View Full Version : Less ground effects please

08-16-2016, 12:49 AM

In designing future pets and weapon procs can you go easy on ground effects because they might interfere with the visibility of red warning zone? Last night I was in a random party fighting Jadis with me using a Nilbog, a mage using arcane weapon that creates gauzy red circles, another mage that used level 46 arcane staff, and a rogue using Korruption. The combined ground effects plus Jadis red zones and yellow circles started to look like a rainbow cake batter gone wrong. Add to that Jadis mud patches that are so pale you could easily miss it and step on it to die, revive, die again. So in future maybe tone down the colorful effects, or provide option to exclude ally proc effect. Thanks.

08-16-2016, 08:29 AM
even multiple attack effect from nekros, mages' new guns, and sns already enough to make me harder to look at those red zones...

i think dev should start to seriously think about this, and make something like standardization of the coloring, e.g. ally's buffing lingering aoe as light blue, ally's debuffing/damaging aoe as light red, buff and debuff as light yellow, and enemy's debuffing aoe as red, etc. and this coloring should be applied to the edge of the aoe, while the center/fill color should be toned down, and possibly a quick popup text to differentiate the source effect, and fading effect to describe the lingering time left.

and aside from that, an aoe effect that doesn't have lingering (staying on the location) effect should be toned down, like nekro's, mishi's fireball, and mage's new gun, and warning for red zone should take #1 priority out of all effects, because how important and how life-threatening they are.

08-21-2016, 07:58 AM
+1, or at least an option in the settings to disable them