seen Egofury be rude to ANYBODY in other guilds, nor has anybody else in the guild heard of him taking any negative actions towards other guilds.

Oh and Neon Genesis has only gone through 1 guild clean up, and only those that were not on in the past week or so and were still less than level 10 were removed. It was obvious they were not coming back.

So guys I ask you to think twice about people's accusation on this forum, and don't be afraid to ask if you can join, as Ego added me when I was only a level 3 (while he and his other officers were around 23).

If you have any questions about our guild, feel free to ask! :)

09-11-2011, 05:42 PM
I'm in this guild both level 25

09-11-2011, 05:58 PM
I have a level 25 commando everyone helps everyone level up and get gear

09-11-2011, 06:02 PM
I dont believe it dont worry :)

I'm just here trying to clear the air and answer any questions :)

09-11-2011, 06:04 PM
I've actually been Trying to get in this guild. Just don't know who to talk too. I'm sure all the people talking poop are just haters. But please may I join? My IGN is GhostFusion in SL. Pls my guild I'm in now is very inactive.

09-11-2011, 06:40 PM
I've actually been Trying to get in this guild. Just don't know who to talk too. I'm sure all the people talking poop are just haters. But please may I join? My IGN is GhostFusion in SL. Pls my guild I'm in now is very inactive.

Youre gona wanna talk to egofury. Or I can ask him for you. What's your level? Remember the higher it is the better chance youll be added :)

09-11-2011, 06:53 PM
I've actually been Trying to get in this guild. Just don't know who to talk too. I'm sure all the people talking poop are just haters. But please may I join? My IGN is GhostFusion in SL. Pls my guild I'm in now is very inactive.

Youre gona wanna talk to egofury. Or I can ask him for you. What's your level? Remember the higher it is the better chance youll be added :)
2 exp to 18. :)

09-11-2011, 07:27 PM
I'v played countless mmo's , been officers of great guild, led successful end game content as a guild leader, during my hardcore years.

From ultima online and everquest -> WOW( top 10 world wide guild "Vis Maior" in end game content as an officer and a rogue leader ) .

Now as a casual player I decide to be a follower as a star legend player. From all the leaders and officers I have met; Egofury takes the cake. Extreme kindness, generosity and Commitment are why loyalty follows.

Example like above post:
He promised gear once 25 and he delivered.

That's not all, he didn't take credit for the gear.

From his word.

"don't thank me, thank the guild for their donation" - Egofury

He invited me as a lowby, a noob. I left my previous guild for they ignored my presence due to my level. No welcome, no hi.

I'm only loyal to people who are loyal back.

09-11-2011, 07:57 PM
I haven't seen Egofury in a while, I need to contact him. Thanks.

09-11-2011, 08:31 PM
I joined neon genesis at about lvl 21 and had no idea about the gear or nothing I wanted my brother to join the guild and asked for help about it I guess I didn't know who I had to ask about getting my brother to join so I left not even 1 minute after I left egofury asked me why I left as soon as I explained the situation he asked me if I wanted back in that myself and my brother were more than welcome to join again I told him I would think about it after a day I asked him if we could join and he sent us both requests and like I said earlier I did not know about the gear but as soon as I hit lvl 25 he gave me great gear thanks in whole to the members neon genesis is by far the best guild I've ever been in and egofury never hounded me or my brother jacevanguard our loyaltie is assured WE ARE THE NEON GENESIS EMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-11-2011, 08:35 PM
egofury/egobane is a good role model for me cus i own a guild and i have to watch over 28 ppl

09-11-2011, 08:59 PM
Egofury has leadership capabilities. From my experience, you must learn to deal with the media, such as the community of SL. What I like to call the... "haterz" Z for the zing. ^_^ Anyways, overall SL is a awesome community to just enjoy, relax, and have fun. Please do note that, not only adults play PL,SL these mobile MMO'S go from 3-70ish (Let's hope not eighty and beyond..) Anyways, why spread hate towards NG? It doesn't do any good for anyone. It just causes fore flaming, and we all know the world could go on and on with flaming.

NG focuses on:
-Mature players
-Relaxing, calm, peaceful play
-Respectful members
-and just play enjoyment for all members
-Most of all, being productive

These attributes focuses on "being productive"
Benifitting any NG member

And note: I am not a NG member, though I do believe NG has other excell qualities,that other guilds need to improve on.

09-11-2011, 09:11 PM
I have nothing against Neon Genesis per se, but I thought it was a little annoying when Egofury was spamming me with guild invites every 5 seconds. Inviting everyone you see doesn't seem to be the best way to build a guild, but hey, what do I know. If the guild members are happy and having a good time, that's about all that really matters.

09-11-2011, 09:36 PM
I have nothing against Neon Genesis per se, but I thought it was a little annoying when Egofury was spamming me with guild invites every 5 seconds. Inviting everyone you see doesn't seem to be the best way to build a guild, but hey, what do I know. If the guild members are happy and having a good time, that's about all that really matters.

Only through awareness can one differentiate between fact and opinion :)

09-11-2011, 10:00 PM
2 exp to 18. :)

Ego was busy today, I think he had to cook or something haha. I'll let him know about you next time i see him online :)

09-11-2011, 10:22 PM
I've seen a lot if NG members running around in SL and wondered how good a guild it is. My main: Psionic, a level 25 Engi (with full Sunwalker set I might add :D) is in The Galactic Peacekeepers. I like our leader Skabac as well as the senior officers but I'm considering feeling out other guilds with my alt: Cybernator, level 12 Commando. Sounds like I'll have to give NG a try!

09-12-2011, 12:53 AM
When you read this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?36597-!!Beware-of-Neon-Genesis-and-their-fraudulent-leader-Egofury!!) it is obvious that many of the comments are from people who wish to harm the recent growth of NG. There are a lot of exaggerated claims that are used to do this. These claims also seem to be backed by other resonate alarmist reactions about guild ethics and what not.

I will share with you my experience being in this guild.

I was recruited into the guild at lvl 15 when I randomly joined a guild run of theirs. I received a tell that read, "Are you interested in joining a guild?" Nobody begged me to join. I said that I wasn't sure and I was told that they were very active and helped their members, so I accepted. Neon Genesis was my first guild in SL, however I've been in many guilds on other MMO's.

When I joined NG, they were not on the leader board and I didn't think I would end up staying there because I was really looking for a larger and more organized guild. I thought that I would level up and then probably leave. I didn't really plan that but from previous experience, small guilds just aren't interesting to me. As I leveled up, I found the personality of the guild to be quite enjoyable. People constantly worked together, shared gears and the higher level members had a priority on helping lower levels grow up. Before I knew it I hit 25 and we had about 20 max level characters. By the time I hit 26 we were 5th on the leader board and only 5th for commandos. I started an alt to play when not many members were online. By the time this character hit 25 (4 days later) we were 3rd overall on the leader board... That was last week and as you can see we are growing even faster. It's no surprise to me that as we are climbing into 2nd place that this thread is created.

To attest the character of egofury I will say this. He is committed and provides everything he can to his members. He has created a guild from new players that didn't even know how to play the game. He has created a guild amidst young players that lacked maturity. He has created a guild that despite any drama contains players that stick together and help each other but that also welcome anyone to the guild. When a member joins they are greeted by everyone and immediately receive help, either by leveling or donating gear.

The mass booting that mentioned in this thread is true too (never more than 10 members which is nothing considering we have 400+). However, the mass booting was of members who were less than level 10 and whom I have never seen online since joining. I have seen at least 5 active players who were booted from the guild. They all deserved it unfortunately. These people didn't understand the basic rules of a guild. Keep your drama private, don't spam the guild chat with your complaints and always carry maturity and respect within the guild and it's members. The people who were kicked were just downright annoying. The people who left on a bad note just don't understand how guilds really work or how unrealistic their expectations were. You can't expect to be constantly receiving attention when there are over 400 members in a guild. As well you can't assume that you are going to be an officer.

Ego does not promote officers so easily. First of all the officers NG has now almost never asked for the title. Ego selects his officers by observing key players who are mature, responsible and helpful members of the guild. That is still not enough, he then turns to his other officers and asks for consensus on the idea of promoting a member to the title. NG is a democratic guild not some tyranny and definitely not a fraudulent one.

About Ego exploring other guilds. As far as I know, this is true. However, it wasn't to infiltrate and "steal" members. He disbanded from NG for one afternoon, right when the update came out for PL. A lot of people were MIA on SL and obviously playing PL to check up the latest update. When he came back, he said that most guilds had been pretty quiet and that our guild seemed to be the most active... Of course we are one of the most active we are growing fast on the leader board... I imagine that he probably did talk to some players about our guild and why not invite them, our guild is kickass. However, he said that no one showed any interest to leave their guilds. He didn't come back to say damn guys I couldn't "steal" any members. NG is growing on it's own because it is a cool guild, we don't need to steal any members and we never have. A lot of our recruiting comes from friendships... And mostly recruiting comes from current members who want their other friends to be part of this guild. Why? Because this guild is actually working together and it is a lot of fun.

When people have left NG, the only comment posted in guild chat is, "they'll be back." They often do come back too, because our guild is pretty freaking awesome.

Defy, I respect you but you are crossing a line to come on here just to bash ego while other sore losers try to talk sh!t about him... Who cares about your guild and its members? Nobody is trying to break up your guild. You really did try to kick up a big fuss when you left and it was annoying listening to so much complaining in guild chat. However, the truth is that after you left guild chat was more enjoyable. I don't think you expected NG to grow so fast and I think you also expected members of NG to follow you. However, they didn't and that is because you were wrong about ego. I hope you are enjoying your new guild, I heard it's pretty good. Stop trashing Ego and get on with enjoying the game.

Anyone else unsure what to think about this thread. Think about it, a guild grows fast, of course people are going to try to defame the guild and its leader. No one even questions the originator of this thread and their motivations for starting it. Everyone easily jumps on the opportunity to put down a strong guild that threatens to be better than their own.

Yes, I just joined this forum to write this... that is because this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?36597-!!Beware-of-Neon-Genesis-and-their-fraudulent-leader-Egofury!!) is just that ridiculous and I don't think it's a fair testament to ego's character at all.

09-12-2011, 01:13 AM
This guild does rock.. ROCK \,,/ >_< \,,/ ON!!

09-12-2011, 01:13 AM
Tinkertanker, btw... ;)

09-12-2011, 01:18 AM
Well, I like and believe what you guys say about your guild. I'm new to SL (old player to PL) and I'm a causal player. I have a lvl 15 commando I'm working on and I would like to join your guild. Caberow is my IGN. So if you see me in game I would like a invite if you will have me. If your wondering what type of person I am (as in worthy to join you guild) you can read my old posts on the forums to get a feel for what kind of person I am. IMO forums posts tell a lot about what type of a person someone is.

09-12-2011, 03:19 AM
Proud member of NG!

Amazing guild with amazing members..

09-12-2011, 07:20 AM
The last thread was closed for a reason just drop the act/topic.. only goingt to cause another flame war.. and lmfaooo at people just joining forums to have a flame war.. made my day..

Straight after reading the thread I went ig and got bugged by some random from Neon Genesis who called me a Noob??? haha, made me laugh this went on for about 10-15mins moaning as they wanted to see who I was in PL and i wouldnt tell them as they acted as they were the masters of PL.. for the record I started up when android had access enough said.. as I explained to this random.

Hate stuff like this just keep it to yourselves.. or post it on your guild thats what them threads are about people read them and work out what guild they would like to be in.. not.. look at our guild were the best thread.. you have a considerable amount of players obviously you will over power other small guild in the forums if your going to join for that reason..

And yes I am in AoC the guild you guys apparently havent heard of.. though we were here since Beta and plan on staying here with a trustworthy smaller elite guild.. another you guys had a slight dig at.. speak to Ego we all know him and he knows us..

Anyway end of..

09-12-2011, 01:24 PM
The last thread was closed for a reason just drop the act/topic.. only goingt to cause another flame war.. and lmfaooo at people just joining forums to have a flame war.. made my day..

Straight after reading the thread I went ig and got bugged by some random from Neon Genesis who called me a Noob??? haha, made me laugh this went on for about 10-15mins moaning as they wanted to see who I was in PL and i wouldnt tell them as they acted as they were the masters of PL.. for the record I started up when android had access enough said.. as I explained to this random.

Hate stuff like this just keep it to yourselves.. or post it on your guild thats what them threads are about people read them and work out what guild they would like to be in.. not.. look at our guild were the best thread.. you have a considerable amount of players obviously you will over power other small guild in the forums if your going to join for that reason..

And yes I am in AoC the guild you guys apparently havent heard of.. though we were here since Beta and plan on staying here with a trustworthy smaller elite guild.. another you guys had a slight dig at.. speak to Ego we all know him and he knows us..

Anyway end of..

Thanks for stopping by BodMaster, your condescension is always appreciated :)

Here's a link to the Forum Rules (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules)

09-12-2011, 01:46 PM
Hey grats guys, you kinda came out of nowhere, and jumped up on the leaderboards, and that doesnt happen without being a well run guild. Although I'm pretty sure every successful guild hands out gear, and not just at level 25 but all the way thru the leveling process, I can say firsthand that it does significantly affect the loyalty of members, and gm's who charge their guildies money to join or hoard gear and credits to themselves end up lonely. I think the way Ego runs your guild is spot on, and it's good to hear of other guilds doing this.

Now that my compliment is out of the way, I'd just like to say, Please remind your members that this is a friendly game, with friendly competition, and there's no need for some of your more immature members to flame me for being a KoC member. I know we have the top spot on boards and all but really, I hadnt logged on SL for about a week and I come into Numa and immediately recieve a pm: "ewww KoC!", from some kid from neon genesis.

This happened 2 more times, and then I went to PL and had someone say the same kind of stuff. If you guys have a website or something maybe it would be a good idea to post a rule about flaming other guilds, as I've never had so much hate come from another guild and I don't even really know who u guys are. New content comes out in a week and the leaderboards will be wiped, as we all try to cap out our toons, and i hope between that and some warnings from your higher ranking members, I won't have to deal with such comments anymore.

It really takes away from what your guild can be capable of. Hopefully the more immature members take a page out of ego's book and keep it civil from here on out. That being said, I wish NG the best of luck and hope we can get along.

09-12-2011, 02:53 PM
I couldn't agree with you more Ebalare. If you have any screen shots of this or can name these disrespectful individuals, I'll gladly brief them on the terms of agreement before showing them the exit.

Egofury - 26 Commando

09-12-2011, 04:01 PM
The last thread was closed for a reason just drop the act/topic.. only goingt to cause another flame war.. and lmfaooo at people just joining forums to have a flame war.. made my day..

Straight after reading the thread I went ig and got bugged by some random from Neon Genesis who called me a Noob??? haha, made me laugh this went on for about 10-15mins moaning as they wanted to see who I was in PL and i wouldnt tell them as they acted as they were the masters of PL.. for the record I started up when android had access enough said.. as I explained to this random.

Hate stuff like this just keep it to yourselves.. or post it on your guild thats what them threads are about people read them and work out what guild they would like to be in.. not.. look at our guild were the best thread.. you have a considerable amount of players obviously you will over power other small guild in the forums if your going to join for that reason..

And yes I am in AoC the guild you guys apparently havent heard of.. though we were here since Beta and plan on staying here with a trustworthy smaller elite guild.. another you guys had a slight dig at.. speak to Ego we all know him and he knows us..

Anyway end of..

It's very difficult to understand what your trying to imply.

"look at our guild were the best thread"

Are you trying to imply a member posted, "we are the best guild"?
- I don't think any one from NG posted
"we are the best guild"
This thread is just to show characteristic of our fellow members and not a "we are the best guild" post
In response to a recent attack. To show our true nature. And nature of our leader. Who was falsified under being an insidious leader of hidden agenda.

"or post it on your guild thats what them threads are about people read them and work out what guild they would like to be in"

Post them in the guild? This is the guild forum. Is it not? .

You say "work out what guild they would like to be in".

If that's what they want, this is guild forum for that.

you have a considerable amount of players obviously you will over power other small guild in the forums if your going to join for that reason..

Why would we want to overpower anyone on the forum? I don't remember any post regarding overpowering a guild. Why would any one do that? That's just silly.

Straight after reading the thread I went ig and got bugged by some random from Neon Genesis who called me a Noob???

I know it's difficult to control or police everyone, especially in a large guild. The officers do work hard in keeping everyone under control. But alas not everyone can be controlled. Pics of such incident would help out, or name.

Not a flame or attack. No disrespect. I'm just trying to understand what your trying to prove or say.

Have a good day!!!

Litlnzane - 25 Engineer

09-12-2011, 04:47 PM
Your guild has more members that doesnt mean u take over the new small guilds.You already recruited my members who were formly in my guild and evolved there.You recruited them to show your power and coz of some sort of argument which you had with me.

And also you are talking about some disrespectful individuals who pm flamable words,yes i get pms from your guild members who were so sweet and freindly before the minute i left your guild and became my rivals coz of some sort of fame of sticking with a guild whos master once said me "i have been in all the guilds,they arent doing so well".

And i know there are lots of your spies in my guild as well.Next time onwards please mind your own bussiness

Defyduck--->lvl 26 Engineer


09-12-2011, 05:54 PM
Your guild has more members that doesnt mean u take over the new small guilds.You already recruited my members who were formly in my guild and evolved there.You recruited them to show your power and coz of some sort of argument which you had with me.

And also you are talking about some disrespectful individuals who pm flamable words,yes i get pms from your guild members who were so sweet and freindly before the minute i left your guild and became my rivals coz of some sort of fame of sticking with a guild whos master once said me "i have been in all the guilds,they arent doing so well".

And i know there are lots of your spies in my guild as well.Next time onwards please mind your own bussiness

Defyduck--->lvl 26 Engineer


I've always admired your enthusiasm. Thanks for stopping by Defyduck :)

Here's a link to the Forum Rules (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules)

09-12-2011, 07:13 PM
I dont believe it dont worry :)

I'm just here trying to clear the air and answer any questions :)

Thanks for stopping by BodMaster, your condescension is always appreciated :)

You may want to read them aslo :)

It says no trolling posts.. I and others feel that this is all to troll us and get us to respond.. so infact just by making this post (straight after the previous post) your members are breaking the 'rules' that you keep referring to..

Always a pleasure like you said Ego :D

09-12-2011, 07:37 PM
Let's just get along.

09-12-2011, 08:19 PM
I agree

09-13-2011, 07:56 AM
There's a difference from trolling and trying to clear our name don't you think?

09-13-2011, 11:01 AM
Defy, come on man? Seriously. I would love have an adult conversation with u but the hate for our guild has to stop. U blew up in neon and left, next thing you did was create your own guild and guess what happened next? U recruited from our guild, talked bad about ego and the guild. You personally did these tactics that you are claiming we did. You personally told every officerthey are slaves to ego. You took snodeath, puzzles, johnnyminime, all officers at the time. The only guy I ever took from your guild is slimcutr, guess what he lives in my city, we relate well and knew some of the same people. Is that wrong? No. However, your actions by trying to tear apart neon by taking players and bad mouthing ego was completely wrong and unethical,and now your standing here being a hypocrite. We dont bully small guilds, if you are a player would you rather play for a single a farm team or the new york yankees? Just common sense. When u left we had 1 26, 1!!!, Jedispartan. We were small ourselves at that time, so how are we bullyinganybody when we were small ourselves, we onlyrecruit 25+ now, i highly doubt small guilds have that much 25s. Just drop the drama, especially from someone who had the most of it and was main culprit in trying to steal from other guilds.

09-13-2011, 11:05 AM
Why Can't We Be Friends :D...


09-13-2011, 11:58 AM
Interesting fun fact, as I roam around the base selling my loot I'm usually messaged by OTHERS saying "hey can I join your guild, mine sucks."

I had not talked to them before, they; just come up to me and tell me that. So you guys might want to worry about how you treat your own guildies before you flame us for being asked if they can join.

09-13-2011, 01:34 PM
we onlyrecruit 25+ now, i highly doubt small guilds have that much 25s.

Do you know any of the small guilds as you call us? 25-26 is all we are made of.. just because NG is a big guild doesn't mean you're the only guild with high players!

Im taking this as a personal insult/dig to any other small guild like ourselves.. we are not called Elite guilds for nothing you know we have put in alot of hard gaming to get to where we are now.. not just per lvln players and giving them equip which is so easy to do in current market

We explain the mechanics along with the experience of them being able to learn the tips tricks and play so they are able to find their own play style in which they can use throughout growing within SL.. that's what makes a 1337 guild as well as other things.. you may not like the way we run our guilds.. but we are here to stay :)

Defy, come on man? Seriously. I would love have an adult conversation with u but the hate for our guild has to stop. U blew up in neon and left, next thing you did was create your own guild and guess what happened next? U recruited from our guild, talked bad about ego and the guild. You personally did these tactics that you are claiming we did. You personally told every officerthey are slaves to ego. You took snodeath, puzzles, johnnyminime, all officers at the time. The only guy I ever took from your guild is slimcutr, guess what he lives in my city, we relate well and knew some of the same people. Is that wrong? No. However, your actions by trying to tear apart neon by taking players and bad mouthing ego was completely wrong and unethical,and now your standing here being a hypocrite. We dont bully small guilds, if you are a player would you rather play for a single a farm team or the new york yankees? Just common sense. When u left we had 1 26, 1!!!, Jedispartan. We were small ourselves at that time, so how are we bullyinganybody when we were small ourselves, we onlyrecruit 25+ now, i highly doubt small guilds have that much 25s. Just drop the drama, especially from someone who had the most of it and was main culprit in trying to steal from other guilds.

Thanks for stopping by Darko, much appreciated :)

Here's a link to the Forum Rules (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules)

09-13-2011, 03:20 PM
[QUOTE=Darko;415191]we onlyrecruit 25+ now, i highly doubt small guilds have that much 25s.

Do you know any of the small guilds as you call us? 25-26 is all we are made of.. just because NG is a big guild doesn't mean you're the only guild with high players!

Im taking this as a personal insult/dig to any other small guild like ourselves.. we are not called Elite guilds for nothing you know we have put in alot of hard gaming to get to where we are now.. not just per lvln players and giving them equip which is so easy to do in current market

We explain the mechanics along with the experience of them being able to learn the tips tricks and play so they are able to find their own play style in which they can use throughout growing within SL.. that's what makes a 1337 guild as well as other things.. you may not like the way we run our guilds.. but we are here to stay :)

Your very egotistic. You speak rather secure about yourself. You accuse and persecute attack at our continued plee.

Accusing us of remarks "being the best guild". Yet here you are securing your spot with another post with an opinionated quoted "elite guild", that you easily point you belong to. You continue to falsify facts that we supposedly use on All guild as "small guild" .

Your egotistic head had gone too big. Unrecognizing your own self incompetence has lead you toward an inflated self-assessments. Your incoherent, incomprehensible sentences form paragraph made you an enemy of your own ignorance.

Your say to stop to avoid continued trolling. Yet you troll at the next post an NG makes.

You ignored my last post. I, pointing at how unclear and unreadable your post is. Yet ignored. Here's another.

Please keep ignoring for your next post will just make a fool of you and your guild. A guild you call elites.

Maturity does not evolve from seniority of a guild itself. Evolves from basic coherent sentences.

Thank you!!

Litlnzane - 25 engineer

09-13-2011, 03:25 PM
Take it from a man who knows...


Im taking this as a personal insult/dig...

Quit being a virus.

09-13-2011, 03:31 PM
Heres my two cents......ppl have free will join which ever guild they want........ peace and harmony my friends.

-First Bod please, Stop, Cease and desist, alto! don't add fuel to the flame. be respectful and helpful.....your not helping.
-Secondly Neon Genesis Peace, Love, and Prosper. :D wish you guys the best.....you dont need to hear that from me to know that :p

09-14-2011, 04:53 AM
Bod.. This game in it's current form is so easy to play I find it amusing that you think your 'leet' guild has something special. Every class has 8 skills MAX lol, get off your high horse and grow up.

09-14-2011, 09:28 AM
Bod.. This game in it's current form is so easy to play I find it amusing that you think your 'leet' guild has something special. Every class has 8 skills MAX lol, get off your high horse and grow up.

Just as I asked Bod to stop which he did, I spoke with him.....I ask for you to do the same. just drop it please.

since people are still flaming PLEASE LOCK THREAD....THANK YOU

09-14-2011, 10:04 AM
Love this guild :) ignore haters :p

09-16-2011, 12:39 AM
I'm lucky to be in a guild with so many like-minded, intelligent people. This blend of personality and humor makes the game so much more enjoyable :)

09-16-2011, 04:46 AM
hey i'd like to join but how? i hope the guild accept newbies like me but if not it's ok

09-16-2011, 12:24 PM
I was invited to this guild when I was lv 25, but my stay there makes me feel I am not part of them. I came to know guardian run will provides me the sun walker set I need. When I joined, my missing gears were only salvage claw and the pack. I began to participate in guild's guardian run since it was encouraged over the channel, FYI... I only joined them 3-4 times, and no luck in getting any of the rare items. During one of the run, ego was around, after the death of guardian, I voice out my needs, he suddenly trade me and shows me the claw I needed. My first thought was wow, is he going to give it to me? Out of goodwill, seeing that he was not carrying a gun that is a wastelander which I have, I added to the trade, little did I knew that, that gun cannot compare to the gun platinum store offers and was deemed as cheap stake item. He immediately cancelled the trade and told me off without explaining why. I was curious and did my research and after only I found out the 'why'. At one point of time, I was so desperate that I even offered to trade one items to two rare items I have, I even willingly to part my 5-6 rare items and cash for the last two gears I need. I knew they have it, however none is responding to my call. I was fortunate i'm able to trade one of the player for the claw and one lucky run to get the pack. Before I leave the guild, I thank them for inviting and told those who are online, they never help... Pardon my English.

Ign - Angelxll

09-17-2011, 02:11 AM
I was invited to this guild when I was lv 25, but my stay there makes me feel I am not part of them. I came to know guardian run will provides me the sun walker set I need. When I joined, my missing gears were only salvage claw and the pack. I began to participate in guild's guardian run since it was encouraged over the channel, FYI... I only joined them 3-4 times, and no luck in getting any of the rare items. During one of the run, ego was around, after the death of guardian, I voice out my needs, he suddenly trade me and shows me the claw I needed. My first thought was wow, is he going to give it to me? Out of goodwill, seeing that he was not carrying a gun that is a wastelander which I have, I added to the trade, little did I knew that, that gun cannot compare to the gun platinum store offers and was deemed as cheap stake item. He immediately cancelled the trade and told me off without explaining why. I was curious and did my research and after only I found out the 'why'. At one point of time, I was so desperate that I even offered to trade one items to two rare items I have, I even willingly to part my 5-6 rare items and cash for the last two gears I need. I knew they have it, however none is responding to my call. I was fortunate i'm able to trade one of the player for the claw and one lucky run to get the pack. Before I leave the guild, I thank them for inviting and told those who are online, they never help... Pardon my English.

Ign - Angelxll

I'm sorry your stay was not as pleasant as the rest. We are renown for our unique system of gear distribution, but the reason it works flawlessly is because we are all familiar with each other and have established a strong foundation of trust. Adjusting to a new environment takes time, and everyone who focuses their intent with expectations or conditionalities naturally find themselves drifting away from the current.

09-19-2011, 10:45 AM
I can see others have already started yet another flame war against Neon Genesis. I am, however, not here for that purpose. I just wanted some clarification from your guild master. Few days ago, someone posted an anti-NG hate thread. Not sure if any that was said was true, but I do remember an Egofury joining my guild for a few minutes. After he/she left, some members told me that someone was trying to get them to join Neon Genesis. Again, I'm not here to start an argument. I don't have time for that nonsense. I just want an explanation (preferably from your GM) as it did seem a little odd to me. Although I've been away from the game for a while, feel free to talk me if you see me. Likewise, you can just PM me here to avoid anymore drama. My apologies in advance if this is all misconstrued. As I'm sure some of you already know, I'm one of the more approachable players.

Wish you all the best,
IGN Dracula

09-20-2011, 05:46 AM
I can see others have already started yet another flame war against Neon Genesis. I am, however, not here for that purpose. I just wanted some clarification from your guild master. Few days ago, someone posted an anti-NG hate thread. Not sure if any that was said was true, but I do remember an Egofury joining my guild for a few minutes. After he/she left, some members told me that someone was trying to get them to join Neon Genesis. Again, I'm not here to start an argument. I don't have time for that nonsense. I just want an explanation (preferably from your GM) as it did seem a little odd to me. Although I've been away from the game for a while, feel free to talk me if you see me. Likewise, you can just PM me here to avoid anymore drama. My apologies in advance if this is all misconstrued. As I'm sure some of you already know, I'm one of the more approachable players.

Wish you all the best,
IGN Dracula

nothing new, he does that with lots of guilds and sorry to say but he makes his guildies pets with a :) , again no flame war

09-22-2011, 10:51 AM
I can see others have already started yet another flame war against Neon Genesis. I am, however, not here for that purpose. I just wanted some clarification from your guild master. Few days ago, someone posted an anti-NG hate thread. Not sure if any that was said was true, but I do remember an Egofury joining my guild for a few minutes. After he/she left, some members told me that someone was trying to get them to join Neon Genesis. Again, I'm not here to start an argument. I don't have time for that nonsense. I just want an explanation (preferably from your GM) as it did seem a little odd to me. Although I've been away from the game for a while, feel free to talk me if you see me. Likewise, you can just PM me here to avoid anymore drama. My apologies in advance if this is all misconstrued. As I'm sure some of you already know, I'm one of the more approachable players.

Wish you all the best,
IGN Dracula

I was trolling along to the AH one day when I caught wind of an incredible offer. One of your guild mates was publicly broadcasting the sale of <Landstalkers> membership cards with lifetime guarantees. I'm sure you can imagine my curiosity was peaked, so I decided to address this individual. On the trade screen was [electronic combat software] and [electronic defense software], defense being the full membership card and provided a lifetime premium of 50% off all inventory. I asked to see some of the wares to which he responded by putting up a couple scrappers at the discount price of 200c! Though I was thoroughly entertained by this, I couldn't bear watching this person embarrass himself and the mighty <Landstalkers>, so I told him it was for his own good as well as the good of the guild that he wipe the idea from his mind. Naturally, I was curious whether or not this was a guild-wide operation, so shortly afterwards, I hunted down a <Landstalkers> officer and got an invite. He was still online when it was announced that a new member had joined. He recognized me and immediately began accusing me of being a spy and threatened to utilize his officer privileges to deny me admission. Needless to say, my stay there was short-lived but it was reassuring to know that this person brought it upon himself to engage this idea, and not the entirety of the guild. I'll have to admit, that was one of the more unique experiences I've had in-game.

nothing new, he does that with lots of guilds and sorry to say but he makes his guildies pets with a :) , again no flame war

Human behavior is just fascinating, to say the least. It's amazing how bloodthirsty people get over a bit of gossip. Glad to see you're still enjoying the game Defyduck :)

09-22-2011, 04:54 PM
i know how are you inside :) , u r playing the game as if its your job it really makes me smile :), no worries wish u and your guild good luck. your guild feels like an office lol

09-22-2011, 07:50 PM
I was trolling along to the AH one day when I caught wind of an incredible offer. One of your guild mates was publicly broadcasting the sale of <Landstalkers> membership cards with lifetime guarantees. I'm sure you can imagine my curiosity was peaked, so I decided to address this individual. On the trade screen was [electronic combat software] and [electronic defense software], defense being the full membership card and provided a lifetime premium of 50% off all inventory. I asked to see some of the wares to which he responded by putting up a couple scrappers at the discount price of 200c! Though I was thoroughly entertained by this, I couldn't bear watching this person embarrass himself and the mighty <Landstalkers>, so I told him it was for his own good as well as the good of the guild that he wipe the idea from his mind. Naturally, I was curious whether or not this was a guild-wide operation, so shortly afterwards, I hunted down a <Landstalkers> officer and got an invite. He was still online when it was announced that a new member had joined. He recognized me and immediately began accusing me of being a spy and threatened to utilize his officer privileges to deny me admission. Needless to say, my stay there was short-lived but it was reassuring to know that this person brought it upon himself to engage this idea, and not the entirety of the guild. I'll have to admit, that was one of the more unique experiences I've had in-game.

That's an interesting story... But please bear in mind that I'm not from Landstalkers (hence the signature).

Also, it's unlikely that any of my current officers would act like that; I know each one very well, and with the exception of one, they are all least college graduates who are too busy to be getting into any of that edrama nonsense.

Best of Luck,

09-22-2011, 11:34 PM
Wow! I really don't understand why every post about my guild is automatically gets some kind of negative replies. I been in this guild a few weeks now and I can tell you it's a very upstanding guild. People in this guild are very respectful to each other all the time. They all help gear each other, do runs together all day and night, and are all very sociable. I have yet to find one flaw in this guild. Also I have yet to see once in Blackstar or Numa anyone say anything bad about the guild and no one from the guild acting like a fool. So for the life of me I can not understand why on the forums here people have so many bad things about the guild.

Just thought I need to say that here also.

09-26-2011, 03:09 PM
Ego and the officers of Neon Genesis put the needs of the guild before their own needs. I've seen them give up materials and epic armor to others before they themselves equipt it. Much love to all of you.

Still trying to tweak the sig, thanks Cabero for the img!

09-28-2011, 03:36 PM
Ego definitely practices what he preaches. When the last content update came out, I noticed that for the next few days, Ego spent 99% of the time in guild hall taking care of the guild while everyone else got to enjoy the new content and level up. I had just joined the guild the day before the update and after seeing that, I gotta say Ego earned my respect that day. This is a fun guild to be a part of!

10-03-2011, 11:35 AM
Ego helps a lot of ng members and not only him the others also thats why i love this guild because of its practice.. But!! I truly love this guild because of its name :):):):):) .

10-30-2011, 03:16 AM
epic guild!!