View Full Version : Worst dentist story

09-13-2011, 02:33 AM
So I have to be at the dentist tomorrow at 9:30, and I have to get some fill ins. For those of you that dont know, a fill in is where there is decaying of the tooth. They give you a shot in your gums which hurts like hell then drill and grind the heck out of your teeth.

So since I have to get all the ''FUN'', I figured I would make you all re-live your worst dentist appointmens....lol

Humor us all

09-13-2011, 02:40 AM
Wisdom teeth removal. Ouch.

09-13-2011, 02:50 AM
Lucky for me I only have 2 wisdom teeth and Doc said they dont need to be removed.

09-13-2011, 02:52 AM
Front teeth out, the were growing behind

09-13-2011, 03:15 AM

I just hate the sound...

Dentists r evil...

During a friend bday party, I ask a girl friend who was dentist the worst things she saw during practice. Actually, she was still lucky nothing extreme. But one of her partner had a nasty surprise.
His patient was a middleage woman, who had some pain after she lost a tooth some weeks ago. When he checked inside her mouth he saw some little maggots eating the rotten flesh...
yea just like in the movies...

Yummy lol...
Bon appetit,
Enjoy your food!

09-13-2011, 04:54 AM
I have had fill ins, its nothing to be scared of. They give you a shot to the gum you only feel a pinch to the gum no real pain at all. It nums the gum and the teeth and you feel no pain. When they drill down on your teeth you wont feel it, nothing to be scared of man. Just remember to start brushing your teeth daily now and you wont have this problem, oh and lay off the coke its horrible for the teeth! :)

09-13-2011, 05:16 AM
I grew up in a developing country. Dentists had no resources to give anesthesia except for very complicated work, so you wouldn't get numbed when they drilled your cavities. It always hurt and I was terribly frightened of going to the dentist.

When I came to a dentist in the US for the first time while in college, I was so scared I was shaking in the chair. He had to redo some fillings, and I remembered that they had really hurt when I had them done in middle school. But then the dentist saw I was scared and he was really nice and started joking with me ("Are you nervous? Me too! Look at my hands shaking! I'm so nervous!"). Then he gave me a shot and I never felt a thing while he worked.

I was never scared of dentists again and I'm always glad to get those shots, because I know what it would be like without them.

09-13-2011, 10:40 AM
This was about 3-4 years ago, and I had a tooth that was really really bad. I went to the dentist and she decided I needed a root canal. She said that tooth looked infected and gave me a prescription for anti-biotics to take for a week before my appointment. For some reason I never bothered to get it filled thinking it would be better to use AFTER the procedure. So the day of, she gave me a couple shots and started drilling. I had heard nightmare stories about root canals so I figured it was supposed to hurt like a mo-fo. She saw me squirming and asked if I could feel it. I said of course, and she said I was not supposed to be feeling anything. She gave me a couple more shots and tried again but I still had total feeling in my tooth. It turns out the bacteria in the tooth was blocking the Novocaine from taking effect, so she eventually had to give me 15 shots to finally numb the area after already drilling on it. Ouch!!!

09-13-2011, 06:31 PM
I remember when I was little...
I went to the dentist (scared, of course) and at the end of the "operation", as I like to call it, I threw up...LOL!

09-13-2011, 06:33 PM
Ive had part of my gums lasered off they numbed me so it was ok...And the usual cavity which you have to get numb shots for...The numb shots dont actually hurt that much...