View Full Version : Slotting a DOT pet in AA slot

08-12-2016, 02:28 PM
So I bought a pet with a DoT type aa and decided to slot it into my pets AA slots. But.....the pool......it does no dmg...at all. I tried this with other pets with similar AAs. Nothing. I also noticed something similar with snappys shield when I slotted it in one of my pets it was useless heck I dueled my friend and their pet destroyed that shield. So the reason for making this thread was to find out whether this was intended or if this will be corrected in the near future.
Thank you.

IGN: Mustang

08-12-2016, 02:33 PM
Pool damage may be tied to pet lvl where you slot it in.

Snappy shield is useless and being broken by brackenrige mobs from the beginning

08-12-2016, 02:41 PM
if you could post which DoT pets you tried and had this happen with, and what pets you inserted them into, it would give both the devs and other players a chance to see if they can replicate the problem.

Also what level the pets and your toon are would be good to know. Is it happening in pve also, or just pvp?

For a bug like this, more detailed information is always better.


08-12-2016, 11:34 PM
if you could post which DoT pets you tried and had this happen with, and what pets you inserted them into, it would give both the devs and other players a chance to see if they can replicate the problem.

Also what level the pets and your toon are would be good to know. Is it happening in pve also, or just pvp?

For a bug like this, more detailed information is always better.


Whoops my bad. I first bought a Korruption and slotted it in my Fritters AA slot (my fritters is the max level of my twink which is lvl 18) and tested if the AA would do dmg in bards daily quest. Didnt do dmg. So I went to brakenridge and tried this due to how easy the mobs were and still no DOT with the AA. I vsed my friend to see if the mana drain and health regen stopper worked, and they did just it didn't do any DoT. After a while I put Korruption on my main and slotted it in toor since my toor is 56, and I encountered the same problem. I repeated this process with a Nilbog egg and I got the same results not DoT but the other abilities of the AA work. Thus I came to the conclusion some Arcane abilities that are based on the pet level don't scale up to the level of the pet they have been slotted in, because I noticed something similar with a snappy I bought once and slotted in in my toor. Hope these are enough details [emoji16]

IGN: Mustang

08-13-2016, 01:42 AM
I agree with you only some of the pet abilities seems to functional

08-13-2016, 02:13 AM
MMM, is korruption aa damaging? worried about it, I think it just mana burn, and prevent HoT.

08-13-2016, 02:48 AM
MMM, is korruption aa damaging? worried about it, I think it just mana burn, and prevent HoT.
Yeah thats all it does when you slot it in another pet.

IGN: Mustang

08-18-2016, 06:52 AM
this needs to be addressed...

also wondering why some aa is (allegedly) designed to be half-working when slotted to another pet (kelvin's stun, swift freeze, maridos self-buff, etc) and why the other are fully working.
such inconsistencies. imo it should be all working 100% or all not working 100%.

08-18-2016, 12:11 PM
Hey guys,

Korruption's AA doesn't deal damage, even if you have a Korruption with no eggs slotted. So the reason you're not seeing damage when you slot the ability is because it's never trying to deal damage.

If you do feel other pet abilities are not working when slotted, please let us know in the bugs section of the forum, and we'll check them out!


08-18-2016, 01:51 PM
Hey guys,

Korruption's AA doesn't deal damage, even if you have a Korruption with no eggs slotted. So the reason you're not seeing damage when you slot the ability is because it's never trying to deal damage.

If you do feel other pet abilities are not working when slotted, please let us know in the bugs section of the forum, and we'll check them out!


So what are those numbers that pop up yellowish/red when inside kors aoe? Is that the mana drain?

08-18-2016, 01:57 PM
So what are those numbers that pop up yellowish/red when inside kors aoe? Is that the mana drain?

I believe so, and for a rogue and warrior its deadly, mainly for rogs because we have no shield and if we are stunned inside korrs aa it drains our mana conpletely causing us to really do no damage and die because no health support.

08-20-2016, 01:48 AM
Hey guys,

Korruption's AA doesn't deal damage, even if you have a Korruption with no eggs slotted. So the reason you're not seeing damage when you slot the ability is because it's never trying to deal damage.

If you do feel other pet abilities are not working when slotted, please let us know in the bugs section of the forum, and we'll check them out!


Nilbog's AA does damage, but not when slotted.