View Full Version : Role Play

09-13-2011, 05:11 AM
Random role play xD

In the land—I mean ship... In the United Colonial Ship of Blackstar, the toons built guils. They recruited, they promoted, they grew. The time came when almost all of the toons have joined a guild.

There was no one left to recruit! D:> It was a plague!

The plague created chaos between guilds, when one would try to recruit a toon who was already in a guild. And other measures were done as well to try and further expand one's guild.

Chaos was fed. Chaos was nurished. Chaos grew.

Chaos was humanised... er... "toonised"...

The toon, Chaos, lived for death.

If only someone, anyone, could stop Chaos...

Register your:

Name: (your preferred name)

Class: (engineer, commando, or operrative)

Gender: (durrrr xD)

Picture: (your toon picture, or any picture ... xD)

Level: (would be fun if it is your real level, then you can level up in the rpg too! xD but does not have to be your real level though)

Bio: (The story of your life)

Power/s: (power of your toons and/or make up to ONE unique power only)

Weapon/s: (any weapon that is not godmoding)

Side: (note: you can skip this to have more thrill, ne. are you with tranquility, or with Chaos?)

No godmoding please xD

It's just for fun,

I might not get any responses ahahaha


My registration:

Name: Hinata
Class: engineer
Gender: female
Picture: http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g324/visored_avenger/Anime_Women/Naruto/36957de2.jpg
Level: 26
Bio: was considered a failure by her father (cheesy xD) but something made her want to prove her father wrong. so she went to Blackstar to train and become a better daughter. she promised herself to bring Chaos down. She will bring glory to the Hyuuga, and glory to her father.

Power/s: Heal, buff, Byakugan xD
Weapon/s: Scrapper (rifle)

Side: secret

11-02-2011, 06:51 AM

Preferred Weapon: Tornado Pistol/Bazooka
Image: Error: URL.Code lost
Error prompt: 01010044820101

Bio: Captain of the U.S.S. Razor. The only surivivor when the Razor was attacked by a mysterious force( the Vular). Wound up on blackstar. Since he didnt have a ship anymore he took up some missions. After one of his missions on Delta 7 he encountered the vular again. Then he swore to protect blackstar untill the theat is eliminated....

Soon later, Landerson joined the Hyuuga clan to get proper training. There he met the master: Hinata. Landerson joined Hinata on her quest and Hinata joined him on his....

Hobbies: Likes sharp objects. Master star fighter. Engineer. Commander. Going in Heavy Duty.

///:;;|||\\\\\ Prior to the Razors Dissaperance: Unknown


Power: Duel
( Pulls out energy sword at last moment to finish the enemy off )

11-02-2011, 06:56 AM
Isn't it only one power >_<

11-04-2011, 11:35 PM
i can't see ur picture 8[>)

11-04-2011, 11:55 PM
Register your:

Name: (your preferred name)Kyuubiguy

Class: (engineer, commando, or operrative)Commando

Gender: (durrrr xD)unkown

Picture: (your toon picture, or any picture ... xD)http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x343/phoenixarmada13/7ddf56a8.jpgrawr where my cookie O.o :O ehehe yeah going naruto

Level: (would be fun if it is your real level, then you can level up in the rpg too! xD but does not have to be your real level though)36

Bio: (The story of your life)because he seperated from the...(ill keep the name secret CODENAME TIME!!) guy...he moved toa new clan called the TTT or theres tailed terror and has been made that he..guy seperated from him and is on a rampage to kill him and feel pleasure of never having the chance of joining its sort of dimwitted at times but it is more powerful then phoenixking (amazing ^^)

Power/s: (power of your toons and/or make up to ONE unique power only)tailed bomb; armor anddamage buff and long swipes

Weapon/s: (any weapon that is not godmoding)a giant tail blaster

Side: (note: you can skip this to have more thrill, ne. are you with tranquility, or with Chaos?)chaos

godmoding please xD

11-05-2011, 12:21 AM
Name: Quiwundi

Gender: male

Class: engineer


Picture: http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd457/legofreak94/8499570d.jpg

Power: reveal (reveals his true identity)

Likes: things that go boom, heavy weapons, melee weapons.

Dislikes: sniper rifles, long range weopons, people who spell his name quiwundi instead of Quiwundi.

11-05-2011, 12:36 AM
Name: cpl arthes "scoop"

Class: operative

Gender: male

Level: ....

Bio: the only survivor of the "cleansing" of his home planet. Arthes shares a deep hatred for Tranquility and Chaos, Chaos for massacring his peaceful race and Tranquillity for leaving his race to die. Arthes now scours the universe, searching for high priority targets on both sides, making them feel the pain his race felt in it's final moments, and now Arthes has finally located Hinata, daughter of the leader of the guild Hyuuga, a force fighting against Chaos. Only problem is, this helps Tranquility....

Absorb: silently kills any target and take their form
Blur: increase his speed and evasion
Sympathetic anguish: can jump to enemies
Neural shock: causes extreme headaches
Psychic lash: traps enemy where they stand

Weapon/s: dks11-sniper rifle, hkm .55 revolver

Hobbies: killing, assaulting, scrapbooking(JK), Sharpshooting

Side: fighting against both


11-05-2011, 01:29 AM
Name: Zenith
Class: Operative
Gender: Genderless
Bio: Zenith is an operative who volunteered for an experiment which would drastically increase his power, but unfortunately it went wrong. It left him with slightly stronger powers, but mostly they were the powers of Tranquillity, when the operative had been a servant of Chaos. It also transformed him into a genderless entity. The process damaged Zenith's mind, so it sought revenge.

Flames of Insanity
Mind Wrack
Raze (summons a meteorite to deal AOE damage to where it hits the ground)
Weapon: Zenith relies on its powers to fight, but will throw bolts of light as a standard attack.
Side: its own.

11-05-2011, 05:43 AM
Isn't it only one power >_<

the powers r the ones that your SL toons have, and if u want, u can have an additional unique power. only one unique power though.

Welcome Lander, Phoenix, Hands, Xscoop, Thechair! xD

(ok, let me practice my English )

UCS News Break.

Another attack has been sighted near the US outpost in Planet Numa.
Investigations are currently being made by the Colonial Ship Devs.
It was believed that the main target was Blackstar.

A few toons were severely injured, but the resident engineers were quick to heal.

As of now, information are being kept classified by the Devs.

"Do not panick, residents of Blackstar. We are doing our best to keep everyone safe and sound." Said the Public Relations Officer to UCS News.

Stay tuned for future coverage-

After the news break ended, Hinata went straight to Planet Numa. This is surely to be one of Chaos' doings. She immediately thought.

Upon arriving to Planet Numa, a sea of toons was what met her eyes. The place was over crowded! Although, Hinata could still smell the odor of sticky plasma grenades, mixed with a weird odor.

She sent a message to Landerson about the accident in Numa. As she finished contacting her co-officer, she noticed some peculiar figures in the sea of toons.

Edit: ahhaaha Phoenix, u r now narutoking x[)

Edit: lol Phoenix, did u deliberately removed "no" from "no godmoding please xD"

Yes! Hands, we r both engi xD

Xscoop, scrappbooking is a nice hobby ahahah x[)

Thechair, ur pic reminds me of the ops in SL xD nice one, buddy!

11-05-2011, 03:05 PM
Upon hearing news of the numa prime outbreak, arthes quickly travelled there, knowing that some high profile chaos members my be there

Arthes quickly pushed away the panicked crowed, not knowing he just passed Hinata, the target he was looking for.

Upon reaching the entrance to the quarantined area, Arthes quickly killed and absorbed one of the hazmat operators.

Arthes than proceeded to enter the quarantined area in search of the truth of his race's demise and for the men behind it

After about a hour and a half of waking, ignoring the horrible mutated animals and plants, Arthes came upon the entrance to a cave with a Chaos grunt in front, taking a smoke

Arthes quickly killed him and absorbed his body and than entered the cave. What he saw took his breath away.

11-07-2011, 01:01 AM
Zenith ignored the yells of the people thronging around it, sweeping aside those who wouldn't move. Upon seeing a yellow-armoured figure kill a hazmat trooper, Zenith accelerated. Unfortunately, the crowd was too thick for it, and it couldn't catch up. Zenith followed the figure, noting its transformation into the thing it had just killed, but dismissing it.
Zenith found the lack of monsters strange as it followed, but saw something Arthes hadn't. It saw a large green tank, hopelessly primitive compared to modern tanks, rumbling towards it. Zenith, uncaring, glided past the tank and followed the hazmat-suited figure in the distance. A shell grazed Zenith, nearly tearing off one of it's wings. It grasped its shoulder in pain, and fled the scene. Zenith crashed outside a cave, in a patch of boulders. It lifted its head over the rocks and saw a Chaos soldier.

11-09-2011, 04:01 AM
Arthes heard a cry of pain, passing it off as a animals fighting with one another, he was much to engaged with his finding than petty animal nosies.

There, laying on the table as clear as day was a Chaos holo-disk. Arthes always fantasized about finding a Chaos or Tranquility holo-disk and now his wish came true. "just think of all the data!" Arthes told himself "every-single Chaos base, outpost or even camp on the planet!" but more importantly the location of every Chaos VIP.
Just as Arthes was about to leave with his loot he saw a strange almost abstract figure sitting behind a rock. Arthes saw what he thought was blood coming out of the creatures shoulder, a colorful and vivid pool of colors.
Arthes slowly started to approach the creature and upon further observing, Arthes recognized the creature from the news. A horrible experiment on some poor chap turned him into a winged walking rainbow. Arthes also noticed a Chaos solider near by the rock the creature was hiding from and figured no shame in helping, took his rifle and aimed his gun at the soldiers head *pop!*

11-09-2011, 12:03 PM
Zenith looked curiously at the man who was staring at it. He looked vaguely like a Chaos soldier. Zenith ignored this - far more interesting was the Chaos holodisk in his grasp. It reached out - and hissed in pain, withdrawing its arm. It twisted its head round and glared at the injured wing. Meditating on this, Zenith self-healed. When it looked up, the man was still stood there. Zenith made a "come-hither" gesture and reached towards the man.

11-09-2011, 12:23 PM
Watching the entire episode from behind a large rock, Qui cautiously remove his chainsaw blade from across his back. He move stealthily forwards, when he gets close enough he grabs zenith from behind and decapitates him with a viroblade. He then proceeds to slash arthes with his chainsaw but before he can grab the disk he is smashed against a rock by a shadowy figure....

11-10-2011, 12:37 AM
OC note: Godmodding!
Zenith reached behind it and flicked the chainsaw out of the man behind it's hands. There were advantages to mysterious people who approached you carrying holodisks wearing reflective armour, one being that you could see other mysterious people sneaking up on you from behind. Zenith examined the chainsaw, then spun round and raised it over his head, preparing to strike its attacker down.

11-10-2011, 02:03 AM
Arthes shot the weapon out of zenith's hand.
Arthes also began shooting at the creature that tackled Qui but it fled before Arthes could kill it.
After staring for a decent amount of time, Arthes asked "what are you two doing out here?"

11-12-2011, 12:34 AM
Zenith looked slightly shocked. "Why should I tell you?" it shrugged. Then it looked even more shocked. "You would have let me die, wouldn't you?"

11-12-2011, 12:39 AM
"Depends" Arthes answered

"If you have a good explanation for following me I'll let you let you frolic away, but if not, than there's gonna be one happy scavenger."

11-12-2011, 05:46 PM
THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!!! said a voice behind them

11-12-2011, 05:50 PM
Omg....it's teh dreaded annoying member in your team. Quick think of a reason to kick besides meow!

11-13-2011, 02:15 AM
"Of course I have an excellent reason for stalking you, and you'd want to know what I found out anyway."
Zenith looked very superior. "I want revenge."

11-13-2011, 10:35 AM
Epic music begins playing, when suddenly, No no! Stop that stop that!

11-13-2011, 01:48 PM
Arthes ignored the dramatic music
"revenge? What I ev-"
"ok" said a little voice
"now than, revenge? What I ever to you?"

11-14-2011, 12:16 AM
Zenith looked amused. "Why would I want vengeance against you? No, I want vengeance against the people who did this to me." it indicates its whole body. "Furthermore, I have a mystery on my hands. A rather large, primitive green tank attacked me earlier. It nearly severed one of my wings." Zenith knelt down and drew a crude picture of the tank on the dirt. "That's what it looked like, but you would have thought Chaos or Tranquillity forces could at least afford a modern nuclear hovertank. So, it's very mysterious."

11-15-2011, 10:32 PM
"Maybe theres been count backs" Arthes answered humorously,
"maybe someone used a time machine and brought it back. Or maybe," Arthes said in a serious voice "or maybe there is a militia planning on fighting against both sides, or even tranquility or chaos are making war machines so titanic and heavy not even nuclear hover tech couldn't lift it. It's all Greek to me."

11-16-2011, 12:14 AM
Zenith looked at Arthes like he was an idiot. "Well, you'd think if it was too titanic and heavy for hover fields then it would at least fire lasers or so on. This tank fired shells. Shells propelled by gunpowder. Which to my mind suggests someone more...primitive. If there is a militia, then this'd be the sort of tech they could afford."

11-16-2011, 09:01 PM
"Hey I don't decide what tranquillity or chaos use, also even if it was a militia, armor like that couldn't even stand up to a tranquility operative, let alone a hover tank" Arthes replied "it's probably just a silly rebellion or something like-"
All of a sounded there was a sound, sounded like a column of metal wheels being pushes along the ground
Arthes turned around to see what it was. There was a flash of green followed by a explosion sending Arthes through the air and knocking him unconscious on a nearby rock

11-16-2011, 10:40 PM
Awesome!!! Qui yelled, my ride is here!!! Quiwundi grabbed the disk and hopped into the tank, it spun around and dissapered.

11-17-2011, 12:43 AM
Zenith looked baffled. It thought for a bit, then turned to the unconscious Arthes. It lifted him, and propped him up, before trying to figure out how to get his helmet off to see the damage. It figured this out, and upon removing the helmet saw Arthes' head was bleeding, and his hair was matted with blood. Seeing this, Zenith unceremoniously picked its maybe-ally up and sped along Numa Prime's surface, heading for the UC base's hospital. As it flew, it considered the armoured figure who had appeared out of nowhere and stolen the even more mysterious tank. It mentally classed him as "POSSIBLE THREAT" and then ascended slightly higher so it could look for tanks.

11-17-2011, 10:13 AM
Arthes slowly began waking up, and than a sudden realization that he was flying above the ground fully awoke him.
"where's the holo-disk?" he asked zenith

11-18-2011, 03:07 PM
Zenith looked worried, and shushed Arthes. It carefully held him in one hand, and pointed at his belt. "I wouldn't steal it. I'm taking you back to my ship, Hope Springs Eternal. It's got a decent medical support centre. We can figure out where we're going while you get better." Zenith paused, hovering in mid-air. "Unless you'd rather not form an alliance."

11-18-2011, 09:02 PM
"Well talk about that later! Now drop me!" Arthes replied
"if a tranquility medic sees me, they'll be wondering what I am and I'll end up like you! Ehh, no offense. Still just drop me , my armor is strong enough to withstand the fall, if we hurry we can find the tank treads, And m-- I mean our holo-disk "buddy"

11-19-2011, 02:10 AM
Zenith glared at Arthes. "In case you were unaware, your head is leaking blood like a punctured dam." It put one hand over his injury, then lifted it. It came away slick with blood. "You need medical help, and fast, and also I don't fancy hanging around on Numa any longer than I need to. You have the holodisk. Are you delirious?" Zenith plucked it out of Arthes' belt and waved it in front of his face. It replaced the disk. "And yeah, I could drop you...but even if your armour withstands the fall, you're leaking blood. You'll make it ten times worse. And a Tranquillity medic wouldn't look up. They're busy on the ground." Zenith sighed. "Just tell me. What do you have against me?"

11-19-2011, 02:49 AM
"I--You--" Arthes studded
"friends are a causality. Last time a became friends with someone they were killed, I was sent into a depression which I eventually broke out of but I don't want re-experience that. I really appreciate what your doing but, ugh fine I'll stick with you but remember this, WE ARE ALLIES NOT FRIENDS, period." Arthes stared determined. "if you can bring me back to your ship I can crack this disk, and you can too get your revenge, Deal?"

11-19-2011, 08:34 AM
"Acceptable terms. I too have experienced what you did." Zenith gestured at it's body with its free hand. "It resulted in this. Now, we have spent too long speaking. My revenge is paramount. I also wish to crack that disk-" it paused, and sighed. "We need to get you healed too. That wound looks bad." Done speaking, Zenith went back to holding Arthes in both arms and leant forward. It spoke into its wrist. "Descend to 1 mile, Ship." It set off flying quite fast.

11-19-2011, 04:47 PM
When the pair reached the ship Arthes injected his leg with a stimpack
"I'll go to the infirmary, you go shrank this disk" Arthes took his helmet back and began limping towards the infirmary. Once there Arthes began parching himself up. "I'm a operative, not a engineer." Arthes thought to himself. He sprayed the wound with a anti bacterial spray and began bandaging the gash when he remembered, his helmet as a built in camera. He could see what attacked him. The recording showed a man taking the holo-disk off of Arthes and putting back a new one, which was followed by the man climbing back into
The tank. Arthes was puzzled than he relied, the disk a trap

11-20-2011, 02:58 AM
OC note: PAHAHAHAHA, I'm a doctor not an engineer!

Zenith swung itself into a chair, and activated the ship's sensors. Targeting its wounded guest, it saw him review the helmet footage. It saw the disk swap, and asked the ship to Displace the disk into a secure storage area. A silver ovoid materialised around the disk, and then *pop* it was gone. As Zenith would have expected, Arthes leapt to his feet and began looking around.