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08-09-2016, 03:26 PM
I think dodge will never work effective if there's no accuracy indicator on base stat.

What do u think?

08-09-2016, 09:17 PM
Dodge doesn't work in PvP anyways, only for PvE.

08-09-2016, 09:34 PM
Dodge doesn't work in PvP anyways, only for PvE.

Are you sure dodge doesn't work in pvp?

Yap if you are saying is true then need a bug fix to ensure that dodge never dodge auto attacks in pvp. Please.

08-09-2016, 09:41 PM
Dodge doesn't work in PvP anyways, only for PvE.

Are you certain of that? I thought that auto attacks and certain types of stuns or other effects could be dodged in PvP.

08-09-2016, 09:41 PM
Are you sure dodge doesn't work in pvp?

Yap if you are saying is true then need a bug fix to ensure that dodge never dodge auto attacks in pvp. Please.

It only works for auto attack and pets. So, really, not all that useful.

Are you certain of that? I thought that auto attacks and certain types of stuns or other effects could be dodged in PvP.

Should've clarified, sorry. Stuns cannot be dodged. Auto attacks & pet attacks can be, but that's not really all that useful...Skills cannot be dodged, or other effects in PvP. What effects would you be referring to specifically? Just so I can verify.

08-09-2016, 09:50 PM
When I m dueling rogues, rogues dodge my 2 out of 3 attacks. And you know what will happen if rogues cannot dodge it. Maybe useless for someone but how much important role it plays sometime people can't see it.

as Zeus mentioned it's useless stat. Why not nullify this dodge stat in pvp. Do you agree?

08-09-2016, 09:57 PM
When I m dueling rogues, rogues dodge my 2 out of 3 attacks. And you know what will happen if rogues cannot dodge it. Maybe useless for someone but how much important role it plays sometime people can't see it.

as Zeus mentioned it's useless stat. Why not nullify this dodge stat in pvp. Do you agree?

It is useless in the sense that it is nerfed in PvP just how freeze is nerfed to only slow. Go check out their other games. DPS was able to survive because rogues could dodge skills in their other games. It is also useless in the sense that no rogue would ever seek to increase their dodge over another more favorable stat.

Does dodge help? Sure. I never said that it didn't. However, it's not nearly as useful as other stats rogue have. It was nerfed in the same way a sorcerer's freeze and root skills were nerfed.

Let's not play naive. :D

08-09-2016, 10:14 PM
dodge work anywhere.. not too much in pvp but it works,. my combos sometimes meaningless because of that dodge, and that is Fb and ice. well thats how it is, rouge got damage, crit, razor shield, mid armor and mid XP, dps, and most of the rouges wants more of those, damn im mage and its really pain in the *ss, but i dont complain, thats where the challenge kick in, but pls dont ask for more or else mage got fried as always and become toasted more if that happened,

08-09-2016, 10:19 PM
dodge work anywhere.. not too much in pvp but it works,. my combos sometimes meaningless because of that dodge, and that is Fb and ice. well thats how it is, rouge got damage, crit, razor shield, mid armor and mid XP, dps, and most of the rouges wants more of those, damn im mage and its really pain in the *ss, but i dont complain, thats where the challenge kick in, but pls dont ask for more or else mage got fried as always and become toasted more if that happened,

Rogues cannot dodge skills. If your skills are not doing damage, then that is because you fired them while being out of range.

08-09-2016, 10:20 PM
Should've clarified, sorry. Stuns cannot be dodged. Auto attacks & pet attacks can be, but that's not really all that useful...Skills cannot be dodged, or other effects in PvP. What effects would you be referring to specifically? Just so I can verify.

Things that are not certain. Like when something says "has a chance to stun" or "has a chance to reduce armor". I believe dodge plays into that equation and a player with higher dodge would have a lower chance of being affected by such procs.

08-09-2016, 10:23 PM
Things that are not certain. Like when something says "has a chance to stun" or "has a chance to reduce armor". I believe dodge plays into that equation and a player with higher dodge would have a lower chance of being affected by such procs.

No, that doesn't. It's actually been proven before. If an attack is dodged, then dodge will be written above the rogue's head. If you want, we can do a test on that. The only thing would be that dodge indirectly reduces proc chance, because if you miss an auto attack on a weapon that requires a target to proc, then effectively you miss the proc too.

08-10-2016, 03:00 AM
- Dodge still play a role in pvp and pve,comparing with root and freeze is not fair,since root (clock) and freeze (frost bolt) complety have no place in pvp bfore masteries came into the game.

- Agile/crit class used to be count on dodge for survivability,so it will be nice if sts find a way to make dodge bit more usefull for rog.

- Accuracy already exist in game I believe,but just don't have clear rate. It called hit chance. We don't know how much accuracy/hit chance we have atm.

- Accuracy/hit chance also work as dodge oppsite. Like dodge work by a chance accuracy also work like that.

- Agile class I've know is hard to hit not hard to kill (many ppl may think that rog is not hard to kill already atm,that's why I think they need to be hard to hit)

- And if it's true dodge is that useless,why not completly erased dodge on base stat. And make rog more depend on amor or hp?

I just don't get it why when many ppl asking for more hp/mana/armor but no one asking about make dodge work better. Which is I believed that stat is supposed to be main part of class survivability beside hp and armor.

08-10-2016, 04:10 AM
With the recent 200% damage buff to bows and guns , dodge can come in some handy. Also im pretty you can dodge procs and some pet aa's ( correct me if im wrong )

08-10-2016, 04:24 AM
I believe all attack skills has 100% hit rate totally bypassing dodge, dodge works only on normal attacks and pet

08-10-2016, 05:25 AM
I believe all attack skills has 100% hit rate totally bypassing dodge, dodge works only on normal attacks and pet
Could it be that 100% skills hit rate is the problem? Or bcoz AL style are too much rely on skills?

I just think if dodge work better that's will help rogs fella for survivability. That's why I think bout accuracy.

08-10-2016, 05:30 AM
You can't dodge player skills in PvP.

Auto attack and pet attacks can be dodged, but who uses auto attack as a legitimate way to deal damage in PvP? The answer to that question renders high dodge stats useless.

In PvE, you can dodge mob attacks (since most of them use auto attacks) but having 100% dodge doesn't mean you will dodge 100% of those auto attacks. This also applies in PvP. If i remember correctly, a developer mentioned that dodge is not a % in this game so I wonder why its still shown as such.

All of those who have played other MMOrpg's will know for sure that rogues are meant to have the natural ability beyond others to dodge skill attacks alongside being a DPS class because:

They are made of glass, therefore easily breakable/killable (as addressed by the developers here).

The dodge they hold doesn't make their class broken because it works as a way to apply some bubble wrap around the glass. They are still killable, just not in the same way as being a target that can be erased at will if we all decide to keep making jumps on them.

It allows them to survive long enough in a team to make their DPS something more than a title.

But if dodge were to be introduced as a % in this game, some things may have to change:

*Reducing survivability stats of rogues, i.e. health and armor.

*Reducing the dodge of other classes.

*Creating more usable dodge based gear (dodge based gear without ridiculous tradeoffs).

I don't think it would hurt to try this out anyway. We can all be assured that the right decision was taken to not introduce dodge as a % since the beginning of this game after a field test.

08-10-2016, 06:04 AM
With the recent 200% damage buff to bows and guns , dodge can come in some handy. Also im pretty you can dodge procs and some pet aa's ( correct me if im wrong )

Yes u right... Some ppl already mentioned it. But most rogs think dodge didn't help enough for survivability (which is I believed that's true),that's bcoz attacking skills have 100% hit chance and ppl only use normal attack in purposed to triger gears proc not for kill enemies.

08-10-2016, 06:09 AM
It's need formula to make dodge and accuracy work together (which is also apply for skills),I don't have capability to calculate that,dev/mod side no doubt have more capability to do that. I just share my opinion here.

My opinion AL need accuracy/hit chance on base stat,since we have no clue about how much accuracy/hit chance we have but on other case there's a skill can debuff hit chance (Fireball last upgrade for example debuff hit chance 25% if I'm not wrong). Let's say if we got debuff 25% hit chance,but we've no idea about 25% from what/how much.

I believed that accuracy/hit chance have connection with dodge.