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View Full Version : Questions about farming

08-11-2016, 06:00 PM
Where is the best place to farm:
A. Steels
B. Voodoo
C. Shiv
Also, what are their any specific elixirs I should buy to farm these items?

Magic Sword
08-11-2016, 06:25 PM
I believe voodoo is best farmed in bayou bash map
If u mean the glyphic blade steels I think best chances are the plat map of nuri, it used to have better chances with str build and classy looter elixir

Suentous PO
08-11-2016, 07:51 PM
Sir Sword is correct on those maps. If you mean the swampy shiv it's in the same place as the voodoo, but due to their undesirability it's easy to find one in cs.
One thing to add about farming the steels is that you do not want any type of luck reroll because they are an orange rarity it's easy to reroll and get a "better" (not really) green drop.
The trick used to be get combo elix (not daily or blessing) and delete the luck from whatever combo you use. Also you must use a lv60+ for it to drop.

08-14-2016, 02:23 AM
Shivering is in nightmare somewhere, decent drop rates.

Voodoo and all that in boss brawl, refer here