View Full Version : Nuri's Hallows minimum level is 54? Why is it not 2 levels below like other zones?

09-13-2011, 07:02 PM
Every other zone you can enter 2 below the listed level, but Nuri's is saying I must be 54 and will not let me walk in at 53. The listed level is 55-60 so a level 53 should be able to enter. For example, I started Oasis 1 at 33, Oasis 2 at 38, Oasis 3 at level 43, and Sewer at level 48. The minimum levels I was told were always 2 below the ones listed on the world map, so why does Nuri's list as 55 bit will not let a level 53 walk in?

I can still host the first zone at 53, though. That's working as expected.


The deafening background music seems to be fixed now, and I went to Nuri's for the first time since that one time when it launched and couldn't stand it. I'm happy so say, no headache anymore! But there's still two sets of background musics playing, though. The regular music and a lesser version of the old deafening music. Eh, I can live with it but just letting you guys know it doesn't seem to be totally fixed.

Thank you though STS, this is better than before.

09-13-2011, 07:09 PM
Now that I think of it...

09-14-2011, 10:15 AM
Hello? Nobody cares to give a meaningful reply? This is bugged. I should be able to walk in.

09-14-2011, 10:17 AM
Hmm, walking in must be bugged, since I am certain that I saw a 53 in an open game I hosted yesterday. Joining is fine?

09-14-2011, 10:20 AM
I checked for games to join, typed in Nuri on the left, then got nothing except the town and Madness which is weird since I thought it had to be unlocked. Just noticed I wasn't being allowed to walk in but could host so here we are.


09-14-2011, 10:25 AM
I think its a good change 53's tend to die alot or try to stay in the back of the group at nuris

09-14-2011, 10:51 AM
Get on it and level up to 54! :D

I think the issue was that the old level cap was 56, so two less is 54.

09-14-2011, 01:34 PM
So then it isn't really a bug Sam? Then list the zone as 56-60 instead of 55-60 on world map? Otherwise it's misleading. Guess I'll have to make do with hosting at 53, unless that's the real bug here. Or play Sewer for another level. Whichever.

And Flickz, you obviously haven't played with me. I know how to avoid deaths, unless it's that drain debuff.

09-14-2011, 01:41 PM
So then it isn't really a bug Sam? Then list the zone as 56-60 instead of 55-60 on world map? Otherwise it's misleading. Guess I'll have to make do with hosting at 53, unless that's the real bug here. Or play Sewer for another level. Whichever.

And Flickz, you obviously haven't played with me. I know how to avoid deaths, unless it's that drain debuff. I was just speaking my opinion. Lv 53's would be alot more help to players in the sewers then at nuris IMO

09-14-2011, 01:47 PM
Your opinion is biased, and therefore elitist. Go play with somebody before you call them a burden to the team. It's people like you who boot with reason "sewers" probably. Seriously.

Unless you can show me a non-four-digit death count for your main, your opinion is not only biased and elitist, but also meaningless.

09-14-2011, 02:16 PM
Numa prime is the same way on sl. And it's not elitist at 53 you would be better off in sewers. I've had my 57 catch flack for being too low. The difference in gear is fairly extreme damage wise. My advice take your free daily elixir and level up to 54 and if you want to run nuri use portals don't join random games as you are likely to get booted

09-14-2011, 02:42 PM
Lol a 57 booted? Now THAT'S elitist. 57 is well within the level of the campaign.

I never join a hosted game unless it's by somebody I know, and the whole point of this thread is that the portals won't let a 53 in.

What do you mean gear difference? I ain't throwing out like 3m I don't have on Sewer gear I will only use for 5 levels now. I have a full Shadow set I worked hard farming money in Sewer to be able to afford it and I only ever die if the bear dies or the party is just terrible. Most likely going to even be wearing it at 60 until I either get a set or just get gear that's outright better without a set bonus.

I've had it up to here with Sewer. I used to be a locked 52 farmer so I've had it with that place and have had just about enough of it. It seems only the portal is messed up, and I can join games if I type in Nuri in the Campaign field, after all.

I really think there's a bug here. Either the joining/hosting is messed up, or the portal is.

09-14-2011, 03:05 PM
Lol a 57 booted? Now THAT'S elitist. 57 is well within the level of the campaign.

I never join a hosted game unless it's by somebody I know, and the whole point of this thread is that the portals won't let a 53 in.

What do you mean gear difference? I ain't throwing out like 3m I don't have on Sewer gear I will only use for 5 levels now. I have a full Shadow set I worked hard farming money in Sewer to be able to afford it and I only ever die if the bear dies or the party is just terrible. Most likely going to even be wearing it at 60 until I either get a set or just get gear that's outright better without a set bonus.

I've had it up to here with Sewer. I used to be a locked 52 farmer so I've had it with that place and have had just about enough of it. It seems only the portal is messed up, and I can join games if I type in Nuri in the Campaign field, after all.

I really think there's a bug here. Either the joining/hosting is messed up, or the portal is.
It's working just like sl is with numa prime and good luck using a shadow set in nuri

09-14-2011, 03:12 PM
What its doing the messed up level listing and join for Numa too?

What's wrong with Shadow in Nuri? It hasn't let me down yet, unless we all died, and it's not like I can afford to get a 55 set. I'm stuck with it until I can get something better.

Suentous PO
09-14-2011, 03:23 PM
I found myself dropped into nuris when I was a 53, when I used the "continue" button at the start of logging in. That was when I was unable to walk into the portal, & got the must be 54 even if I was just there.
Also met a lot of boottrolls. Heh

09-14-2011, 03:38 PM
Listen, it doesnt take that long to get from 53 to 54. If you are that eager to get into Nuri's, then join a pug.

As for all the elitest comments, unless your booted for the reason "You are a 53 in Shadow gear," then you can't use that reference. I have had several 53's in my public games and not booted a single one.

09-14-2011, 04:17 PM
Your opinion is biased, and therefore elitist. Go play with somebody before you call them a burden to the team. It's people like you who boot with reason "sewers" probably. Seriously.

Unless you can show me a non-four-digit death count for your main, your opinion is not only biased and elitist, but also meaningless.

Ok, first to say, I have around 26500 kills/ 520 deaths on my lvl 59 bear (soon 60)

Next, 53's can't help as much as higher levels. That's just the way it is. Higher levels are stronger than lower levels because, mainly, the gear.

And, in Nuri Hallows, whether you are good at not dying or not doesn't matter that much. The creeps do much more damage (150-200 without armour elixir) and unless you don't help much, you're going to die sometimes. I've gotten almost 100 deaths there (ugh). I've run with some VERY good people and everyone dies. Unless you have the 40 plat elixir. In that case, you have much less chance of dying as you have 4x armour. But sometimes you still die when you get hit by a mob.

Finally, if you haven't leveled to 54 by this time, that's just complaining. If you have, good.

(PS: The shadow set is worth more than any level 55 set at the moment because the prices all dropped dramatically. If you want to sell the set, you could buy one or maybe two sets.)

09-14-2011, 05:54 PM
Sam has already gotten to me about the bias post. And it was directed specifically at Flickz, who said lower levels die a lot. I asked him about his deaths, not anybody else. Forget it guys.

Second of all, I've been busy so I'm still 53.

Now what's this about booting in public games? Of course you haven't booted in public games, because you can't. Maybe we're not clear on public game definition. I meant a non-hosted game.

Guys, I'm absolutely tired of Sewer. I've been in there from March to July with dedicated 52 farming teams before I took a break to play SL. About half my deaths (I've got around 500) are from trap crits farming 51 items, so that should give you an idea of how long I was at it. I'm seriously fed up with Sewer. :(

Oh and if I sell my Shadow, what will I wear? Why get a 55 set if it's only for 5 levels? Is it such a big deal? How much of a difference is somebody using Shadow to somebody using Enchanted? I know for a fact I can't afford a 60 set. Maybe I should make an Enchanted and wait for 60 prices to stabilize a bit? Mount Fang will bring new items remember.

The point of the thread BTW, was to bring to the Devs attention the inconsistency. You can host and join at 53, but can't walk in until 54. It should either be all 54 or all 53, not some and some. The thread is about a weird bug, remember? Let's not get off topic here please.

09-14-2011, 06:58 PM
What its doing the messed up level listing and join for Numa too?

What's wrong with Shadow in Nuri? It hasn't let me down yet, unless we all died, and it's not like I can afford to get a 55 set. I'm stuck with it until I can get something better.
No it's working correctly prior level cap was 56. 56-2 is 54

09-14-2011, 07:43 PM
Except it is listing as 55-60 on the world map, and letting me host/join at 53.

But no, it's not a bug. Every zone lists the previous one's highest recommended level as it's lower level.

Forest Haven: 1-10
Dark Forest: 10-15
Balefort: 15-20
Fathom Crypt/Sand Cave: 20-25
Lost Expedition: 25-30
Skeleller/Swamp: 30-35
Oasis 1: 35-40
Oasis 2: 40-45
Oasis 3: 45-50 (Shadow Cave is 50-50 but the content is even hard for 55s)
Sewer: 50-55
Nuri: 55-60

They all do that, and the hardcore level is not counted. The recommended highest level of the previous campaign is the recommended starting level of the next campaign

The actual bug here is that Nuri is indeed 55-60, and isn't letting level 53 walk in as it's supposed to.

09-15-2011, 01:33 AM
Except it is listing as 55-60 on the world map, and letting me host/join at 53.

But no, it's not a bug. Every zone lists the previous one's highest recommended level as it's lower level.

Forest Haven: 1-10
Dark Forest: 10-15
Balefort: 15-20
Fathom Crypt/Sand Cave: 20-25
Lost Expedition: 25-30
Skeleller/Swamp: 30-35
Oasis 1: 35-40
Oasis 2: 40-45
Oasis 3: 45-50 (Shadow Cave is 50-50 but the content is even hard for 55s)
Sewer: 50-55
Nuri: 55-60

They all do that, and the hardcore level is not counted. The recommended highest level of the previous campaign is the recommended starting level of the next campaign

The actual bug here is that Nuri is indeed 55-60, and isn't letting level 53 walk in as it's supposed to.
Indeed it may be bugged but the time you spent posting about you could have already leveled to 54 buddy. Additionally in sl the hard core level was counted for numa shows levels 21-26 not 20-25. As it was first time we had an expansion after the elite level it makes a good point of reference

09-15-2011, 09:17 AM
Sam has already gotten to me about the bias post. And it was directed specifically at Flickz, who said lower levels die a lot. I asked him about his deaths, not anybody else. Forget it guys.

Second of all, I've been busy so I'm still 53.

Now what's this about booting in public games? Of course you haven't booted in public games, because you can't. Maybe we're not clear on public game definition. I meant a non-hosted game.

Guys, I'm absolutely tired of Sewer. I've been in there from March to July with dedicated 52 farming teams before I took a break to play SL. About half my deaths (I've got around 500) are from trap crits farming 51 items, so that should give you an idea of how long I was at it. I'm seriously fed up with Sewer. :(

Oh and if I sell my Shadow, what will I wear? Why get a 55 set if it's only for 5 levels? Is it such a big deal? How much of a difference is somebody using Shadow to somebody using Enchanted? I know for a fact I can't afford a 60 set. Maybe I should make an Enchanted and wait for 60 prices to stabilize a bit? Mount Fang will bring new items remember.

The point of the thread BTW, was to bring to the Devs attention the inconsistency. You can host and join at 53, but can't walk in until 54. It should either be all 54 or all 53, not some and some. The thread is about a weird bug, remember? Let's not get off topic here please.

Firstly, I prefer mm over enchanted because of the better mana regen.

Mt. Fang won't come out until months later.

Secondly, it's actually a pretty significant difference. It's like comparing custom to auto-crossbow glyph set.

Lastly, If you have the time to post these long replies, GET TO 54 ALREADY!

09-15-2011, 10:24 AM
I played SL and slept last night. Oh, and having a life > games. :)

And yes Kraze, the SL levels are different. I think they migrated that SL code from Numa/Sloucho so it's acting like SL and saying Nuri is 56-60, so either bugged display or bugged internally. Even with the SL numbers being 26-30, I could join/host Sloucho at 23. They really need to make up their minds.

09-15-2011, 12:16 PM
I played SL and slept last night. Oh, and having a life > games. :)

And yes Kraze, the SL levels are different. I think they migrated that SL code from Numa/Sloucho so it's acting like SL and saying Nuri is 56-60, so either bugged display or bugged internally. Even with the SL numbers being 26-30, I could join/host Sloucho at 23. They really need to make up their minds.
I agree some clarification would be great and I can't believe I'm posting this some space between content would be nice I got a week of sl then pl update two weeks of pl and sl updates so instead of playing both I have to pick one and run with it. It's a shame but it is what it is

09-15-2011, 12:46 PM
It makes sense that this would be a lvl 56-61 map the lvls are usually in expansions of 5 lvls.. In general peeps who know new maps are coming grind exp so they meet the min requirments of coming expansion, we without question are given ample warning, several made the grind to 56 before expansion and with the high exp to meet that lvl, meeting the lvl 54 requirment is a cake walk :)

09-15-2011, 01:20 PM
The maps are pretty tough with out pots if you don't have the good hear. Having a slightly higher level req. is probably a good thing.

09-15-2011, 05:06 PM
They never really list the hardcore level in PL, but it seems to be acting like a 56-60 zone for walk-ins and 55-60 for join/host. SL did but it seems to only a display thing as Kraze said and Numa/Sloucho lets you walk in a level before it says (I can at least confirm Sloucho let me join at 23 but walk in still said 24 required). I wish the level brackets were clarified better.

I've got pots but I'm not exactly a walking bank lol.

09-15-2011, 05:14 PM
1. It wasnt that serious
2. Im not an elitist or whatever you said im level 58
3. The point wasnt that you would die alot its that you wouldnt do much damage and if you do alot then you would die if you dont belive me you will see at lv 54

09-15-2011, 11:12 PM
Um do you not know what elitist means? It means a person who thinks they're above others. In this case you think people below x level with x equips die a lot just because you've seen it happen to others and don't want me in Nuri. I. Don't. Die. A. Lot. Period. Please don't assume that this is true for absolutely everybody.

I will see it at 53 not 54. If you haven't been paying attention, the portal is bugged and doesn't let me walk into a level 55 zone at 53, but I can host and join as expected, because the world map properly lists it as 55 and allows join/host at 53.

And you still haven't told me your death count?

09-16-2011, 09:03 AM
Sorry for not knowin what that means pl is my first mmo and ive only been playing for a few months. Im pretty sure im not an elitist i dont boot i dont have the good equips and the most gold ive ever had was a mill and that was from selling strongmans plates but anyways i have 829 deaths on my first guy at lv 58 bird and 6 deaths on my lv 35 bear

09-16-2011, 10:14 AM
That's alright. Good to see you don't boot if the person is contributing but is lower level. Do try to keep your bird under 1k deaths. :)