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View Full Version : Tutorial Suggestion

09-15-2011, 12:00 PM
I posted this in the update's patch notes, but I'd really suggest changing back to the original tutorial. The new one, while shorter, leaves out opening chests, learning how to equip weapons and gear and the character inventory is now completely unavailable during the tutorial giving only an "Exit" button that kicks you out to the "Change Character" screen. Some of the instructions have been shortened too much. For example, previously the tutorial explained that portals could transport you to different levels and also to different areas entirely. Now all it says is, "Walk to the portal to continue". I thought the older version was much more informative, especially with the "Pro-Tips" that, other than the "Keep an eye out for quest NPCs" one at the very end, are now missing entirely.

09-15-2011, 12:13 PM
I agree, my main pet peeve was the fact that you cannot access the avatar screen to disable auto level without quitting the tutorial, meaning that level 2's skill and stats are predetermined for you. I was a bit upset at the fact that this happened to me after I decided to invest in a premium character (4 plat to rectify the situation, which I am currently reluctant to spend). I made a thread about it HERE (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?37002-Auto-leveling-issue), I also used your "Guide to Auto-levelling" as a point of reference. Hope you don't mind; I'll remove the link if you do.

09-15-2011, 12:57 PM
Of course not! Use away in any way that helps. :) And I agree that it'd be nice in either the new tutorial or if the old one was brought back if access to your avatar was allowed instead of just the inventory (in the old tutorial). Possibly the other screens like "Skills" and the like could be labeled like the "Inventory" screen was in the old tutorial showing what skill points are, how to add points to them and how to map them. Those that like to poke all the buttons would get some additional info. Those that don't likely wouldn't be interested anyway, so no harm if they don't see it. And it would also allow players to choose whether or not to disable auto-level early on.

09-15-2011, 10:57 PM
I agree with everything you say Can.

I just ran the new tutorial and hate it. It seems longer than the original, but easier. Harry doesn't auto agro you when you walk in.

The menu was usable the whole time though. I just hit the menu key and there it was. Maybe it is a device difference?

09-15-2011, 11:20 PM
Which device are you using, Bron? I'm on an iPad and all I got was the big "Exit" button. *puzzled*

09-16-2011, 10:23 AM
I'm on a My Touch 4g (Android) and was able to hit the menu key even during the scene where the character is shown for the first time. Sounds like iOS indeed can't disable auto leveling until the end of the tutorial if that's the case. I think its a device difference definitely, and needs to be looked at.

I'm also not seeing any floating Exit button like you describe, either. The gear/chat/quick chat doesn't show up until after the tutorial for me, but I can hit the physical menu key to open the menu anytime.

I found a bug though. If you open menu before you press Continue for the first prompt from the "robot guide", the door will not blow up and you can't exit the room to talk to Hana without restarting the tutorial.

09-16-2011, 11:24 AM
This is all I get when I hit the menu button. ETA: D'oh! Already ably reported by Gluttony. :)


09-16-2011, 12:03 PM
Haven't seen that. I get the full screen menu with character picture and stats. The gear really doesn't do anything for you until after the tutorial?

09-16-2011, 12:08 PM
Nope, just the Exit button. :( And that takes you clear out to the "Change Character" screen.

09-16-2011, 12:11 PM
That's horrible! I wonder how many iOS people without plat have been scarred by this?

Just checked again. I also can't access the gear until after the first fight, and it also gives me just Exit like you. Fortunately Android has a working physical menu button which can be used during the tutorial. I'm sure lots on Android are scarred by this too, because the tutorial doesn't even say you can use the menu key and people who have one have to guess that it should be used immediately to turn off auto leveling.

As I said, the menu is available to us as early as the camera pan from feet to legs, but if I press it anytime before the robot welcomes the player the door won't blow up. Must wait to use the menu until after Continue is pressed.

I bought a fifth slot for both SL and PL a while back to test stuff like this or for a second mule, and it sure came in handy.

Hope this was helpful to you. I try to be helpful. :)

09-16-2011, 12:37 PM
And you are! Thank you! :) I always wonder what people see on the other devices. I use my iPod occasionally to get a feel for what it's like to play on a phone with the tiny screen. (And how you guys do that, I don't know. My hats off to your determination!)

09-16-2011, 03:25 PM
You're welcome. I'm just used to it I suppose. Probably would never go back to playing on a phone if I got a tablet and had the WiFi. Too bad Android doesn't have built in screens, and you need to hack it to get that ability. I can do without, but sometimes it grates me.

So apparently this is an iOS only bug. Wonder if the Devs will notice it in Suggestions.