View Full Version : Chest bug

08-18-2016, 04:43 AM
Around when u added the skip button for crafting/chests my game started skipping down the list of chests when I open them. So it often opens a chest i did not intend for it to open. It has happened many times and Im getting tired of being ripped or having to go slow so i dont open the wrong one.

08-18-2016, 01:36 PM
I don't get what you exactly mean, but if it's in the chest section when you want to open several chests of the same type and the cursor/highlighted box hops from e.g banded golden chest to a lower invisble chest of another category and thus you accidentally open chests that you didn't mean to open, then yes, pls STS fix that. If I intend opening a bunch of chests I expect the cursor to move down one after another and not hopping down to the next category to a chest/item that isn't even in the visible field. This doesn't happen in the crafting item category, when I delete water jewels the cursor doesn't hop anywhere else but moves to the next jewel underneath the one I deleted. So it should be possible to finally fix that in the chest section, too. I remember having reported that at least twice and if I am not mistaken this happens as long as I play this game.

08-20-2016, 01:03 PM
Just now I was cleaning my inventory and opening chests and guess what happened? I accidentally opened a jewel elixir because of that stupid hopping cursor, I didn't even see that the jewel elixir was highlighted. This is really annoying and so uneccessary.

08-22-2016, 05:13 AM
Yes my cursor hops down the chest list and opens things I don't even know it opened. I've never had this problem until a few months ago. It really sucks.